After Inside Out 2’s Box Office Success, Amy Poehler Weighs In On People Thinking It’s Better Than The Original Film

After Inside Out 2’s Box Office Success, Amy Poehler Weighs In On People Thinking It’s Better Than The Original Film

As a gamer who has spent countless hours navigating the complex labyrinth of emotions, I must say that Pixar’s Inside Out 2 not only meets but surpasses the expectations set by its predecessor. The original was like a first-person shooter, where we explored the basic emotions; but this sequel is more like an immersive role-playing game, delving deep into the nuances of human feelings that even I, a seasoned player, have yet to fully grasp.

The follow-up to Pixar’s Inside Out 2, unlike any other production in their studio, not only broke records but surpassed all animated films as the highest-grossing ever made. Given that the first Inside Out is among Pixar’s most beloved films and often hailed as their finest, anticipation for the sequel was immense, yet few could have predicted its extraordinary success. With the new film outperforming the original in terms of scale, one might wonder if it also surpasses the original in quality. Is Inside Out 2 not just a bigger movie, but a better one too?

In a chat with Amy Poehler, Variety proposes that the follow-up to Inside Out surpasses its predecessor in every aspect. While the actress doesn’t take sides on this matter, she posits that the reason the sequel strikes a chord with viewers so deeply is due to increased acceptance and exploration of various emotions. She added that the film manages to be fresh yet reminiscent at the same time. In her own words…

They truly excelled in their work, taking care to ensure our audience also matured along the way. The last ten years haven’t been easy, especially the recent ones. It seems that people today express their emotions more profoundly than they did a decade ago. Those who watched their first film at age 10 are now 20, and there’s a sense of nostalgia mixed with young adults experiencing the real world for the first time.

It came as a bit of a shock when Pixar revealed plans for a follow-up to the film “Inside Out,” given the significant time gap since the original movie and the relatively scarce hints suggesting sequels were on the horizon. Unlike Disney, which once had a more cautious approach towards sequels, Pixar has never shied away from them.

As a die-hard Pixar fan, I’ve seen my fair share of exceptional sequels, some that truly shine, and others not quite up to par. Excitingly, we’re looking forward to the fifth installment of Toy Story and the third chapter of The Incredibles, two highly anticipated upcoming films from Pixar.

The film portrays Riley during her teenage years, as she navigates feelings she’s never encountered before. Many viewers will likely find this scenario familiar, having experienced similar emotions themselves, and even more so, recognizing their children going through the same. Poehler expresses nothing but high admiration for the skillset demonstrated by the Pixar team. She went on to say…

Beyond doubt, the team at Pixar are nothing short of enchanters. Their talent is awe-inspiring, and the mere fact that I’m involved in some capacity leaves me speechless. They masterfully navigate the intricacies of allowing us to let go as parents while simultaneously empowering our children to manage themselves independently. The emotions their movies elicit can only be compared to the experience of watching a film that is the polar opposite of gaslighting – it’s more like being enlightened.

In a different phrase, not being gaslit means you’re confident in the authenticity of your experiences. Pixar excels at creating such feelings; their movies often bring tears to viewers’ eyes.

If “Inside Out 2” surpasses the quality of the first movie, it significantly elevates the standard for any future installments in the series. Although there’s no confirmed “Inside Out 3” at this time, given the enthusiasm of the filmmakers and the audience’s interest, such a film appears highly probable.

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2024-10-21 22:07