All Of Gibbs’ Rules On NCIS, Explained

For more than two decades, the television series “NCIS” has captivated audiences. The show made its debut in 2003, and since then, several actors have parted ways with the show. However, none of them are missed quite as much as Mark Harmon. Fans first encountered Harmon’s character Leroy Jethro Gibbs in the series premiere, and he has been a steady presence, leading the team through countless cases for twenty years. Although Harmon has had numerous impressive roles on TV and in films, many viewers still see him as Gibbs above all else.

As a devoted fan, I’ve always admired how Gibbs, throughout his tenure on the show, would impart the principles he honed during his long career in law enforcement. Whether it was training a novice or offering a nugget of wisdom, his rulebook mirrors the essence of NCIS and has been instrumental in helping numerous agents navigate tough cases.

Although Gibbs is no longer a recurring figure in “NCIS” and its associated series, his set of guidelines continues to be relevant. While it’s normal to forget a rule or two here and there after all these years, don’t fret! Here’s a comprehensive refresh on the insights that Gibbs shared with his team and NCIS enthusiasts everywhere.

First things first

In the debut of “NCIS”, Gibbs’ set of principles, known as Gibbs’ rules, were frequently referenced. The opening episode introduced Rules 1, 2, and 3, but upon closer inspection, you’ll find an inconsistency in their numbering. Interestingly, in the Season 4 episode “Blowback”, Gibbs highlighted a different Rule #1, stating that it was the foundation for all other rules: Never betray your partner. At times, Gibbs assigns multiple rules to one entry, and on other occasions, he appears to omit numbers entirely.

  • Rule #1: Never let suspects sit together.
  • Other Rule #1: Never screw over your partner.
  • Rule #2: Always wear gloves at a crime scene.
  • Rule #3: Never believe what you are told. Double-check.
  • Other Rule #3: Never be unreachable.
  • Rule #4: Best way to keep a secret: Keep it to yourself. Second best: Tell one other person — if you must. There is no third best.
  • Rule #5: You don’t waste good.
  • Rule #6: Never say you’re sorry.
  • Rule #7: Always be specific when you lie.
  • Rule #8: Never take anything for granted.
  • Rule #9: Never go anywhere without a knife.
  • Rule #10: Never get involved personally in a case.
  • Rule #11: When the job is done, walk away.

Where did the rules come from?

Intriguingly, Gibbs’ colleagues frequently ponder the origin of his rules, and for quite some time, viewers of “NCIS” were left puzzled as well. However, in Season 6 episode “Heartland,” this mystery was unveiled. Through a flashback, we discover how Gibbs met his first wife, Shannon. It is revealed that during their initial conversation, she shared her personal set of rules she abided by. This interaction served as the impetus for Gibbs to create his own rules, thereby infusing his list with a hint of romance.

  • Rule #12: Never date a co-worker.
  • Rule #13: Never involve lawyers.
  • Rule #14: Bend the line, don’t break it.
  • Rule #15: Always work as a team.
  • Rule #16: If someone thinks he has the upper hand, break it.
  • Rule #18: It’s better to seek forgiveness than ask permission.
  • Rule #20: Always look under.
  • Rule #22: Never, ever bother Gibbs in interrogation.
  • Rule #23: Never mess with a Marine’s coffee if you want to live.
  • Rule #27: Two ways to follow someone. First way, they never notice you. Second way, they only notice you.
  • Rule #28: When you need help, ask.
  • Rule #35: Always watch the watchers.

NCIS is keeping some of the rules secret

As “NCIS” unfolded, Gibbs consistently expanded his set of guidelines. While it’s well-known that he has close to 100 rules, it would be a challenge even for die-hard fans to recite them all. Gibbs shared his rules as the situation required, not in any particular order, and there are numerous instances where we never got to see him quote these rules on screen. With so many unseen rules, we can only wish that Gibbs will make more appearances on some form of “NCIS” to provide clarity on those missing entries.

  • Rule #36: If it feels like you’re being played, you probably are.
  • Rule #38: Your case, you’re lead.
  • Rule #39: There is no such thing as a coincidence.
  • Rule #40: If it seems like someone’s out to get you, they are.
  • Rule #42: Never accept an apology from somebody who just sucker punched you.
  • Rule #44: First things first, hide the women and children.
  • Rule #45: Left a mess I gotta clean up.
  • Rule #51: Sometimes you’re wrong.
  • Rule #62: Always give people space when they get off an elevator.
  • Rule #69: Never trust a woman who doesn’t trust her man.
  • Rule #91: When you decide to walk away, never look back.

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2025-03-11 23:30