Netflix’s I Am a Killer Just Released the Most Chilling Episode

Netflix's I Am a Killer Just Released the Most Chilling Episode

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  • Who Is Rex Groves?
  • What Crime Did Rex Groves Commit?
  • Where Is Rex From I Am a Killer Now?

As a seasoned detective with years of experience dealing with some of the most twisted and disturbed minds, I must say that the story of Rex Groves from “I Am a Killer” is one that sends a shiver down my spine. Having interviewed and studied countless killers, I can attest to the fact that there’s always something uniquely chilling about those who seem normal on the outside but harbor monstrous thoughts within.

In another gripping installment from Netflix’s true-crime genre, I Am a Killer, initially premiered in 2018 and has remained popular ever since. This captivating docu-series offers true-crime enthusiasts an up-close look at various heinous crimes and delves even deeper into the lives of convicted murderers themselves. With the release of its fifth season, I Am a Killer now boasts a total of 38 episodes on Netflix.

In each installment, they delve into the harrowing depths of some of the most unsettling cases, peeling back layers of gruesome truths via interviews with the perpetrators themselves. As more light is shed on their role in these heinous acts, relatives and other parties share their personal reactions to these lethal events. One episode from Season 5 of I Am a Killer, titled “Loved to Death”, has left viewers utterly astonished for its chilling impact. Here’s why this installment is the most spine-tingling episode in the docu-series.

Who Is Rex Groves?

Netflix's I Am a Killer Just Released the Most Chilling Episode

Hailing from Logansport, Indiana in 1977, Rex Groves spent his childhood with two brothers – one older and one younger – under the care of both parents. However, when Rex was approximately seven years old, his parents divorced. His mother took the two younger boys with her to Texas, leaving behind his father and his older brother. The separation of his parents, along with the turbulent family environment, had already been a source of distress for Rex, but things went from bad to worse. Overwhelmed by life’s challenges, Rex’s mother started drinking heavily and, it was alleged, physically abused him.

As told by Rex’s younger brother, their mother’s acquaintance became part of the mistreatment. After spending six years with his mom in Texas, his father insisted on getting his family back, but when the mother along with her two sons returned to Indiana, she just left them behind. It was roughly during this period that Rex began experiencing auditory hallucinations and turned to alcohol and drugs as a means of dealing with his struggles. Barely a teenager at the time, he was already struggling significantly with addiction.

Although he had strong bonds with his brother, sister-in-law, and niece, it was his grandmother, Mary Gene Groves, who was the only one he felt truly cared for him. He often found solace at her home and turned to her whenever he needed to relax and be himself. Regrettably, this very trait – seeking refuge with her – led to a terrible tragedy.

What Crime Did Rex Groves Commit?

Netflix's I Am a Killer Just Released the Most Chilling Episode

On the 10th of December, 2007, I found myself consumed by a whirlwind of substances and despair, which propelled me to contemplate the torment I had endured in my childhood. Overwhelmed by fury and anguish, I was driven to consider an extreme act – ending my father’s life. As I was en route to his house, a strange sensation washed over me, maybe it was the longing for affection and comfort. This feeling compelled me to deviate from my path and seek solace at my grandmother’s place instead.

Afterwards, events unfolded as if they were scenes from a chilling horror film. Rex needed to visit the bathroom, yet when he opened the door, his grandmother jumped in fright, which set off something within Rex. The situation seemed off to him, and without a moment’s pause, he seized the gardening shears and repeatedly stabbed the one person who had always cared for him deeply. The true-crime series is replete with disturbing instances, but one of the most startling moments in I Am a Killer occurred during an interview with Rex. Remarkably, he chuckled while recounting the murder and elaborated that what followed was even more bizarre. Rex divulged that he wrapped her up, placed his grandmother’s lifeless body on her bed, positioned her arm around him, and slept beside her.

Upon opening his eyes, his father’s house was his next destination to carry out his thirst for vengeance. Finding no one at home, he headed straight to his brother’s residence, but only encountered his sister-in-law and niece there. Contrary to his initial intentions, he confessed the heinous act he had committed to her and asked her to drive him to the authorities instead.

I Am a Killer and Rex’s Questionable Conviction

Netflix's I Am a Killer Just Released the Most Chilling EpisodeNetflix's I Am a Killer Just Released the Most Chilling EpisodeNetflix's I Am a Killer Just Released the Most Chilling Episode

Because Rex experienced memory lapses, lacked self-control during the crime, and strangely laughed at the police station when confessing, it was determined necessary for him to undergo a psychological examination. The initial evaluation diagnosed him with paranoid schizophrenia; however, a subsequent assessment overturned that diagnosis, confirming that Rex Groves had never suffered from any mental illness. Consequently, he was barred from using the insanity defense and was not committed to a mental health facility.

In my case, I was given a sentence of 50 years with the potential for parole after 20 years. However, unlike some other murderers featured in Season 5 of “I Am a Killer,” my lawyers’ appeals to transfer me to a medical facility for treatment of my obvious mental illness were denied, leaving me confined within the walls of the state prison.

Where Is Rex From I Am a Killer Now?

Netflix's I Am a Killer Just Released the Most Chilling Episode

At present, Rex remains incarcerated at Putnamville Correctional Facility. But, due to his eligibility for parole in 2029, he won’t be locked up for much longer. This particular episode of I Am a Killer Season 5 is particularly chilling because Rex admitted that until 2015, he regretted not killing the rest of his family. Given this, it’s no surprise that his family members are concerned about him being released from prison. In fact, Rex’s claim that he no longer has schizophrenia and that the voices in his head vanished in 2015 also raises some concerns, as they find such statements hard to believe.

Courtney admits that she doesn’t feel secure about Rex being released from prison, given his past actions and the fact that her entire family was potentially in danger due to him. Her emotions towards this matter are complex; she clearly cares for him, but there is a palpable fear present as well, which only serves to underscore her concerns. Whether or not this fear dissipates remains to be seen.

It has been noted that Rex exhibits concerning actions, leading some to fear he may pose a threat when freed. Should he be granted parole, there’s nothing preventing him from stepping out of his cell and into society. If he returns to prison, it’s probably due to him causing harm to someone. By the way, the series “I Am a Killer” is now streaming on Netflix.

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2024-10-27 18:32