BNB CAD PREDICTION. BNB cryptocurrency

Precise monthly BNB/CAD price prediction

15 Dec1 0441.26%
16 Dec1 0964.95%
17 Dec1 091-0.47%
18 Dec1 016-6.89%
19 Dec966.07-4.90%
20 Dec974.550.88%
21 Dec978.610.42%
22 Dec966.64-1.22%
23 Dec951.60-1.56%
24 Dec1 0247.62%
25 Dec1 0825.64%
26 Dec1 1102.62%
27 Dec1 1352.23%
28 Dec1 1471.09%
29 Dec1 1580.96%
30 Dec1 1832.14%
31 Dec1 1860.20%
1 Jan1 185-0.04%
2 Jan1 1991.20%
3 Jan1 2080.74%
4 Jan1 2170.73%
5 Jan1 2341.38%
6 Jan1 229-0.41%
7 Jan1 2310.22%
8 Jan1 225-0.50%
9 Jan1 2340.71%
10 Jan1 217-1.35%
11 Jan1 2210.32%
12 Jan1 207-1.14%
13 Jan1 2120.42%

BNB to Canadian dollar rate for tomorrow

BNB predicted price for tomorrow is 1 044 Canadian dollars. Today the price for 1 BNB is 1 031 CAD. Yesterday the rate was 1 002 CAD for 1 BNB. BNB/CAD traded in the range of 1 0311 032. The difference compared to the previous day was 2.96%.

Cryptocurrency BNB ranks 6 place by market capitalization. BNB is ahead of DOGE in popularity, but inferior to SOL. The price of BNB has decreased by 7.78% from the maximum value on 4 December 2024.

When will the BNB to Canadian dollar rate increase?

In the coming month, the BNB to Canadian dollar rate will increase. BNB to Canadian dollar is expected to start growing at Monday, 23 December 2024. According to experts, the growth of the BNB to Canadian dollar rate will end on 9 January 2025. The change will be 29.67%

BNB CAD exchange rate forecast for the next week

In the week of 16 December 2024 BNB will trade in the range of 966.071 096 Canadian dollars. The week will start at 1 096 Canadian dollars for 1 BNB. BNB exchange rate will reach 966.64 Canadian dollars, the change is predicted to be -11.82%.

BNB CAD exchange rate forecast in 1 week

In the week of 23 December 2024 BNB will trade in the range of 951.601 158 Canadian dollars. The week will start at 951.60 Canadian dollars for 1 BNB. BNB exchange rate will reach 1 158 Canadian dollars, the change is predicted to be 21.73%.

BNB CAD exchange rate forecast in 2 weeks

In the week of 30 December 2024 BNB will trade in the range of 1 1831 234 Canadian dollars. The week will start at 1 183 Canadian dollars for 1 BNB. BNB exchange rate will reach 1 234 Canadian dollars, the change is predicted to be 4.26%.

BNB exchange rate forecast for 2024

BNB exchange rate in 2024 will be in the range of 957.681 197 CAD for 1 BNB. The BNB exchange rate by the end of 2024 will be 1 197 CAD, the change will be 13.55% per year.

BNB exchange rate forecast for 2025

BNB exchange rate in 2025 will be in the range of 911.151 497 CAD for 1 BNB. The minimum value of 911.15 CAD will be reached in August, and the maximum of 1 497 CAD will be in December 2025. The BNB exchange rate by the end of 2025 will be 1 497 CAD, the change will be 25.00% per year.

BNB exchange rate forecast for 2026

BNB exchange rate in 2026 will be in the range of 1 4721 737 CAD for 1 BNB. The maximum value of 1 737 CAD will be reached in May, and the minimum of 1 472 CAD will be in December 2026. The BNB exchange rate by the end of 2026 will be 1 472 CAD, the change will be -1.66% per year.

BNB exchange rate forecast for 2027

BNB exchange rate in 2027 will be in the range of 1 2831 440 CAD for 1 BNB. The maximum value of 1 440 CAD will be reached in January, and the minimum of 1 283 CAD will be in September 2027. The BNB exchange rate by the end of 2027 will be 1 283 CAD, the change will be -12.85% per year.

See also

2024-12-14 08:59