On January 19, 2025, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked and stabbed six times during an attempted robbery at his residence in Bandra. He spent five days recuperating at Lilavati Hospital. The suspect, a national of Bangladesh, was apprehended in Thane as he tried to flee to Bangladesh. Law enforcement plans to perform facial recognition analysis, as reported in court. The father of the accused has requested assistance from the Bangladeshi foreign ministry.
According to a report in ETimes, Shariful Fakir, who was arrested for attacking Saif Ali Khan at his Bandra residence on January 16, is scheduled to undergo a facial recognition test (FRT) at the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) in Kalina. This test aims to confirm whether Shariful resembles the person caught on CCTV camera climbing from the sixth floor to the eleventh floor of Satguru Sharan and escaping between 1:30 am and 2:30 am.
The authorities have handed over various pieces of evidence such as blood samples, soiled garments from both the suspect and the victim, as well as other crime-scene items, to the Forensic Science Lab for examination. Additionally, they retrieved his driver’s license, Bangladeshi identification cards kept on his mobile device, and financial transaction records between him and his family in Bangladesh.
According to the report, an officer suggested that the facial recognition process should compare the face from CCTV footage at Saif’s building with the individual’s face. During this examination, forensic experts will take into account the general contours and construction of the person’s face.
On a Friday, it was reported to the Bandra court that Shariful had not been helpful in the ongoing investigation. Recognizing the need for further exploration, the court chose to keep him in custody for an extra five days, thereby granting more time for the Forensic Review Team (FRT).
This examination will study his facial characteristics from different perspectives, then match those against surveillance camera videos from several places, to positively identify him.
In light of a report in The Hindu, the father of the accused in the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case, Mr. Ruhul, has made significant comments about the current situation. He has stated his plan to contact the Bangladeshi foreign ministry and request help from the Indian High Commission in Dhaka, with the aim of securing his son’s release.
Mr. Ruhul shared that he learned about his son’s arrest from Facebook posts and news reports, stating that no one from the law enforcement had reached out to him regarding this issue.
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2025-01-25 06:22