As a seasoned gamer and collector of all things Star Wars, I must say that the latest Columbia x Star Wars collaboration left me utterly astounded! Growing up with these iconic characters has been an integral part of my life, and seeing them translated into wearable outdoor gear is nothing short of extraordinary.
As a devoted fan, I’ve been thrilled to see how Columbia has been seamlessly blending the real world with the galaxy far, far away, starting from their 2016 collaboration with Star Wars, which was marked by a Rogue One-themed capsule collection. This partnership has only grown more epic, darker, and more immersive over time, reaching new heights this year as they drew inspiration from the iconic villain, Darth Vader. Fresh off the heels of a Luke Skywalker-inspired pilot collection, the team has been hard at work transforming the imposing presence of Darth Vader into functional, outdoor-friendly apparel for us fans to wear proudly.
This collection features three different styles for outerwear, blending understated elegance with thematic elements like lightsaber-inspired zipper pulls, red string, and reflective Aurebesh detailing. The 3L Interchange Jacket is a highlight, boasting a robust triple-layer waterproof-breathable shell reinforced by a removable inner down layer. A unique version of this jacket was designed with chest armor details, a custom box, and an autograph from the legendary Darth Vader himself, Hayden Christensen. Only 25 pieces are available, each accompanied by proof of authenticity, and all proceeds will support Make-A-Wish.
A key aspect that sets each Star Wars x Columbia collection apart is the meticulous attention and consideration given to every tiny detail by the designers. Visits to Skywalker Ranch offer them a close-up view of costumes, allowing them to meticulously record measurements, colors, materials, and other elements for future reference. For instance, the Interchange Jacket faithfully replicates Vader’s voluminous cape, complete with mesh-backed paneling at the chin guard to mimic his helmet’s mouth portion. Other unique features include a nod to his Mustafar castle with thematic graphics and Aurebesh text, as well as a graphic of his chest piece, which is also visible on the concealed layer of the Crossbody Bag, appearing in its Episode V and VI styles. Columbia even adapted its Omni-Heat insulation technology into an exclusive shiny red look, deviating from the usual silver or gold, to harmonize perfectly with the collection.
Feel free to explore hidden treasures within the collection as it becomes available in unisex sizes on December 5, both online and at selected Columbia stores. The online sale will commence at 12pm EST, but Columbia Greater Rewards members can start shopping 30 minutes early at 11:30am EST. Prices for the items range from $40 USD for a pair of hiking socks to $600 USD for the Vader 3L Interchange Jacket and an exclusive, signed version by Hayden Christensen priced at $2,000 USD. All proceeds from the sale of the signed jackets will be donated to Make-A-Wish.
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