- Balatro combines multiple card games
- No matter what you’re playing, Jokers are vital
- The right Joker can change everything, so we’ll help you pick the best Jokers on the Balatro tier list that compares all of them.
Whenever I find myself unsure about what game to dive into next, I always browse through gaming marketplaces to see the top-rated and most popular titles. Surprisingly, I often discover games that I wouldn’t have expected to enjoy, thanks to their unique concepts, peer recommendations, or just because they look intriguing. Sometimes, the allure of something new and outlandish can be irresistible!
Initially, Balatro may not appear extraordinary as it revolves around traditional playing cards. However, the enchantment lies in its ability to turn familiar cards, which most people and even their great aunts are acquainted with, into something unique and captivating.
Currently, you might be looking at Balatro while reading this, and it’s suggesting a brief pause. You understand that each card in Balatro has distinct effects depending on its application and the reason for choosing specific ones for your deck. Despite this, the element of chance and randomness are significant hurdles, and Jokers serve as solutions. Similar to their real-world counterparts, Balatro’s Jokers can be assigned any abilities. In an advantageous situation, a strong Joker could swing the game in your favor. However, there are numerous Jokers, and some are more desirable than others.
1 S Tier Jokers
Name | Rarity | Effect |
Perkeo | Legendary | Creates a Negative copy of 1 random consumable card in your possession at the end of the shop |
Triboulet | Legendary | Played Kings and Queens each gives X2 Mult when scored |
Chicot | Legendary | Disables effect of every Boss Blind |
Canio | Legendary |
his Joker gains X1 Mult when a face card is destroyed (Currently X1 Mult) |
Yorick | Legendary |
This Joker gains X1 Mult every 23 [23] cards discarded (Currently X1 Mult) |
Baron | Rare | Each King held in hand gives X1.5 Mult |
Baseball Card | Rare | Uncommon Jokers each give X1.5 Mult |
DNA | Rare | If the first hand of the round has only 1 card, add a permanent copy to the deck and draw it to the hand |
Blueprint | Rare | Copies ability of Joker to the right |
Brainstorm | Rare | Copies the ability of leftmost Joker |
Fibonacci | Uncommon | Each played Ace, 2, 3, 5, or 8 gives +8 Mult when scored |
Pareidolia | Uncommon | All cards are considered face cards |
Hiker | Uncommon | Every played card permanently gains +5 Chips when scored |
Hologram | Uncommon |
This Joker gains X0.25 Mult every time a playing card is added to your deck (Currently X1 Mult) |
Rocket | Uncommon | Earn $1 at the end of the round. Payout increases by $2 when Boss Blind is defeated |
Bull | Uncommon |
+2 Chips for each $1 you have (Currently +0 Chips) |
Mr. Bones | Uncommon |
Prevents Death if chips scored are at least 25% of the required chips self destructs |
Showman | Uncommon | Joker, Tarot, Planet, and Spectral cards may appear multiple times |
Oops! All 6s | Uncommon |
Doubles all listed probabilities (ex: 1 in 3 -> 2 in 3) |
Bootstraps | Uncommon |
+2 Mult for every $5 you have (Currently +0 Mult) |
2 A Tier Jokers
Name | Rarity | Effect |
The Duo | Rare | X2 Mult, if played hand, contains a Pair |
Vagabond | Rare | Create a Tarot card if the hand is played with $4 or less |
Campfire | Rare |
This Joker gains X0.25 Mult for each card sold, resets when Boss Blind is defeated (Currently X1 Mult) |
Stuntman | Rare | +250 Chips, -2 hand size |
Hit the Road | Rare |
This Joker gains X0.5 Mult for every Jack discarded this round (Currently X1 Mult) |
Certificate | Uncommon | When the round begins, add a random playing card with a random seal to your hand |
Sock and Buskin | Uncommon | Retrigger all played face cards |
Four Fingers | Uncommon | All Flushes and Straights can be made with four cards |
Castle | Uncommon |
This Joker gains +3 Chips per discarded [suit] card; the suit changes every round (Currently +0 Chips) |
Flash Card | Uncommon |
This Joker gains +2 Mult per reroll in the shop (Currently +0 Mult) |
To the Moon | Uncommon | Earn an extra $1 of interest for every $5 you have at the end of the round |
Gift Card | Uncommon | Add $1 of sell value to every Joker and Consumable card at the end of the round |
Midas Mask | Uncommon | All played face cards become Gold cards when scored |
Shortcut | Uncommon |
Allows Straights to be made with gaps of 1 rank (ex: 10 8 6 5 3) |
Madness | Uncommon |
When Small Blind or Big Blind is selected, gain X0.5 Mult and destroy a random Joker (Currently X1 Mult) |
Cavendish | Common |
X3 Mult There is a 1 in 1000 chance this card is destroyed at the end of the round |
Blue Joker | Common |
+2 Chips for each remaining card in the deck (Currently +104 Chips) |
Egg | Common | Gains $3 of sell value at the end of the round |
Business Card | Common | Played face cards have a 1 in 2 chance to give $2 when scored |
Gros Michel | Common |
+15 Mult 1 in a 6 chance, this is destroyed at the end of the round |
Scary Face | Common | Played face cards give +30 Chips when scored |
8 Ball | Common |
1 in 4 chance for each played 8 to create a Tarot card when scored (Must have room) |
Sly Joker | Common | +50 Chips, if played hand, contains a Pair |
Clever Joker | Common | +80 Chips, if played hand, contains a Two Pair |
Jolly Joker | Common | +8 Mult if the played hand contains a Pair |
Mad Joker | Common | +10 Mult if the played hand contains a Two Pair |
Joker | Common | +4 Mult |
Misprint | Common | +0-23 Mult |
Abstract Joker | Common |
+3 Mult for each Joker card (Currently +0 Mult) |
Photograph | Common | The first played face card gives X2 Mult when scored |
3 B Tier Jokers
Name | Rarity | Effect |
Ancient Joker | Rare |
Each played card with [suit] gives X1.5 Mult when scored, (suit changes at the end of the round) |
Invisible Joker | Rare |
After two rounds, sell this card to Duplicate a random Joker (Currently 0/2) (Removes Negative from copy) |
Obelisk | Rare |
This Joker gains X0.2 Mult per consecutive hand played without playing your most played poker hand (Currently X1 Mult) |
Wee Joker | Rare |
This Joker gains +8 Chips when each played two is scored (Currently +0 Chips) |
The Trio | Rare | X3 Mult if played hand contains a Three of a Kind |
The Tribe | Rare | X2 Mult, if played hand, contains a Flush |
Driver’s License | Rare |
X3 Mult if you have at least 16 Enhanced cards in your full deck (Currently 0) |
Burnt Joker | Rare | Upgrade the level of the first discarded poker hand each round |
Acrobat | Uncommon | X3 Mult on the final hand of the round |
Ceremonial Dagger | Uncommon | When Blind is selected, destroy Joker to the right and permanently add double its sell value to this Mult (Currently +0 Mult) |
Loyalty Card | Uncommon |
X4 Mult every six hands played 5 remaining |
Steel Joker | Uncommon |
Gives X0.2 Mult for each Steel Card in your full deck (Currently X1 Mult) |
Space Joker | Uncommon | 1 in 4 chance to upgrade the level of played poker hand |
Sixth Sense | Uncommon |
If the first hand of the round is a single 6, destroy it and create a Spectral card (Must have room) |
Card Sharp | Uncommon | X3 Mult, if played poker hand has already been played this round |
Cloud 9 | Uncommon |
Earn $1 for each 9 in your full deck at the end of the round (Currently $4) |
Trading Card | Uncommon | If the first discard of the round has only 1 card, destroy it and earn $3 |
Astronomer | Uncommon | All Planet cards and Celestial Packs in the shop are free |
Matador | Uncommon | Earn $8 if played hand triggers the Boss Blind ability |
The Idol | Uncommon |
Each played [rank] of [suit] gives X2 Mult when scored (Card changes every round) |
Flower Pot | Uncommon | X3 Mult if poker hand contains a Diamond card, Club card, Heart card, and Spade card |
Onyx Agate | Uncommon | Played cards with Club suit give +7 Mult when scored |
Bloodstone | Uncommon | 1 in 2 chance for played cards with Heart suit to give X1.5 Mult when scored |
Throwback | Uncommon |
X0.25 Mult for each Blind skipped this run (Currently X1 Mult) |
Rough Gem | Uncommon | Played cards with Diamond suit earn $1 when scored |
Smeared Joker | Uncommon | Hearts and Diamonds count as the same suit, and Spades and Clubs count as the same suit |
Seltzer | Uncommon | Retrigger all cards played for the next 10 hands |
Ramen | Uncommon | X2 Mult, loses X0.01 Mult per card discarded |
Lucky Cat | Uncommon |
This Joker gains X0.25 Mult every time a Lucky card successfully triggers (Currently X1 Mult) |
Erosion | Uncommon |
+4 Mult for each card below [the deck’s starting size] in your full deck (Currently +0 Mult) |
Shoot the Moon | Common | Each Queen held in hand gives +13 Mult |
Smiley Face | Common | Played face cards give +5 Mult when scored |
Drunkard | Common | +1 discard each round |
Hallucination | Common |
1 in 2 chance to create a Tarot card when any Booster Pack is opened (Must have room) |
Reserved Parking | Common | Each face card held in hand has a 1 in 2 chance to give $1 |
To-Do List | Common | Earn $4 if the poker hand is a [Poker Hand]; the poker hand changes at the end of the round |
Mail-In Rebate | Common | Earn $5 for each discarded [rank]; rank changes every round |
Splash | Common | Every played card counts in scoring |
Ride the Bus | Common |
This Joker gains +1 Mult per consecutive hand played without a scoring face card (Currently +0 Mult) |
Scholar | Common | Played Aces give +20 Chips and +4 Mult when scored |
Delayed Gratification | Common | Earn $2 per discard if no discards are used by the end of the round |
Chaos the Clown | Common | 1 free Reroll per shop |
Banner | Common | +30 Chips for each remaining discard |
Half Joker | Common | +20 Mult if played hand contains three or fewer cards. |
Zany Joker | Common | +12 Mult if the played hand contains a Three-of-a-Kind |
Droll Joker | Common | +10 Mult if the played hand contains a Flush |
Wily Joker | Common | +100 Chips if the played hand contains a Three-of-a-Kind |
Crafty Joker | Common | +80 Chips, if played hand, contains a Flush |
Supernova | Common | Adds the number of times the poker hand has been played this run to Mult |
4 C Tier Jokers
Name | Rarity | Effect |
The Family | Rare | X4 Mult, if played hand, contains a Four-a-kind |
The Order | Rare | X3 Mult, if played hand, contains a Straight |
Diet Cola | Uncommon | Sell this card to create a free double-tag |
Séance | Uncommon |
If the poker hand is a Straight Flush, create a random Spectral card (Must have room) |
Vampire | Uncommon |
This Joker gains X0.1 Mult per scoring Enhanced card played, removes card Enhancement (Currently X1 Mult) |
Constellation | Uncommon |
This Joker gains X0.1 Mult every time a Planet card is used (Currently X1 Mult) |
Burglar | Uncommon | When Blind is selected, gain +3 Hands and lose all discards |
Sixth Sense | Uncommon |
If the first hand of the round is a single 6, destroy it and create a Spectral card (Must have room) |
Dusk | Uncommon | Retrigger all played cards in the final hand of the round |
Marble Joker | Uncommon | Adds one Stone card to the deck when Blind is selected |
Mime | Uncommon | Retrigger all card held in hand abilities |
Joker Stencil | Uncommon |
X1 Mult for each empty Joker slot. Joker Stencil included (Currently X1 Mult) |
Blackboard | Uncommon | X3 Mult if all cards held in hand are Spades or Clubs |
Luchador | Uncommon | Sell this card to disable the current Boss Blind |
Turtle Bean | Uncommon | +5 hand size, reduces by one each round |
Troubadour | Uncommon |
+2 hand size, -1 hand per round |
Merry Andy | Uncommon |
+3 discards each round, -1 hand size |
Seeing Double | Uncommon | X2 Mult, if played hand, has a scoring Club card and a scoring card of any other suit |
Satellite | Uncommon | Earn $1 at the end of the round per unique Planet card used this run |
Stone Joker | Uncommon |
Gives +25 Chips for each Stone Card in your full deck (Currently +0 Chips) |
Cartomancer | Uncommon |
Create a Tarot card when Blind is selected (Must have room) |
Hack | Uncommon | Retrigger each played 2, 3, 4, or 5 |
Hanging Chad | Common | Retrigger first played card used in scoring two additional times |
Walkie Talkie | Common | Each played 10 or 4 gives +10 Chips and +4 Mult when scored |
Swashbuckler | Common |
Adds the sell value of all other owned Jokers to Mult (Currently +1 Mult) |
Golden Joker | Common | Earn $4 at end of round |
Golden Ticket | Common | Played Gold cards earn $4 when scored |
Fortune Teller | Common |
+1 Mult per Tarot card used this run (Currently +0) |
Popcorn | Common |
+20 Mult -4 Mult per round played |
Juggler | Common | +1 hand size |
Lusty Joker | Common | Played cards with Heart suit give +3 Mult when scored |
Gluttonous Joker | Common | Played cards with Club suit give +3 Mult when scored |
Greedy Joker | Common | Played cards with Diamond suit give +3 Mult when scored |
Wrathful Joker | Common | Played cards with Spade suit give +3 Mult when scored |
Crazy Joker | Common | +12 Mult, if played hand, contains a Straight |
Devious Joker | Common | +100 Chips, if played hand, contains a Straight |
Credit Card | Common | Go up to -$20 in debt |
Mystic Summit | Common | +15 Mult when zero discards remaining |
Raised Fist | Common | Adds double the rank of the lowest ranked card held in hand to Mult |
Even Steven | Common |
Played cards with even rank give +4 Mult when scored (10, 8, 6, 4, 2) |
Odd Todd | Common |
Played cards with odd rank give +31 Chips when scored (A, 9, 7, 5, 3) |
Runner | Common |
Gains +15 Chips if the played hand contains a Straight (Currently +0 Chips) |
Green Joker | Common |
+1 Mult per hand played -1 Mult per discard (Currently +0 Mult) |
Red Card | Common |
This Joker gains +3 Mult when any Booster Pack is skipped (Currently +0 Mult) |
Square Joker | Common |
This Joker gains +4 Chips if the played hand has precisely four cards (Currently 0 Chips) |
Ice Cream | Common |
+100 Chips -5 Chips for every hand played |
Superposition | Common |
Create a Tarot card if the poker hand contains an Ace and a Straight (Must have room) |
Riff-Raff | Common |
When Blind is selected, create 2 Common Jokers (Must have room) |
Here’s the current ranking for all Balatro Joker tiers. Keep in mind, further updates might be made by developers. In related news, enthusiasts of comparable games may appreciate our Marvel Snap card tier list and, for those seeking a more adorable experience, we also have a Go Go Muffin tier list.
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