“Dear Remy”: Hollywood Career Coach Gives Advice on Emmy Snubs and Clients Who Misbehave

“Dear Remy”: Hollywood Career Coach Gives Advice on Emmy Snubs and Clients Who Misbehave

I Keep Waiting for My Turn… And Waiting… And Waiting…

Dear Remy,

It’s worth mentioning that the Emmy nominees have just been revealed, yet for the 30th consecutive time, my name is missing from the list.

Throughout my entire adult career, I’ve been crafting stories for television and cinema, yet none of my works have managed to secure that prestigious award with the winged statue. Every year, I find myself overlooked, much like when I was a student and never made it onto any sports teams. In those days, I could retreat to the company of chess enthusiasts, but now they’re all earning twenty times more than I do annually in Silicon Valley.

I feel my work is tender, whimsical, and raw. I don’t shy away from tackling topics others may find uncomfortable. Moreover, when it comes to genres, I don’t adhere strictly to any one – I’ve dabbled in historical fantasy, crime investigation, and even melodramatic teen sagas.

Hey Remy, I want to make sure I’m not giving off a sour vibe. Each morning, I focus on expressing gratitude, give to charities, and guide several upcoming writers. It’s hard not to notice that those who have thrived in their careers never acknowledge my role in their success or invite me to work with them on their shows. However, I’m growing a bit tired of waiting. When will it be my turn?

Is it appropriate for me to try to influence the nomination process – perhaps by expressing gratitude or offering gestures such as gifts or inviting them for lunch at a fancy restaurant like Nobu?


Snubbed up the Wrong Way

Dear Snubbed up the Wrong Way,

After years of trying and striving, I can say with certainty that chasing accolades and recognition from others is a path fraught with disappointment and frustration. As a writer who has been in the industry for quite some time now, I’ve experienced my fair share of rejections and snubs, just like the Emmy snub you mentioned. But what I’ve come to learn is that focusing on the joy of creation itself is far more fulfilling than chasing validation from others.

As a fellow gamer, let me lay it on the line: It seems like you’re taking all the right steps, but perhaps for the wrong motives. Guiding newcomers in writing is a fantastic endeavor, but if your ultimate goal is to be hired by them once they become successful, then there might be some complexities involved. I strongly advise you to find satisfaction in their successes, whether or not you’re a part of it. That sense of pride you’ll feel when you know you’ve truly made a difference… well, it may not be as thrilling as winning an award, but it’s far better than succumbing to resentment.

Reflecting on my school days, memories still linger, sometimes echoing in my mind. Back then, I was the one eagerly waiting to be chosen for teams or projects. Now, I wonder if that longing was just a whisper from my subconscious. It’s fascinating how acknowledgment can catch us off guard. As for trying to impress the nomination committee, I’d advise against it. The path can lead to disappointment and bitterness. Remember, your self-worth isn’t determined by an Emmy nomination. Instead, cherish the journey, the skills you’ve gained, and the connections you’ve made along the way.

As a gamer, I’m constantly grinding, honing my skills, and passing on knowledge to others. Always remember, opportunity may strike unexpectedly. My biggest victories often came from immersing myself in the gameplay rather than chasing accolades.

In the waiting game with you,


“Dear Remy”: Hollywood Career Coach Gives Advice on Emmy Snubs and Clients Who Misbehave

My Walking, Talking PR Nightmare

Dear Remy,

My existence is quite challenging. Despite leading a highly respected public relations company, I’m constantly on edge due to my high-profile client who could pull out at any moment. My days are filled with putting out fires, from morning till night, and the afternoons? Forget about them!

For nearly two decades, I’ve been taking care of this actor. Over time, I’ve come to understand his hot-tempered nature. One instance that stands out is when he got annoyed with my wife for clearing the plates at a dinner party, as there was one remaining caper left – which he had been saving. He also made a fuss about the day I wore a sweater similar to one he had just bought. In fact, he asked me to provide him with a schedule of when I planned on wearing that sweater again, so we wouldn’t end up wearing matching sweaters.

As a devoted fan, I’ve always admired him for maintaining a warm and approachable persona in public, even though there were whispers about his private life being less than ideal. However, over the past couple of years, things have taken an unexpected turn. The façade seems to be cracking, with incidents like his outburst at an awards ceremony, altercations with photographers, lingering feuds with former colleagues, and rumors of discord at home. It’s becoming increasingly challenging to uphold the ‘saintly’ image I’ve long associated him with, as his behavior appears to be growing more erratic.

Remy, I find myself resembling Sarah Connor; my client seems to be on the loose in Hollywood, akin to a Terminator, ready to strike at any moment, causing another calamity that I might not be able to rectify. I must suppress my instinct to track him across town, ensuring he acknowledges his servers, smiles for the public, and swiftly removes anyone dressed similarly from his line of sight.

My anxiety peaks during awards season, and as the Emmy’s approach I was prompted to get in touch.

Remy, do I need to hire an anger management specialist, or Jo Frost the Supernanny?


PR Exec-turned-Firefighter

Dear PR Exec-turned-Firefighter,

Ah, the trials of being the unsung hero behind the curtain.

It appears that you might be experiencing high levels of stress, given the constant pressure of overseeing a client whose actions could potentially jeopardize their career. This is understandable, considering you seem to be in a role similar to watching over a high-maintenance, overly conscious lemming with Botox treatments.

But perhaps there’s a way to turn this situation to your advantage…

Hey there! Have you ever pondered if it’s time for your client to step into the limelight as Hollywood’s new “bad boy”? People are drawn to transformation tales, and what better way to showcase his true character than by revealing a bit of his unpolished side? A touch of mystery could work wonders; a dash of rebelliousness might make him appear more authentic, more human. Don’t forget about Robert Downey Jr.’s comeback story? It’s strikingly similar.

As a fan, I’ve been pondering this: Is it truly more challenging to handle his outbursts openly or to continually extinguish the fires behind the scenes? If I’m destined to play the role of his caretaker, why not turn it into an advantage instead? A makeover could be exactly what he requires. Maybe bringing in an anger management coach is the solution, but always have Jo Frost on standby—in case things get heated up again.

For now, it could be beneficial to have an open and honest discussion with him regarding how his actions might affect both his career and your emotional wellbeing. At times, a firm approach can make a real difference. If he’s not receptive to change, remember there are numerous other reliable clients who would highly regard your commitment and skills.

Managing the inevitable plot twists,


I’m Tired of Doing It Myself

Hi Remy,

For quite some time now, I’ve been captivated by your column and eagerly awaiting each new post. Although I may not be as prominent as certain individuals who’ve reached out to you, I was hoping that perhaps you could offer assistance in my situation as well?

I’m an individual often referred to as an ‘actor’, but the income I earn primarily comes from my work as a busboy. However, throughout the past decade in Los Angeles, I’ve had the opportunity to take on some respectable acting roles. These have included various commercials, a significant storyline on a well-known soap opera, and a few guest appearances on Netflix series that garnered me favorable recognition. Interestingly, I once made it to number 7 on a call sheet!

Reflecting on my current predicament, it seems like everyone in this industry has their own suggestions for boosting my visibility. Just in the past week, my agent brought up the idea of starting a podcast, my mentor hinted that I might secure better roles if I hit the 50k mark on Instagram, and another colleague suggested producing a short film. (To top it off, my roommate playfully floated the notion of setting up an OnlyFans account to help us catch up on our rent, but I’m fairly certain she was just joking). With so many ideas swirling around, it’s challenging to decide which path to take and how to balance everything while continuing to advance my career. As someone who has always valued hard work, dedication, and authenticity, I need to find a solution that aligns with these principles and helps me stand out in this competitive landscape without compromising my integrity or personal life.

2024 appears to require aspiring industry professionals to wear multiple hats: managing a production company, a full crew, and a content house all at once. Although it’s encouraging to see more opportunities compared to 30 years ago, the sheer volume can be overwhelming. Juggling Instagram growth, starting a podcast, and supervising a short film simultaneously feels unattainable for me. All of these tasks require funding, which I lack. Additionally, running a studio from home is impossible due to my roommate’s extensive bird collection. The OnlyFans idea seems impractical as it doesn’t seem like a path to a role in the next Ryan Murphy series. To be honest, I am not comfortable with nudity anyway.

Remy, it seems like the industry is treating me as if it’s a joke. Whenever I ask for work or opportunities, someone offers me tasks to complete, but without payment. There are so many ideas I want to explore, and I can’t survive just on goodwill alone. It’s like being stuck on a never-ending treadmill that I can’t escape (and surprisingly, this could make for interesting content on Patreon or similar platforms).

What do you suggest?



Greetings! You’ve stepped into the era of versatile individuals, or as we call them, multi-talented people. It can be overwhelming, right? The world often encourages you to expand your abilities, yet forgets to mention the need for a time-traveling device to accomplish it all. Here’s a little insight: you don’t have to master everything. Instead, focus on something that ignites your passion and channel your efforts there. Perhaps a podcast could be it? They are affordable and an excellent platform to express your unique self.

As a gamer, I’ve learned that folks love sharing their two cents. It gives them a sense of usefulness, importance, even wisdom. In the world of Hollywood, there’s no shortage of those who crave this validation – it’s better than a hot matcha latte! Just remember to take every piece of advice with a pinch of salt.

As someone who has navigated the digital landscape for years, I can’t help but shrug off the allure of Instagram followers. While it may be a popular platform, I believe that true fulfillment comes from within and not through external validation. If a short film ignites your passion, by all means, pursue it! However, don’t let societal expectations cloud your judgment or add unnecessary pressure to your creative endeavors.

Furthermore, recognize the strength that face-to-face networking holds. Unexpected chances often arise from authentic relationships instead of a large online presence. Take part in industry gatherings, enroll in acting seminars, and establish contacts with individuals who may provide access to opportunities for you.

Finding the balance in the madness,



Remy Blumenfeld, a seasoned television producer and the creator of Vitality Guru, provides expert guidance on business and careers for top-tier professionals in the media industry. If you have any questions or inquiries, please direct them to: guru@vitality.guru

Questions edited by Sarah Mills.

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2024-08-03 17:55