Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

As a cinephile who has spent countless hours immersed in the world of cinema, I find it fascinating to observe how Tom Hanks‘ characters have evolved over the years and how they resonate with audiences. Each of these iconic lines encapsulates a unique aspect of Tom Hanks’ acting prowess – from the hilarious self-deprecation in “Sleepless in Seattle” to the profound wisdom in “Joe Versus the Volcano”.

As a die-hard cinema enthusiast, let me express my admiration for the unparalleled queens of romantic comedies like Julia, Sandra, and Reese. Yet, it’s not to say that there isn’t space for a king in this realm. Enter Tom Hanks, the man who has been delighting audiences with laughter and warmth for decades through his enchanting romantic comedies. He even shared the screen with another rom-com queen extraordinaire, Meg Ryan.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“It Was A Million Tiny Little Things That, When You Added Them All Up, They Meant We Were Supposed To Be Together, And I Knew It. I Knew It The First Time I Touched Her. It Was Like Coming Home, Only To No Home I’d Ever Known. I Was Just Taking Her Hand To Help Her Out Of A Car And I Knew It. It Was Like Magic.” – Sleepless In Seattle

1993’s film “Sleepless in Seattle,” directed by Nora Ephron, features Tom Hanks as a mourning architect whose son tries to find a new partner for him through a radio show. One particularly emotional scene from the movie occurs when Hanks’ character reminisces about meeting his late wife Maggie for the first time.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“I Think You Have The Gift For It. That Was A Perfect Blend Of Poetry And Meanness.” – You’ve Got Mail

One of the best tropes in the rom-com genre is the enemies-to-lovers dynamic, and the chemistry between Tom Hanks’ Joe Fox and Meg Ryan’s Kathleen Kelly in You’ve Got Mail is a textbook example. Well before they fall for each other, the banter between the rival bookstore owners is deliciously barbed, as in one scene where Kathleen manages to drop the perfect insult against Joe.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“I Saw The Moon When We Were Out There In The Ocean, Shining Down On Everything. I’ve Been Miserable For So Long, Years Of My Life Wasted, Afraid. Been a Long Time Coming Here To Meet You, A Long Time, On a Crooked Road. Did I Ever Tell You? The First Time I Saw You, I Felt Like I’d Seen You Before.” – Joe Versus the Volcano

Under the direction of John Patrick Shanley, the 1990 film “Joe Versus the Volcano” marked the initial on-screen partnership between Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. This movie has gained a devoted fanbase due to its spirited zaniness and endearing charm. Notably, Hanks’s character declares his love just before he leaps into a fiery tropical volcano, which serves as a testament to the film’s unique appeal.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“I Don’t Understand. All My Life I’ve Been Waiting For Someone And When I Find Her, She’s…She’s A Fish!” – Splash

As a gamer diving into Ron Howard’s enchantingly titled production, Splash, I found myself in the shoes of Allen Bauer, a character played by Tom Hanks. In the whirlwind of love, I became smitten with a woman shrouded in mystery (Daryl Hannah), unbeknownst to me that she hid a secret as deep as the ocean – she was a mermaid. Interestingly, despite his eventual leading role, Tom initially auditioned for a part different from Allen in the 1984 film.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“Don’t You Love New York In The Fall? It Makes Me Wanna Buy School Supplies. I Would Send You A Bouquet Of Newly Sharpened Pencils If I Knew Your Name And Address.” – You’ve Got Mail

Among all its scenic, captivating autumnal views of New York City, accompanied by the enchanting Cranberries soundtrack, the movie “You’ve Got Mail,” directed by Nora Ephron, is one of our favorite films to watch during fall. In fact, if we could, we’d gift it a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“It’s A Glow-In-The-Dark Compass Ring. So You Don’t Get Lost.” – Big

While the idea of a grown woman dating someone who appears to be a thirty-something, but is actually a 12-year-old boy, might seem somewhat uncomfortable on the surface, the romantic relationship between Josh Baskin (Hanks) and Susan Lawrence (Elizabeth Perkins) in the 1988 comedy film Big has a number of sweet and innocent moments that make it more endearing than creepy.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“Kevin, This Woman Is The Most Adorable Creature I’ve Ever Been In Contact With, And If She Turns Out Even To Be As Good-Looking As A Mailbox, I’d Be Crazy Not To Turn My Life Upside Down And Marry Her.” – You’ve Got Mail

In the movie “You’ve Got Mail,” Joe Fox and Kathleen Kelly don’t experience love at first sight, but rather love at their initial online interaction. Tom Hanks’ character is unaware that Meg Ryan is the one behind the computer screen, yet he finds himself smitten from the very beginning of their digital conversations.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“I’m Not Looking For A Mail-Order Bride. I Just Want Somebody I Can Have A Decent Conversation With Over Dinner Without It Falling Down Into Weepy Tears Over Some Movie!” – Sleepless In Seattle

Interestingly contrasting, given its title, the movie “Sleepless in Seattle” often stirs up emotional responses within viewers, particularly when depicting Tom Hanks’ character Sam Baldwin struggling to cope with his wife’s passing. (Fun fact: When he needs a good cry, Sam chooses “The Dirty Dozen,” with Trini Lopez’s music.)

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“You Say You Are Waiting For Something. And I Say To You, ‘Yes, Yes. We All Wait’…You. I Wait For You.” – The Terminal

In the event that you find yourself stranded for months at John F. Kennedy Airport because of governmental limitations, there could be a silver lining: you might just fall in love with Catherine Zeta-Jones while waiting – if your character is similar to Viktor Navorski from Steven Spielberg’s 2004 film “The Terminal”. In the movie, Tom Hanks’s character, Viktor, wins over Amelia, a flight attendant for United Airlines, during his extended stay at JFK.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“Hey, You Want To Bump Into Me On, Say, Saturday Around Lunchtime? Over There?” – You’ve Got Mail

The large bookstore chain was about to drive the small, quaint Shop Around the Corner out of business, but the character Joe Fox from You’ve Got Mail managed to captivate Kathleen Kelly with his charm, personality, and a few clever lines, eventually winning her heart in the end.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“What Is ‘Tiramisu’?…Some Woman Is Gonna Want Me To Do It To Her And I’m Not Gonna Know What It Is!” – Sleepless In Seattle

Any work penned by the late, brilliant Nora Ephron, who Hanks has commended for her unique perspective, is sprinkled with delightful bits of wit, as evidenced in the entire “tiramisu” scene from Sleepless in Seattle. After being away from dating for some time, Tom Hanks’s character, a recently widowed man, worries that “tiramisu” is a modern intimacy ritual he’s unaware of, instead of a tasty Italian dessert.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

 “Oh, No, She’s Beautiful, But She’s A Pill.” – You’ve Got Mail

Even though they spend much of You’ve Got Mail butting heads, Joe Fox (Tom Hanks) can still concede to his gym mate Kevin (Dave Chappelle) that his bookstore rival Kathleen Kelly has considerable charms. How could he not? She’s played by Meg Ryan, for crying out loud!

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“I Love You, Too! I’ve Never Been In Love With Anybody Before, Either! It’s Great! I’m Glad! But The Timing Stinks. I’ve Gotta Go!” – Joe Versus the Volcano

In many romantic comedies, poor timing poses a significant challenge for characters. However, the timing faced by Joe Banks was exceptionally unfortunate: after receiving a diagnosis of an incurable condition known as a “brain cloud,” he agreed to allow a wealthy industrialist named Samuel Graynamore (Lloyd Bridges) to finance the rest of his life on one condition – that Joe would jump into a volcano within 20 days. Yet, it’s important to note that Joe had not yet developed feelings for Patricia (Meg Ryan) at this point!

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“I Never Did. I Mean, The Whole Idea Of An Afterlife…But Now, I Don’t Know. ‘Cause I Have These Dreams. About Your Mom. And We Have These Long Talks About You And How You’re Doing, Which She Sort Of Knows, But I Tell Her Anyway. So What Is That? That’s Sort Of An Afterlife, Isn’t It?” – Sleepless in Seattle

In a heartfelt moment from the movie “Sleepless in Seattle”, young Jonah (Ross Malinger) queries his father Sam about his beliefs regarding heaven and life after death. This question resonates deeply since Jonah’s mother had recently passed away, making it a particularly poignant topic. Sam’s response offers a heartfelt reflection on grief, a theme seldom delved into in romantic comedies.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“Wouldn’t It Be Wonderful If I Could Pass All My Zingers To You? And Then I Would Never Behave Badly And You Could Behave Badly All The Time, And We’d Both Be Happy.” – You’ve Got Mail

A significant portion of Joe Fox and Kathleen Kelly’s relationship in the movie “You’ve Got Mail” is conducted through their online personas, “NY152” and “Shopgirl.” Remarkably, they haven’t met each other in reality, yet their digital conversations delve into profound depths, such as when they explore the hidden, bitter aspects of themselves, which can be likened to opening the Pandora’s box.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“Don’t You Think I Know That, Frank? Don’t You Think I Am Aware There Is A Woman Here? I Can Smell Her, Like, Like A Flower. I Can Taste Her, Like Sugar On My Tongue. When I’m 20 Feet Away I Can Hear The Fabric Of Her Dress When She Moves In Her Chair!” – Joe Versus the Volcano

In the movie “Joe Versus the Volcano,” Meg Ryan portrays three distinct characters, one of whom is DeDe, a coworker of our main character Joe. Unlike Joe, who dramatically resigns when informed he has just a few months left to live, and also expresses his deep-seated feelings about DeDe, as well as the poor office coffee, in an unguarded moment.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“I Don’t Ask For Much. I Don’t Ask To Be Rich, And I Don’t Ask To Be Famous, And I Don’t Ask To Play Center Field For The New York Yankees. I Just Want To Meet A Woman, And I Want To Fall In Love, And I Want To Get Married, And I Want To Have A Kid, And I Want To Go See Him Be A Tooth In The School Play!” – Splash

In the movie “Splash,” Allen initially has straightforward life goals. However, when he encounters and falls for a woman who is not an ordinary human but a magical mermaid resembling the stunning Daryl Hannah, his simple objectives become intricate due to the extraordinary nature of this mermaid, who had previously saved him from drowning as a child.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

 “I Am Not Going To New York To Meet Some Woman Who Could Be A Crazy, Sick Lunatic. Didn’t You See ‘Fatal Attraction?’” – Sleepless In Seattle

In romantic comedies, you often find over-the-top romantic actions that seem unrealistic to everyday folks, making them even funnier. Interestingly, Tom Hanks’s character in “Sleepless in Seattle” criticizes this very trope, despite the film showcasing one of the most iconic grand gestures within the genre itself.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“I Came Home Tonight And Got Into The Elevator To Go To My Apartment. An Hour Later, I Got Out Of The Elevator, And Brinkley And I Moved Out. Suddenly, Everything Had Become Clear. It’s A Long Story, Full Of The Personal Details We Avoid So Carefully. Let Me Just Say There Was A Man Sitting In The Elevator With Me Who Knew Exactly What He Wanted, And I Found Myself Wishing I Were As Lucky As He.” – Youve Got Mail

As a gaming enthusiast, if you’ve watched “You’ve Got Mail”, you’d know that Tom Hanks’ character, Joe Fox, was destined for Meg Ryan’s Kathleen Kelly. However, in the classic rom-com style, they both get tangled up in other relationships first. For Joe, his moment of clarity about his shallow and self-centered girlfriend Patricia Eden (Parker Posey) arrives unexpectedly during a chance ride in an elevator.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“You, don’t chit. She’s a nice girl. She won’t take your chitting.” – The Terminal

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but notice that the endearing banter between Tom Hanks’ character, Viktor Navorski, and Catherine Zeta-Jones’ Amelia Warren in The Terminal isn’t the only love story this movie offers. Diego Luna portrays Enrique Cruz, the airport’s food service deliverer who secretly pines for immigration officer Dolores Torres, played by Zoe Saldana. In one amusing moment, a somewhat stern Viktor advises Enrique to steer clear of any “chit,” or dishonest flirtation, with his crush.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“I’m Gonna Get Out Of Bed Every Morning…Breathe In And Out All Day Long. Then After A While, I Won’t Have To Remind Myself To Get Out Of Bed Every Morning And Breathe In And Out. And Then After A While, I Won’t Have To Think About How I Had It Great And Perfect For A While.” – Sleepless In Seattle

In the heartwarming movie “Sleepless in Seattle,” I found myself captivated by Annie, played by Meg Ryan, and her circle of friends, who were equally smitten by the romantic tale of Sam (Tom Hanks) and his late spouse Maggie. During a radio talk show, Sam shared his poignant experiences with grief following Maggie’s passing. When inquired about the possibility of loving again, he offered an emotional response that resonated deeply.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“Oh, Madison. All The Time We Were Together, You Always Knew How I Was Feeling. Can’t You Tell Now?” – Splash

In some romantic comedies, they playfully explore relationship deal-breakers – traits or circumstances that might instantly eliminate a prospective date. However, in the movie “Splash”, it’s noteworthy that when Tom Hank’s character, Allen, learns that Daryl Hannah’s character, Madison, is actually a mermaid, this extraordinary revelation doesn’t automatically cause him to stop loving her.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“How Can You Forgive This Guy For Standing You Up And Not Forgive Me For This Tiny Little Thing Of Putting You Out Of Business? Oh, How I Wish You Would.” – You’ve Got Mail

In a notable moment from the movie “You’ve Got Mail,” Meg Ryan’s character, “Shopgirl,” and Tom Hanks’s character, “NY152,” arrange to meet in person, but there’s a mix-up – Joe Fox, the individual behind NY152, does appear, but Kathleen is unaware that her cherished pen pal is also her fierce bookstore competitor. Fortunately, by the third act, when she discovers the truth, Kathleen pardons Joe for both instances of deception.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“You Know, Horace Was Right About You, Guy; You Are The Smart One. Lenny Is The Fool, Jimmy Is The Talent, And Faye Is…Well, Now, Faye Is Special, Isn’t She? And You Are The Smart One. That’s What I Think, Anyway.” – That Thing You Do!

1996’s beloved film “That Thing You Do!” offers a blend of music, humor, and romance rather than the typical romantic comedy formula. Throughout the movie, the budding romance between drummer Guy (played by Tom Everett Scott) and costume mistress Faye (portrayed by Liv Tyler) is noticeable, with their connection being astutely recognized by The Wonders’ band manager Mr. White, skillfully played by Tom Hanks.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“I Could Never Be Sith someone Who Likes Joni Mitchell. ‘It’s Clouds Illusions I Recall, I Really Don’t Know Clouds At All.’ What Does That Mean? Is She A Pilot? Is She Taking Flying Lessons? It Must Be A Metaphor For Something, But I Don’t Know What It Is.” – You’ve Got Mail

As a fervent admirer, I must say that some of the most enchanting moments in “You’ve Got Mail” for me are the heartfelt email exchanges between Joe Fox (Tom Hanks) and Kathleen Kelly (Meg Ryan), reminiscent of whispered conversations over Joni Mitchell’s melodies. It’s fascinating to note that this legendary folk artist has graced numerous film soundtracks, including a poignant moment in “Love Actually” where Emma Thompson’s character finds solace in Mitchell’s music during difficult times.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“Amelia, Would You Like An Eat To Bite?” – The Terminal

Viktor Navorski, hailing from Krakozhia, isn’t fully proficient in English upon being held up at JFK airport for extended periods. Yet, his persistent attempts to ask his admiration, flight attendant Amelia (Catherine Zeta-Jones), out for dinner become even more endearing as he tirelessly rehearses his words.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“I Would Have Asked For Your Number, And I Wouldn’t Have Been Able To Wait 24 Hours Before Calling You Up And Saying, ‘Hey, How About – Oh, How About Some Coffee Or, You Know, Drinks Or Dinner Or A Movie…For As Long As We Both Shall Live?'” – You’ve Got Mail

At the end of “You’ve Got Mail”, Joe Fox (Tom Hanks) muses wistfully, pondering what might have transpired if he hadn’t been the owner of Fox Books and Kathleen Kelly (Meg Ryan) hadn’t managed The Shop Around the Corner. Instead, if they had simply crossed paths. He tells her that their only source of conflict would be deciding which movie to rent on a Saturday night.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“So How’s My Butt?…Is It Cute, Though?” – Sleepless In Seattle

In the movie “Sleepless in Seattle”, Jay, played by Rob Reiner, dispenses plenty of dating advice to his friend Sam, portrayed by Tom Hanks. During one conversation, Jay humorously states that women are attracted to muscular chests and a good-looking behind. This statement leaves Sam feeling rather self-conscious about the attractiveness of his own backside.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“Pride And Prejudice.  I Bet You Read That Book Every Year. I Bet You Just Love That… Mr. Darcy, And Your Sentimental Heart Beats Widely At The Thought That He And…Well, You Know, Whatever Her Name Is, Are Truly, Honestly Going To End Up Together.” – You’ve Got Mail

It’s plausible that Joe Fox (Tom Hanks), the proprietor of Fox Books, accurately presumed Kathleen Kelly (Meg Ryan)’s fondness for Jane Austen’s timeless romance, “Pride and Prejudice”. However, it seems like his understanding of literature, as evidenced by his school days in Lit 101, could have been more thorough.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“Dear God, Whose Name I Do Not Know, Thank You For My Life. I Forgot How BIG…Thank You. Thank You For My Life.” – Joe Versus the Volcano

If you’re looking for a refreshing take on the original text: Experiencing the breathtaking sight of an enormous moon amidst being stranded at sea on a raft and feeling the onset of thirst-induced delirium serves as a profound reminder of life’s splendor. Thankfully, the protagonist in “Joe Versus the Volcano” eventually reaches safety, but he never forgets that sense of appreciation.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“Mommy Got Sick. And It Happened Just Like That. There Was Nothing Anybody Could Do. It Isn’t Fair. There’s No Reason. But If We Start Asking Why, We’ll Go Crazy.” – Sleepless In Seattle

1993’s beloved romantic comedy “Sleepless in Seattle” tells the story of Sam Baldwin (Tom Hanks), a widower and single father to eight-year-old Jonah (Ross Malinger). As he grapples with his own sorrow, Sam shares valuable insights, not only with his son but also with viewers, throughout this moving film.

Great Quotes From Tom Hanks Rom Coms

“Don’t Cry, Shopgirl. Don’t Cry.” – You’ve Got Mail

In the end of ‘You’ve Got Mail’, Joe Fox (played by Tom Hanks) and Kathleen Kelly (portrayed by Meg Ryan) finally uncover each other’s online pen pal identities. Fortunately, even though she shed some tears, Kathleen is genuinely thrilled about the truth, expressing to Joe: “I always hoped it would be you.

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2024-10-01 02:38