Warframe codes (January 2025)

Warframe is a well-known science fiction shooter game that has maintained its popularity over time thanks to its availability across various platforms, crossplay features, mobile compatibility, and undeniably stylish futuristic aesthetics. In this game, you assume the role of a Tenno – one of numerous powerful synthetic beings who are assigned with the mission of safeguarding different parts of the universe.

Typically, you engage in gameplay, embark on missions, and explore various events to accumulate experience, acquire fresh gear, and snag stylish new cosmetics. However, your primary interest isn’t diving into all that; instead, you’re curious to check out any potential new items available in the Market.

Beyond earning items through missions, there are two main avenues: spending real or in-game currency, and using special codes. The first method lets you buy various items, while the second option involves entering these codes to receive your rewards directly in your inbox. Let’s embark on a Warframe code shopping spree!

Active Warframe item codes

Among the codes available this month, these are the ones that will reward you with some items for your Tenno or your spacecraft (Orbiter).

  • PAVROS – Gives Golden Hand Decoration

Currently active Glyph codes

In most Massively Multiplayer Online games (MMOs), it’s almost standard practice for players to have the ability to personalize their game environment. This can be achieved through items like stickers or graffiti. In Warframe, these customizations are called Glyphs, and here is a list of all available codes, some of which are inspired by renowned creators.

Glyph Set 1
AdmiralBahroo Bricky Conquera2022
AeonKnight86 BrotherDaz CopyKavat
AGayGuyPlays Brozime Cpt_Kim
AlainLove BurnBxx DanielTheDemon
AlexanderDario Bwana DasterCreations
Amprov CaleyEmerald DatLoon
AngryUnicorn Casardis DayJobo
AnjetCat CephalonSquared DebbySheen
AnnoyingKillah CGsKnackie Deejayknight
AshiSogiTenno ChacyTay DeepBlueBeard
Avelna Char Depths
Aznitrous Chelestra DeuceTheGamer
BigJimID Cleonaturin DillyFrame
BrazilCommunityDiscord CohhCarnage DimitriV2


Glyph Set 2
Disfusional FeelLikeAPlayer HotShomStories
DjTechLive FloofyDwagon Hydroxate
DkDiamantes FromThe70s Iflynn
DNexus FrostyNovaPrime Ikedo
Eduiy16 Frozenballz InfoDiversao
ElDanker Gara IWoply
ElGrineerExiliado GermanCommunityDiscord JamieVoiceOver
EliceGameplay Gingy JessiThrower
Elnoraeleo GlamShatterSkull JoeyZero
Emojv Golden Joriale
EmpryeanCap GrindHardSquad JustRLC
ExtraCredits H3DSH0T K1llerBarbie
FacelessBeanie HappinesDark KavatsSchroedinger
FashionFrameIsEndGame Homiinvocado KingGothaLion


Glyph Set 3
Kirarahime McMonkeys Pandaah
Kiwad MHBlacky PlagueDirector
Kr1ptonPlayer MichelPostma PocketNinja
Kretduy MikeTheBard PostiTV
L1feWater MissFwuffy Pride2022
LadyTheLaddy Mogamu PrimedAverage
LeoDoodling MrSteelWar ProfessorBroman
LeyzarGamingViews NineYear22 Purkinje
LiliLexi NoSympathyy Pyrah
LynxAria OddieOwl QTCC
MadFury OriginalWickedFun RagingTerror
Makarimorph OrpheusDeluxe Rahetalius
McGamerCZ PammyJammy RainbowWaffles


Glyph Set 4
RebelDustyPinky Shul TheKengineer
Relentlesszen SillFix TinBears
ReyGanso SkillUp TioMario
Rippz0r Smoodie TioRamon
Ritens Sn0wRC TotalN3wb
RoyalPrat Strippin ToxickToe
RustyFin StudioCyen TrashFrame
Sapmatic Tanandra Triburos
SarahTsang Tanchan UnrealYuki
ScarletMoon TaticalPotato VAMP6X6X6X
SerdarSari TBGKaru Vamppire
Sharlazard TeaWrex Varlinator
ShenZhao TennoForever VashCowaii
Sherpa TheGamio Vernoc


Glyph Set 5
VoidFissureBR Zxpfer DarikaArt
Voli 1999-Quincy QuadlyStop
VoltTheHero 1999-VoicePlay Conquera2024
VVhiteAngel JustHailey FatedsChronicles
Wanderbots Kirdy AuntieTan
WarframeCommunityDiscord Kyaii TacticalPotato
WarframeRunway Nelosart PhongFu
WarframeWiki Ottofyre Pride2024
WideScreenJohn RetroAlchemist lightningcosplay
Woxli Rikenz PlexiCosplay
Xenogelion Silvervale Codoma
xxVampixx Vashka WealWest
YourLuckyClover WarframeFlo ThePanda
Zarionis DeathMaggot xBocchanVTx


Glyph Set 6
PyrrhicSerenity 6ixGatsu Eterion
Akari LadyNovita Crowdi
Carchara FerreusDemon BlazingCobalt
Nononom12 Buff00n SPACEWAIFU
Ozku Scallion FINLAENA
Twila MrRoadBlock ArgonSix
BlueberryCat InfernoTheFirelord MrWarframeGuy
Destrohido FR4G-TP SilentMashiko
Im7heClown Fated2Perish Eterion
CanOfCraigf LILLEXI Crowdi
Np161 Bluyayogamer 

How to redeem codes

Warframe sometimes behaves strangely when inputting codes. Both console and PC versions lack a straightforward method for entering codes, but the mobile version operates differently. Navigate to the Menu, then choose the Market tab. This will transport you to the Market page, where the Redeem Code option is located in the bottom right corner of the screen. Tap on it, enter your code, and submit; if it’s valid, you’ll receive a message, and the corresponding item will be delivered to your inbox.

Even though it can be done here, you also have the option to redeem codes for Warframe’s mobile version via their official website. To do this, simply visit their site, log into your account, click on the Store tab, then pick Redeem Code. Repeat these steps, and you will receive a positive confirmation message as well as an in-game notification once the process is successful.

Hey there, gaming buddy! Since you stuck around till the finish, I’ve got some sweet deals for you! I’m sharing Go Go Muffin and Girls Frontline 2 Exilium codes today. If you’re up for a change, these could be just what you need!

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2025-01-16 17:18