Does Oscar Die In On My Block Season 4?

The Netflix show “On My Block” follows the lives of four primary characters – Monsé (played by Sierra Capri), Cesar (Diego Tinoco), Ruby (Jason Genao), and Jamal (Brett Gray) – residing in and attending school within a fictional Los Angeles area called Freeridge. This enthralling teen drama spans four seasons, chronicling their adolescent years, encompassing everything from romantic encounters and school events to sorrow, loss, and self-discovery, all while dealing with the challenges of gang conflicts, hidden wealth, and surrounding criminal activities.

In the fourth season of “On My Block,” two pivotal characters meet their end: Cesar’s brother, Oscar (portrayed by Julio Macias), and Ruby’s grandmother, Marisol/Abuelita (Peggy Blow). These characters significantly influence the lives of Cesar, Ruby, Jamal, and Monsé, shaping their futures as they contemplate the paths ahead. While Abuelita’s demise was expected due to her cancer diagnosis, Oscar’s death remains mysterious. Who is responsible for his death, and what led to this tragic event? Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of the circumstances surrounding Oscar’s passing in Season 4 of “On My Block.

Who is Oscar in On My Block?

In the first season, viewers are introduced to Oscar Diaz, the older sibling of Cesar Diaz from the Core Four. Released from prison, Oscar, who is often referred to as “Spooky” due to his intimidating presence, leads a gang called Santos. Initially aspiring to go to culinary school, he chooses to stay with Santos to keep an eye on his brother since their mother is not around. The initial purpose of the Santos gang was to safeguard those who can’t protect themselves in Freeridge; however, as troublemakers like 19th Street stir up problems in the neighborhood, the focus of the gang changes.

Throughout the four seasons of the series, Oscar transforms from a villain towards the teen characters into someone viewers can cheer on, as he embarks on a fresh path in life. Although he remains the leader of the group and even persuades Cesar to join, Oscar develops into a more understanding individual. In the initial season, he comes off as a tough character who shuns nonsense, particularly when it concerns his brother. This tough demeanor only encourages Cesar’s friends to strive harder in keeping him at a distance from Santos.

As the story unfolds, Oscar becomes a more compassionate figure. His brother Cesar’s character provides support to Ruby when she loses her love interest in Season 2, and to Monsé following her mother’s demise in Season 3. Throughout the series, he remains vigilant over their friend circle, shielding them from hostile gangs and ensuring their safety. By the fourth season, Oscar is wedded to Isabel (Andrea Cortés) and they have a child together. He contemplates departing Santos and the neighborhood, aiming for a new beginning.

What happens to Oscar in Season 4 was a shocking tragedy

In Season 4, Episode 5, we find Oscar, Isabel, their daughter, and Cesar preparing for a fresh start in Portland. However, as Cesar departs from his home, learning that his brother will also move there, he is fatally shot by a passing vehicle. Hearing the gunshot, Cesar dashes outside, but it’s too late – Oscar succumbs to his injuries with Cesar holding him. In that fateful moment, as Oscar senses his impending fate, he expresses his love one last time to his wife over the phone.

When Oscar passed away, Cesar felt a deep impact. He temporarily took control of Santos to discover who had killed his brother. Later, he chose to move to Portland with Isabel to help raise Oscar’s daughter. Although Oscar didn’t have the chance to reveal his killer before dying, it appears that the older brother already knew the culprit. Reddit users hypothesize that the murder could be linked to gang activities, with some suggesting it was the 19th Street due to their growing influence, while others believe it might have been fellow Santos member Joker, who seemed particularly upset over Cuchillos’ death and his decreased earnings. Other theories point toward the Prophet$ or any other disgruntled members of Santos, possibly angry about Oscar leaving the gang.

Who played Oscar in On My Block and where is he now?

In the Netflix series “On My Block,” Julio Macias takes up the character of Oscar, marking his debut in a significant television role in America. Prior to this show, Macias had appeared in several short films throughout the 2010s and played Poncho for five episodes on the Spanish-language miniseries “La Vida es Como El Cine”. Additionally, he has made guest appearances on American productions such as “Game Shakers”, “Jane the Virgin”, and “S.W.A.T.

The actor collaborated with the streaming service once more for “Selena: The Series,” portraying Pete Astudillo, a music producer who teamed up with Selena and played a significant role in shaping her iconic sound. Afterward, his presence on American television expanded through a recurring character in the ABC drama “Promised Land” (which ended in 2022), brief appearances in “The Rookie,” and as the voice of adult Dario in the web series “Young Dario.” Some viewers might also remember him from an episode of “Diarra from Detroit” where he played a young Marshall on BET+.

In more current times, Macias has been chosen for the role in the thriller titled “Three Years Gone”. He is expected to perform alongside Pepe Serna, famously recognized as Angel from the 1983 movie “Scarface”. In this production, Macias will portray a father on a mission to find a method to eliminate something potentially brought back from war with him.

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2025-01-10 15:30