Black Ops 6: All Multiplayer modes confirmed so far

As an avid gamer with over two decades of Call of Duty under my belt, I must say that Black Ops 6 has managed to strike a chord within me. The return of classic game modes, coupled with the introduction of Kill Order, adds a fresh twist to an otherwise familiar experience.

In Black Ops 6, multiplayer is taking a step back to traditional gameplay, as some of the most timeless game modes from the history of Call of Duty are making their comeback.

Enthusiasts of the show are bound to appreciate the reappearance of several classic music selections, along with a fresh option intended to inject a touch of novelty into a collection of modes that might seem somewhat familiar.

All game modes in Black Ops 6 multiplayer

  • Kill Order
  • Team Deathmatch
  • Domination
  • Hardpoint
  • Face Off
  • Gunfight

At the initial release, you’ll find yourself immersed in six diverse gaming modes for an enjoyable experience. Many of these modes are familiar from past games in the series, but Treyarch has made enhancements to several of them, resulting in a slightly enhanced gaming experience compared to what we’re accustomed to.

Here’s a breakdown of each mode we offer, along with an update on how they’ve evolved this year.

Kill Order

Kill Order is the brand new mode in Black Ops 6, and it revolves around High-Value Targets (HVTs).

In each group of six individuals, there will be a designated Operator identified as a High-Value Target (HVT). The goal for the team is to safeguard their HVT while neutralizing the opposing side’s counterparts.

In this game, players who make kills accumulate more points, just as expected. However, an opponent gains significantly higher points when they successfully take out the main target. Regular eliminations continue to earn points as normal, so it’s somewhat similar to Team Deathmatch, yet with a touch of added excitement.

It sounds like a risk/reward balancing act that teams must find to reach the score limit first.

Additionally, there’s a version of this game mode similar to Face Off, where Scorestreaks are turned off and it is played exclusively on the compact Strike Maps. Boy, does that sound like pure madness!

Team Deathmatch

I’ll be honest, this one is pretty much what it says on the tin.

In my perspective as a devoted fan, Treyarch hasn’t sought to revolutionize the time-honored Team Deathmatch formula in radical ways; instead, they seem to have embraced the ‘if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it’ philosophy.

Two groups, each consisting of six members, compete fiercely to accumulate the highest number of eliminations in the shortest time. Despite its simplicity, it remains a consistently entertaining challenge.


In this scenario, you might have encountered it previously: Teams compete to dominate over three separate areas where objectives can be captured. The points accumulate faster based on the number of captured objectives that each team holds.

In the latest version of Call of Duty, developed by Treyarch, they’ve expanded the capture zone for objectives, which was a tight spot where you had to be right on top of the flag in earlier games. This change makes it harder for opponents to pinpoint your exact location.

Currently, the boundaries have been expanded and better defined, providing players with increased opportunities to employ strategic moves during the process of securing their objectives.


In essence, Hardpoint shares similarities with Domination as both involve teams of six competing over control of an area. However, unlike Domination where multiple points can be captured simultaneously, Hardpoint features just one objective that shifts across the map once a time limit expires.

Treyarch has made a minor adjustment by labeling each zone in the Hardpoint mode with numbers. This is intended to help players communicate tactical positions to their teammates for an advantage, but it might not be a revolutionary change. I’ll reserve judgment until I see it in play.

Face Off

Face Off isn’t a mode in and of itself but is rather a twist on the modes mentioned above.

In a Face Off mode adaptation of Team Deathmatch, Domination, or Hardpoint, the gameplay remains essentially unchanged. The unique aspect lies in the deactivation of scorestreaks during these matches.


At last, we have Gunfight, a compact gameplay mode that unfolds on the battlefields of Strike maps. It’s a 2 vs. 2 confrontation, structured in rounds, where respawns are prohibited until the conclusion of each round.

Victory comes for teams when they manage to either wipe out all opponents, or seize control of a central point on the map, which appears following a specific duration.

Here’s another way of expressing it: In this setup, each participant carries an identical set of equipment, ensuring that every game theoretically offers a fair fight. This makes it an ideal choice for individuals seeking to showcase their individual abilities and skillsets in closer combat scenarios.

Additional options may be introduced over time as part of our seasonal updates. We’ll make sure to update this guide once we have more information.

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2024-08-29 17:13