Following Salman Khan, Bollywood actor Rajpal Yadav was warned of harm via an email, allegedly sent from Pakistan. The threatening message, dated December 14, 2024, supposedly came from a person named ‘Bishnu,’ and was received by Yadav. In response, Yadav’s wife, Radha Rajpal Yadav, lodged a complaint at the Amboli Police Station in Mumbai, which led to the opening of a First Information Report. The police are currently looking into this matter.
A complaint (FIR) has been filed at the Amboli Police Station against a yet-unknown person under Section 351(3) of the BNS. The police are currently investigating this situation. As reported by authorities, it’s suspected that the menacing email may have been sent from Pakistan.
Based on NDTV’s report, the email stated, “We have been observing your recent actions and feel it necessary to bring a private issue to your notice. Please understand that this is not a promotional gimmick or an attempt to intimidate you. We kindly ask you to handle this message with extreme importance and discretion.
As reported by the authorities, the ominous email required a reaction from the famous individuals within eight hours, implying dire repercussions for their personal lives as well as careers should they fail to comply. Remarkably, this message was found in Rajpal Yadav’s junk mail folder.
The Mumbai Police are giving great importance to this situation due to a series of events where several well-known personalities have been involved. It’s worth mentioning that, unfortunately, politician Baba Siddique was fatally shot outside his home in the Bandra district of Mumbai about a year ago.
It was a group of imprisoned criminal associates of Lawrence Bishnoi who admitted to orchestrating the killing of Baba Siddique. After this event, Salman Khan took extra precautions with his security, such as putting up reinforced glass windows in his balcony for increased protection.
Last week, Saif Ali Khan experienced a startling incident at his residence in Bandra. An uninvited individual invaded his home during the wee hours of Thursday, repeatedly stabbing the actor six times, resulting in grave wounds for him. The unsettling pattern of threats and assaults has ignited significant worries regarding the security of Bollywood stars.
The latest findings show that doctors managed to extract a 2.5-inch long knife blade from Saif Ali Khan’s injury. After receiving care at Lilavati Hospital, the actor was released and went back home on Tuesday night, January 21st.
Saif graciously acknowledged both fans and photographers huddled at his front door, indicating he was healing well. Additionally, he had a heartfelt meeting with Bhajan Singh Rana, the cab driver who swiftly transported him to the hospital following Wednesday’s incident. His gratitude was evident as he thanked Mr. Rana for his prompt assistance.
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2025-01-23 08:52