EA Shot Down A Pitch For Dead Space 4 This Year, Confirms Glen Schofield

As a seasoned gamer with a heart for survival horror games, I find myself deeply troubled by the current state of the Dead Space franchise. Having played through the terrifyingly immersive world of the first two games and braved the unforgiving landscapes of Dead Space 3, I can attest to the unique charm and adrenaline rush each game offers.

Story Highlights

  • The Dead Space franchise is one of the most iconic survival horror video game series of all time.
  • The last original game in the series, Dead Space 3, came out in 2013, which is more than a decade ago.
  • The creator of the series claims that he made a pitch for Dead Space 4, but it was rejected by EA, the publisher. 

The Dead Space video game series has experienced a mix of successes and challenges, particularly with the third major installment deviating significantly from the first two games. However, there’s something that just doesn’t add up, at least for most gamers. In an episode on the Dan Allen Gaming channel, creator Glen Schofield shared an intriguing yet unsettling comment about the series’ upcoming direction.

For reference, skip to 1:31:24 in the following video. 

During the comprehensive analysis of Dead Space (the deep dive), Glen was accompanied by other creative minds behind the franchise, specifically Bret Robbins and Christopher Stone, as they discussed the heartbreaking events that have impacted fans of the series.

We tried, actually, you know. The three of us. Dead Space 4.

Glen then added, “I mean we’re talking this year.” 

Afterward, Glen elaborated that, given EA’s role as the publisher, it was evident they needed to weigh various aspects before approving such a significant project. On a personal note, I struggle to comprehend why or how a fresh take on one of the most cherished survival horror game series wouldn’t be an excellent decision.

As a gamer, I held back from diving too deep. They simply expressed, “We’re not keen at the moment,” followed by a bunch of polite words like “thank you” and “we know who to contact.” So, I decided not to pursue it any further. I respected their decision because they’ve got their game numbers to consider and all that shipping business.

According to Christopher Stone, who served as the second creative lead for Dead Space, the present condition of the gaming industry might explain Electronic Arts’ lack of action. He noted that it could be quite daring to explore beyond established limits in today’s market.

Christopher Stone expressed that the current state of the industry is rather peculiar, as individuals seem reluctant to venture into new opportunities. Therefore, his advice is to approach the situation with caution and skepticism. However, he remains optimistic, suggesting that perhaps in the future, everyone might have the chance to do it, should we all share this desire.

Dead Space 3 Met A Bad Fate In Its Time

Incidentally, Dead Space 3 is often seen as the misfit of the series, since its gameplay and storyline didn’t align well with the rest of the franchise’s high standards. However, a remake of Dead Space was just released, which has been praised for rekindling the IP’s original charm, and fueling optimism among fans and critics about the potential future of Dead Space.

I sincerely hope that the show will receive appropriate recognition in the future, and Electronic Arts might rethink their choice to close the proposal presented by Glen, Christopher, and Bret.

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2024-12-25 10:12