Love Is Blind Season 7 Is So Messy, But There’s One Bright Spot That I Am Totally Loving

Love Is Blind Season 7 Is So Messy, But There's One Bright Spot That I Am Totally Loving

As a woman of color who has grown up watching television shows and longing to see characters that look like me, I have to say, this season of Love Is Blind is a breath of fresh air. It’s been so long since I’ve seen a show with such a diverse cast, from different ethnicities, body types, and backgrounds, that truly feels representative of the world we live in today.

This year, the 2024 TV lineup has graced me once more with a new season of “Love Is Blind”, and let me tell you, it’s just getting downright complicated!

Regardless of whether “Love Is Blind” is considered a great or poor dating show on Netflix, I’ll always find myself drawn to it. The reason being, I’ve been a long-time fan of its unique premise, and occasionally, it delivers on the concept in an engaging way.

Occasionally, I find immense joy witnessing enduring love stories that withstand the trials of time. It’s heartening to savor such precious moments.

However, Season 7 of this show – which really popped up out of nowhere if you ask me – has been nothing but messy since the beginning, and while it certainly adds to the drama, there is one bright spot of this season that I would like to highlight – so let’s talk about it.

Love Is Blind Season 7 Is So Messy, But There's One Bright Spot That I Am Totally Loving

This Season, In General, Is An Absolute Mess

In my initial remarks, I mentioned that this latest season of “Love Is Blind” is a complete chaos, and I’m using that term both positively and negatively. On the plus side, it provides excellent viewing; however, on the downside, it seems to strip away a lot of its inherent worth.

What I’ve noticed about Netflix reality shows is that they all kick off on a promising note. For instance, “Love Is Blind” had an impressive debut season, while “The Circle” offered a unique and engaging competition format by incorporating contemporary elements. Even “The Perfect Match,” which was essentially a mix of contestants from various other shows, started off strong in its first season.

Initially, every Netflix dating or reality series seems promising, but unfortunately, they often fail to sustain the initial spark, which is exactly what occurred with this latest season.

I’ve criticized “Love Is Blind” before, and I’m confident I’ll do it again. From some questionable couple pairings in past seasons to contestants seemingly straying from the purpose of the experiment, there are numerous instances that leave me questioning whether people join this show to find authentic love or for popularity.

In many cases, certain couples have truly shone on the show, and it’s worth noting that other variations have produced impressive pairs, even the most recent spinoff, Love Is Blind U.K., rekindled our belief in the concept as it seemed less chaotic compared to some earlier versions. However, this season is truly unique.

And now that I’ve gotten past that let’s talk about the couples.

Love Is Blind Season 7 Is So Messy, But There's One Bright Spot That I Am Totally Loving

It’s Nice That It’s On The East Coast Again, But The Relationships Are Almost Too Dramatic For TV

One positive aspect of “Love Is Blind” is its ability to change locations. Although they often send couples to similar tropical destinations for each season, the cities from which they draw participants vary. For Season 7, they returned to the East Coast, with Washington, D.C., providing their pool of contestants.

That’s fantastic! It seems that the ability to travel broadens the spectrum of characters, which in turn makes these shows truly enjoyable and effortless to watch.

To be honest, I’ve been finding myself less engaged with the couples this season. They just don’t seem to bring the same level of excitement or intrigue as previous ones.

As a gamer, I can’t help but feel frustrated when I find myself invested in a storyline only to discover it was based on false pretenses. For the initial three episodes, we followed the relationship drama between Leo and Brittany, along with Hannah, all about their supposed engagement. But here’s the kicker – after the pods, Brittany and Leo had already called off their engagement and chose not to participate in the experiment. So, that entire emotional rollercoaster was essentially a time-wasting illusion. It’s disappointing to be drawn into a narrative like that, only to have the rug pulled out from under me.

However, the most troubling aspect of these couples isn’t just the trivial fights they have; it’s their childish behavior that surprises me, given they are among our oldest participants. For instance, Hannah and Nick are bickering over him playing with a beach toy and racing against a stranger. Frankly, I couldn’t care less about this petty squabble. It seems like such a luxury concern, and I can’t help but wonder if this is the best use of your time to fight about it? Please move along.

As a gamer, I can’t help but feel connected to Alex and Tim, as their dynamic seems authentic and relatable compared to others. However, the recent tension between them left me hanging – we didn’t get to witness their heated argument, which is quite unusual for this show. The drama usually unfolds, but this time we only saw the aftermath. I understand the importance of privacy, but the core appeal of the series revolves around observing relationships develop, and without knowing the cause of their fight, it’s hard to fully appreciate their evolving bond.

Up until now, Ashley and Tyler have been my top picks, but who can predict the outcome of the finale? Nevertheless, I must mention one positive aspect that needs attention.

Love Is Blind Season 7 Is So Messy, But There's One Bright Spot That I Am Totally Loving

The One Bright Spot Is The Diversity, Specifically The Ethnicities

This season’s variety is particularly striking, and it’s truly one aspect that keeps me motivated. Shows like “Love Is Blind” are exactly the type of content that makes Netflix a great choice for binge-watching.

For a while now, the show “Love Is Blind” has faced criticism for its lack of diversity in casting. However, they’ve been actively working on expanding their participant pool to include more diverse backgrounds. I think we began to notice some improvements in later seasons, but it’s really Season 7 that showcases this effort most clearly.

In this current season, there are more individuals from various ethnicities, including women and men of color, as well as several interracial partnerships – a truly heartening sight for someone who belongs to an interracial family. This certainly reinforces the notion that love transcends appearances, allowing one to be captivated by another without prior knowledge of their physical features. Additionally, there’s a wide variety in body types this time, something I am growing increasingly accustomed to.

This season provided characters that resonated with us, individuals we might encounter everyday, people with whom we could envision forming friendships under ordinary circumstances, which was a refreshing aspect beyond the usual dramatic elements.

Love Is Blind Season 7 Is So Messy, But There's One Bright Spot That I Am Totally Loving

I Hope That Future Seasons Can Keep This Diversity But Make The Love Feel Real Again

In the future, I genuinely aspire for the show “Love Is Blind” to maintain its diversity. I wish for a wider range of body types and ethnicities to be featured so we can continue exploring if love indeed sees no color, which is the essence of the concept.

I prefer a more subdued approach this time around, without the overly dramatic flair that seems unnecessary for the less significant events. The buildup is excessive for situations that simply don’t warrant such intense focus, and then we’re left wanting more insight into the aspects we truly care about. It just doesn’t make sense to me – it should be the other way around.

Regardless of which path they choose, this series appears to be progressing positively. However, we’ll have to wait and see if they maintain their commitment to diversity and change in the future. In the meantime, I think I’ll revisit the heartwarming show “Love On The Spectrum” for a more uplifting experience.

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2024-10-12 16:07