New Agatha All Along Video Drops Big Reveal About That Mystery Car Wreck And Confirms Teen’s Real Name

New Agatha All Along Video Drops Big Reveal About That Mystery Car Wreck And Confirms Teen's Real Name

As a longtime Marvel fan and a connoisseur of comic book lore, I can’t help but feel a mix of excitement and anticipation as I delve into the latest revelations from “Agatha All Along.” The fact that Joe Locke’s character, Teen, is Billy, the magical son of Scarlet Witch, is a twist that had me doing cartwheels in my living room! (Although, I must admit, the toy spoilers did give it away early.)

The enigma surrounding Joe Locke’s character in the 2024 TV series has been clarified, as his character, Teen, discarded his disguise from the show Agatha All Along, revealing he is actually Billy, the magical son of the Scarlet Witch. This twist wasn’t exactly a secret, given that toy spoilers had already hinted at it. Since this revelation occurred mid-season rather than near the finale, there’s still plenty of story to unfold. Marvel has released a fresh promotional video, packed with never-before-seen footage, which delves into some of these upcoming plot points.

Delve into the thrilling and exhilarating video footage that follows, and let’s engage together in discussing some intriguing revelations and unanswered questions stemming from the car accident mentioned in the series opener and beyond.

Now let’s go through some of the biggest reveals therein, squealing and skipping all the way down.

Billy’s Full Name Confirmed, No Kap(lan)

In the concluding scenes of Episode 5, it was revealed that Teen is a magical entity similar to Scarlet Witch, and his crown bears a striking resemblance to hers. However, since his full name wasn’t disclosed, there’s been some discussion about whether the series will adopt the same last name as Wanda or stick with the Kaplan surname from the comics.

However, right from the start, the latest trailer appears to address that query (assuming no more unexpected turns are revealed later), as Agatha explicitly states:

What does Billy Maximoff want at the end of The Road?

As a die-hard fan, I can’t help but wonder if Agatha knowing him as Wanda Maximoff’s son might not completely disregard the Kaplan family’s storyline in future Marvel series like Agatha All Along. However, it’s intriguing to ponder how showrunner Jac Schaeffer and the team will subtly incorporate those hints into their narrative. The recent reveal adds an extra layer of anticipation to this exploration.

New Agatha All Along Video Drops Big Reveal About That Mystery Car Wreck And Confirms Teen's Real Name

Billy And His “Mom” Were Involved In The Car Collision

From the video, it appears that Billy, presumably, is traveling in a car outside the Westview Hex boundary. He has a clear view through the back window. Suddenly, for an unknown reason, the car veers off the road and collides with a tree. At this moment, Billy shouts “Mom!”, but it’s unclear who his mother is in this context.

Don’t Trust Rio!

The significant teenage revelation in Agatha All Along has everyone excited, but it prompts me to ponder some major questions about Rio.

To clarify, the series Agatha All Along made it quite clear from the start, as seen in the very first episode when Teen got hit by Mrs. Hart’s car in Agatha’s crime-drama fantasy. Additionally, other hints such as a torn sweater and cuts from shattered glass (similar to those from a car window) were present. Consequently, it wasn’t too surprising to find out that he was involved in an accident later on.

It’s unlikely that Wanda was driving the car since the Hex was already active, and it doesn’t appear that Agatha could have been driving outside Westview either. So, could the Kaplan family be involved in this somehow? Although their involvement seems to have come with a tragic consequence, as Mrs. Kaplan and her son both lost their lives, possibly only one of them being resurrected by some magical means.

New Agatha All Along Video Drops Big Reveal About That Mystery Car Wreck And Confirms Teen's Real Name

We’ll Meet Another Witch With Purple Powers

In the midst of the thrilling revelations about Joe Locke’s character Billy in Agatha All Along, there are a few new characters who appear in the midseason trailer that might seem like mere footnotes. However, one of these newcomers exhibits magical abilities strikingly similar to those displayed by Kathryn Hahn’s morally ambiguous witch.

In the image you see, it appears to be an enigmatic figure displaying obvious signs of alarm as they emit waves of what seems like magic, tinted purple – reminiscent of Agatha’s, although there might be subtle variations in shade and intensity. Regardless, this could potentially mark the debut of another witch employing purple magic within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The other unidentified character’s magic is not clearly demonstrated, but exhibits a more radiant glow, leaning towards orange or yellow.

In the flashback scene of WandaVision, when the Salem Seven tried to burn Agatha at the stake, they all seemed to possess the same blue-hued magical abilities. This makes me wonder if Agatha’s distinctive purple powers might have originated from this woman initially. Given this revelation, it doesn’t look good for her chances of survival, but it’s an aspect I hadn’t fully contemplated before.

Regardless if these points are addressed in the sixth episode or later, I’ll keep pondering over them as I eagerly anticipate each new episode of Agatha All Along every Wednesday night at 8:00 p.m., for those who have Disney+ subscriptions.

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2024-10-14 21:37