A Court Of Thorns And Roses Most Powerful Characters Ranked By Strength

A Court Of Thorns And Roses Most Powerful Characters Ranked By Strength

As a humble scribe, I’ve had the pleasure of chronicling the extraordinary lives of Prythian’s denizens, and none more fascinating than our trio: Tamlin, Feyre, and Rhys. Now, let me tell ya, these aren’t your average garden variety Fae, oh no!

In the enchanting realm of “A Court of Thorns and Roses” (ACOTAR), I’ve come to realize that power isn’t just about brute strength or aggressive abilities. Strength, in this world, can be subtly defined too. It might be rooted in the prestige of a character’s unique gift or talent. Or it could stem from the strategic worth of their skillset, making them a valuable asset to others.

Frequently, within the ACOTAR books (and upcoming streaming series), strength is depicted as a person’s resilience to overcome challenging hardships and endure pain. Notably, all principal characters exhibit this strength in diverse ways, but when considering their unique talents that distinguish them from others, some certainly stand out more prominently.


A Court Of Thorns And Roses Most Powerful Characters Ranked By Strength

In the past, Amren could effortlessly claim the top spot on this list due to her immense power. However, following her brave deeds during the climax of the third book in the series titled “A Court of Wings and Ruin (ACOWAR)”, she has found herself as the least potent member within the inner circle of the Night Court. In chapter 16 of “A Court of Mist and Fury (ACOMAF)”, Feyre notes that Amren’s silver eyes reveal a being not entirely of the High Fae. Originally an immortal, all-powerful entity from another realm, Amren fell through a rift into Prythian centuries ago and has been stuck there ever since. Currently confined within the ancient island prison of the Night Court, she cannot escape until she links her power to a mortal Fae body.

Toward the conclusion of ACOWAR, Amren reveals her authentic identity in battle against Hybern’s forces, contributing significantly to Prythian’s victory over their enemies and providing Feyre and Rhys with crucial moments to mend the Cauldron. However, after this display, Amren can no longer maintain a physical form. Remarkably, Rhys manages to resurrect her in her High Fae form, which she had linked to her original one earlier. Presently, Amren is simply a High Fae with elevated power levels compared to ordinary humans, but not possessing the extraordinary abilities of the other characters mentioned.


A Court Of Thorns And Roses Most Powerful Characters Ranked By Strength

Among the initial individuals Feyre encounters in Prythian is a striking figure named Lucien, who embodies the powerful essence of the High Fae. He is the youngest offspring of Beron, the High Lord of the Autumn Court, and consequently, he holds the unique ability to summon and control fire. Compared to his siblings, especially the other younger ones, his magical prowess has always been a point of envy due to its intensity. Some residents of Prythian speculate that this extraordinary power could indicate Lucien as Beron’s true heir, despite not being the eldest son.

In ACOMAF (Chapter 65), Lucien manages to break free from the enchantments imposed by the King of Hybern, allowing him to care for Elain when others like Rhys and Tamlin cannot. In ACOWAR, Feyre begins to believe that if Helion Spell-Cleaver, High Lord of the Day Court, is indeed Lucien’s father, it would explain his remarkable magical powers and ties to the Autumn Court. This theory suggests that as Helion’s heir, Lucien could possess the strong magical abilities of a High Lord’s eldest son along with potent powers from his mother’s lineage in the Autumn Court.


A Court Of Thorns And Roses Most Powerful Characters Ranked By Strength

Morrigan (often called Mor) outranks Lucien in this list not solely due to her skills demonstrated, but also because of the testimonies from characters surrounding her and herself. Mor is equipped with a unique transportation power, known as winnowing, which is only possessed by a small number of High Fae. Furthermore, she has spent countless centuries honing her martial combat skills. However, it’s not just Morrigan’s physical abilities that set her apart – her true strength lies in truth. Although its meaning isn’t entirely clear, it carries such weight that it silences the mortal queens in ACOMAF chapter 40: “I am Morrigan. You know me… You know that my power is truth. So you will listen to my words now, and accept them as truth – just as your ancestors once did.

In its full intensity, Mor’s power became evident when she started menstruating, causing even the surrounding mountains to quiver. It is a power so immense that people could sense her ability from birth, although we, as readers, have yet to witness it fully. However, the books hint at its extraordinary nature.


A Court Of Thorns And Roses Most Powerful Characters Ranked By Strength

In a somewhat enigmatic and foreboding manner, Nesta is another character whose abilities have been portrayed. She first appeared as Feyre’s elder human sister, who was unwillingly transformed into High Fae via the Cauldron in A Court of Mist and Fury. During this transformation, she resisted fiercely, as Feyre recounted, “Nesta seemed to be unlike any other Fae… It appeared as though the Cauldron had been compelled to grant more than it intended when making her (ACOMAF Ch. 65).” In A Court of Wings and Ruin, we discover that Nesta’s power revolves around death.

In “A Court of Silver Flames,” Nesta’s individual perspective within the series reveals more about her unique abilities. Being ‘Made,’ she possesses the skill to communicate with the Cauldron and other Made items such as the Dread Trove. Additionally, Nesta demonstrates the power to summon and control cold, silver flames. Although she once harnessed a formidable power from the Cauldron, at the end of “A Court of Silver Flames,” she relinquishes this power to save Feyre’s life. This selfless act causes her rank to fall below Elain, despite his continued possession of Made Fae abilities and his extensive training as a Valkyrie warrior.


A Court Of Thorns And Roses Most Powerful Characters Ranked By Strength

We’ve got a good sense of how various characters perceive Elain, as well as what she reveals to others. However, the full extent of her true power – the complete picture of her current abilities – won’t be fully understood until we read chapters told from her perspective. Similar to Nesta and Feyre, Elain started as a human woman in the series, but was transformed into High Fae at the end of ACOMAF together with Nesta. She was compelled into the Cauldron against her will and suffered greatly from the traumatic event throughout most of ACOWAR.

In An Ember in the Ashes, it becomes clear that what many thought was trauma affecting Elain was actually a unique talent bestowed upon her by the Cauldron. Throughout the story, Elain’s words often seem senseless, troubling her sisters. However, there is a purpose behind her apparent madness. It is Azriel who eventually uncovers the truth, revealing in chapter 32 that she is a seer. This ability gives Elain an incredible advantage for the Night Court in their struggle against Koschei. She can see events from the past, present, and future, and, like Nesta, she can communicate with the Cauldron and the Dread Trove as well.


A Court Of Thorns And Roses Most Powerful Characters Ranked By Strength

Cassian is probably the least mysteriously powerful main character in the ACOTAR series. He is Illyrian (one of a number of Fae sub-species in Prythian), which means that he has strong, bat-like wings as a part of his anatomy, granting him the ability to fly. Cassian is the general of the Night Court’s forces because he is probably the greatest warrior Prythian has ever seen, given that he can beat just about anyone in single combat (as long as they’re fighting relatively fairly). Plus, as an Illyrian, Cassian also has access to raw, offensive magic in his blood.

In ACOMAF, chapter 16, Rhys describes the Illyrians as having a tendency for immediate action followed by questions – “act now, inquire later.” Their magical abilities are primarily focused on lethal force, with only that aspect enhanced. The Illyrians adorn themselves with enchanted items known as siphons, which they use to direct their raw magic into practical applications such as protective shields and energy-infused projectiles. While the majority of Illyrians can manage with just one or two siphons, Cassian requires seven when fully armored.


A Court Of Thorns And Roses Most Powerful Characters Ranked By Strength

As an Illyrian like Cassian, I, Azriel, am blessed with wings and the ability to fly, all thanks to my unique physique. Much like him, I’m brimming with untamed magic in my veins, so seven siphons are necessary for me to manage my energies in combat. In terms of combat skills, Cassian might have a slight edge, but when it comes to mastering the art of war, I’m not far behind. My weapon of choice is a special dagger called Truth-Teller, a blade reputed for its uncanny ability to hit its mark. Beyond the battlefield, I serve as the spymaster for the Night Court, leveraging my innate stealth and shadowsinger abilities for the realm’s protection.

In A Court of Mist and Fury, chapter 16, Rhys tells Feyre that Shadowsingers are unusual and highly valued due to their ability to move unseen and sense things others can’t perceive. Azriel is usually accompanied by small, dark, swift-flying shadows known as Shadowsingers, which respond to his emotions and function as his eyes, alerting him to things that others have missed. Moreover, Azriel has the power to manipulate these shadows for camouflage and perfecting secretive movements in battle scenarios.


A Court Of Thorns And Roses Most Powerful Characters Ranked By Strength

As a High Lord, Tamlin’s existence and might are intricately connected with an entire court’s territory and its inhabitants. Although he may not be the most potent character in this collection, he is still among the most powerful fae in Prythian due to his High Lord position. Endowed with the strength and heightened senses characteristic of a High Fae, Tamlin also possesses a remarkable skill for illusion-casting and a considerable knack for controlling the wind.

Readers primarily recognize Tamlin for his shape-shifting skill, and it’s in this form that he first captures Feyre from the human realm. Despite being intimidating, especially in battle and confrontational circumstances, Tamlin’s talents are not remarkably diverse compared to others.


A Court Of Thorns And Roses Most Powerful Characters Ranked By Strength

In ACOMAF, Feyre discovers that not only does she have standard abilities as a High Fae, but she also holds fragments of magic from each of the Courts. This gives her control over water, fire, and ice. Similar to Tamlin, she can shape-shift, and like Rhys, she can enter people’s minds. Additionally, she shares the capacity to emit light on her own, reminiscent of the High Lord of the Dawn Court, and she can wield the radiant, healing energy of Helion’s Day Court.

With Rhys by her side, Feyre discovers innovative methods of utilizing these abilities, such as transforming into an Illyrian shape to master flight. Moreover, upon marrying Rhys, she ascends to the position of High Lady in the Night Court, granting her the same power and magical bond with the land as any other High Lord. The only individual in Prythian whose magic eclipses Feyre’s is Rhys himself.


A Court Of Thorns And Roses Most Powerful Characters Ranked By Strength

Rhys, a half-Illyrian, stands as the most potent High Lord in modern Prythian and arguably the strongest ever to exist. His natural wings, which he can manifest or conceal at his discretion, are a testament to his Illyrian heritage. As a daemati, Rhys possesses an extraordinary level of power among the Fae, enabling him to manipulate, perceive, and interact with another’s mind. This unique ability further empowers him by allowing mental communication with those in his inner circle during any conflict situation.

In essence, Rhys possesses an extraordinary ability – the purest form of night, which is aesthetically pleasing yet lethal to others. This ability is vividly demonstrated in chapter 70 of ACOWAR, where he nonchalantly summons a destructive force, obliterating a portion of Hybern’s army. No other character across the ACOTAR series wields power on this scale, making Rhys our undisputed top pick.

Looking for ACOTAR series rankings? Discover how readers rate each book within the “A Court of Thorns and Roses” series!

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2024-10-19 21:01