On Thursday, January 16, 2025, the nation was taken aback when it was reported that Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan had been stabbed by a robber at his Mumbai residence. Although the actor is now in the hospital recuperating, a carpenter who was working at the house has been taken into custody for questioning, under suspicion. However, the carpenter’s wife asserts that “her husband was summoned by Saif’s manager for some furniture work, and he began the job with five others. She stated that on camera, it appears he left for work, later returning home.
In a video posted by IANS, the carpenter’s spouse reportedly said that her husband received a call from Saif Ali Khan’s manager regarding furniture assignments and commenced the project with a group of five workers. She added that security camera recordings also depict him arriving for work and later returning home after completion.
Later on, she found out there was a burglar who broke into their home. Shortly after, they got a call, causing her husband to be called away.
At first, they felt scared and thought someone may have been scheming against her spouse. Later, her husband reached out to Saif’s representative to check for any problems, and was told to arrive promptly, which he did.
Waris’ spouse mentioned that when she visited the police station to see her husband, she wasn’t permitted because the questioning was still in progress. She learned that her husband would be freed after the proper orders were given. She underscored that her husband hadn’t been taken into custody but was simply being questioned.
Following Saif Ali Khan’s surgery, his wife, actress Kareena Kapoor, posted a message on her social media platforms asking for privacy from fans and the press. She mentioned that their day had been particularly tough and they were still trying to cope with the situation. Kareena kindly requested the media and photographers to refrain from making excessive assumptions or giving overly detailed coverage during this trying period.
In my role as a lifestyle expert, let me share an incident that recently unfolded in the private sanctum of Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s household, involving their young son, Jeh Ali Khan. One fateful day, our trusted nanny, Eliyama Philip, found herself face to face with an intruder in Jeh’s bedroom. In a bid to protect our cherished little one, she bravely attempted to engage the intruder. Unfortunately, events took a turn when I, Saif, had to step in to ensure everyone’s safety. Regrettably, I found myself on the receiving end of several attacks during the ensuing altercation.
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2025-01-17 17:22