Currently, Shahid Kapoor is going all out with promotions for his upcoming movie titled Deva. In a recent chat, he looked back on the hardships he faced before achieving success in Bollywood. He reminisced about times when he couldn’t even afford clothes while living in Lokhandwala and revealed that he had given as many as 250 auditions before getting his breakthrough role. In a jovial manner, the actor also teased some of his fellow actors, commenting that while they might struggle during their careers, it’s all happening for them in luxury cars like BMWs.
In an open chat with Raj Shamani, Shahid Kapoor, who hails from renowned actors Pankaj Kapur and Neelima Azeem, spoke about his humble beginnings. He divulged that his father was known for playing character roles, while his mother started her career as a Kathak dancer at the tender age of 15. Living in rented homes and navigating numerous auditions, he never experienced the feeling of being privileged.
He proceeded to share anecdotes about his past feelings of being wronged by his circumstances, emphasizing the vastly different experiences people can have. Unlike some individuals who start their careers with prestigious directors but still face challenges due to their privileges, he, however, didn’t begin in the industry until after he had been rejected in 250 auditions.
The Deva actor stated, “Not everyone thrives in a BMW; some begin their career by collaborating with the leading two or three directors nationwide. I, however, came after participating in about 250 auditions.
Shahid playfully recounted that nowadays people praise his style, but he reflects on a time when he couldn’t even afford clothing in Lokhandwala, serving as a nostalgic reminder of his humble origins. “I recall a moment when I didn’t have enough funds to purchase clothes in Lokhandwala,” he stated.
Currently, the trailer for Shahid Kapoor’s forthcoming movie, titled Deva, is receiving praise from viewers. Notably, the initial track, “Bhasad Matcha,” has been spreading rapidly across social media platforms.
Deva will be the initial film release of the year for the actor, starring alongside Pooja Hegde, Pavail Gulati, and a skilled ensemble. The movie is helmed by director Rosshan Andrrews and produced by Zee Studios and Roy Kapur Films. This action-packed suspense flick is slated to premiere in cinemas on January 31st, 2025.
Meanwhile, it’s worth mentioning that Shahid is slated to appear in Vishal Bhardwaj’s production titled Arjun Ustara. Notably, Triptii Dimri has been cast in a significant role, which only heightens the anticipation for Shahid’s upcoming ventures.
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2025-01-25 12:09