CBS Has a Message for Netflix Joining the NFL Fray: “Welcome to the Party”

CBS Has a Message for Netflix Joining the NFL Fray: “Welcome to the Party”

As a lifelong gamer who has witnessed the rise and evolution of streaming services, I must say that the NFL’s decision to stream games on Netflix is a game-changer – no pun intended. It’s like seeing Super Mario Bros. evolve into a 3D open-world adventure, keeping me hooked and eager for more.

There’s been quite a buzz surrounding sports moving to online streaming platforms, but nothing has grabbed as much attention as Netflix’s ambitious NFL venture. This year, the streaming titan is planning to broadcast two games on Christmas Day.

The games in question will be produced by CBS Sports, who are collaborating with Netflix for this event. It’s anticipated that Netflix will have its own broadcast team, and they’re also partnering with another production company to handle shoulder programming such as pre-game and post-game coverage. However, the specific details regarding these aspects are yet to be finalized.

CBS Sports President David Berson expressed delight during a press conference at Paramount Global headquarters this morning, discussing their collaboration with Netflix and the NFL for the Christmas Day games.

“Berson declared, ‘You’re invited to the celebration!’ He’s convinced that this activity has such a profound impact that its ongoing support by various parties will be advantageous for all involved, and he stands by this belief strongly.”

“Hey there, I’ve got to say, we’re the go-to place for AFC games, with over half of them airing on Sunday afternoons. And let me tell you, we’ve got a solid lineup of over 100 games. Now, when it comes to Netflix potentially competing for broadcast rights, I think we’re in a strong position. They’ve only got two games per day, but if those games spark more excitement, then that’s fantastic!”

Indeed, it’s not out of kindness that CBS is producing these games. Instead, Berson has revealed that Netflix will compensate them with a production fee. In this deal, CBS will retain the rights and serve as the distribution partner for the four markets involved: Baltimore, Pittsburgh (where CBS owns local stations), Kansas City, and Houston (which features CBS affiliates).

As a passionate fan, I’m thrilled to share that we’ll be offering promotional chances right within the games themselves! Moreover, we have a significant partnership for advertising which also plays a role here. This collaboration benefits us financially and strategically, but it’s a win-win situation for both parties as it works incredibly well.

Regarding the reason behind our action, Berson noted that the NFL and Netflix have a longstanding partnership, and we enjoy strong relationships with both entities. It’s impressive that we managed to come to an agreement swiftly, creating a deal that benefits all parties. We are excited about this collaboration, pleased that the NFL and Netflix continue to acknowledge our skills in game production.

Additionally, Berson pointed out that CBS Sports isn’t just limited to traditional NFL broadcasts. In fact, for the past five seasons, they’ve collaborated with Nickelodeon, airing live games with unique commentary and a fair share of slime.

According to Berson, the Nick game is expected to be one of the two Wild Card playoff contests for our company, and more specifics are yet to be revealed.

He explains, “Many people discuss various alternative streams and similar activities, but what we’re doing is truly attracting a new audience and nurturing the next wave of fans. We’re not stealing viewers who might have watched on CBS to watch this; it’s a completely different platform catering to a distinct age group. I’m delighted that this has been so warmly welcomed.”

Although they don’t currently have plans to provide additional broadcast options such as ESPN2’s “Manningcast,” the company is still exploring other possibilities.

Berson suggests, “There’s plenty to discuss. Are there any platforms dedicated solely to gambling content? It’s something worth considering, especially with other brands like Comedy Central from Paramount. We don’t have any specific plans at the moment, but I believe we’ll see more of such content in the media landscape. However, it’s important to remember that the vast majority of fans prefer to simply enjoy the main event, even when alternate feeds are available. And even when those alternative feeds attract a small audience, it’s still only a single-digit percentage.”

Additionally, he touched upon a recurring issue that arises approximately every four years: Might the presidential election divert viewers from NFL matches they would typically watch?

“In some aspects, it draws focus away, but fans are still seeking their passion, and sports serve as an escape,” he notes. “I believe that one must enter with the understanding that it will consume a significant amount of media space, yet the NFL partnership will continue to fuel excitement, so while it may have some influence, we can only manage what we can.”

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2024-08-14 19:54