Escape from Tarkov: Shooting Cans quest walkthrough

Escape from Tarkov: Shooting Cans quest walkthrough

As a seasoned survivor of the Chernarus wastelands, I can confidently guide you through the perilous journey of extracting your hard-earned loot from Ground Zero. First, let’s talk about the Nakatani Basement Stairs. If lady luck smiles upon you and grants you this extraction point, follow my words: leave Capital Insight, turn right, and make your way down to the end of the street. You should find the Nakatani building there, marked by its name on the side. Inside, head through the barbed wire entrance, turn left, and follow the corridor until you reach a door leading to some stairs. Descend these stairs, be aware of potential ambushes, and the extract should trigger. Remember, the wily survivors who camp here are always watching, so stay sharp!

When you begin a fresh round in Escape from Tarkov, it’s probable that the Shooting Cans mission from Prapor will appear at the top of your to-do list. Use our comprehensive guide to track down the two machine guns and finish this quest!

How to complete Shooting Cans

To finish the game “Shooting Cans”, you’ll have to locate both the Utyos machine gun and the AGS grenade launcher at Ground Zero. Additionally, you need to take out a total of 5 targets, which can be either Scavs or PMCs, within the same map.

Luckily, unlike typical ‘search and find’ missions, your progress on this task won’t depend on surviving the raid or extracting any loot. Instead, you can easily approach either weapon and your progress will be permanently recorded.

Escape from Tarkov: Shooting Cans quest walkthrough

The Utyos machine gun is situated on the fifth level of the Empire building, located centrally amidst Terragroup and Nakatani, with Fusion positioned directly across from it.

Escape from Tarkov: Shooting Cans quest walkthrough

To reach the stairs, proceed into the building on the ground level. Then, walk down the corridor situated at the back of the Tarbank wall. Once there, you’ll find a door on your left which you should enter to ascend the stairs.

Escape from Tarkov: Shooting Cans quest walkthrough

As a gamer, be cautious not to venture into the room at the end of the hallway marked by the red writing on the wall. That area is rigged with a deadly trap – a claymore mine that’ll instantly wipe me out if I step in!

Escape from Tarkov: Shooting Cans quest walkthrough

Keep ascending the staircase, making sure to step over or swiftly pass by the barbed wires (to avoid causing too much harm and commotion). Then, proceed out of the door that’s located at the top.

Escape from Tarkov: Shooting Cans quest walkthrough

After passing through the door, make your way by taking a turn to the left and then another one to the right. You’ll find the machine gun situated on a pallet near the window if you look carefully.

Escape from Tarkov: Shooting Cans quest walkthrough

As someone who has navigated through countless challenges, I can confidently say that all that’s left for us now is a straightforward step: Approach the machine gun, be patient till the subtask activates, and we’ll sail smoothly through this next phase together. Trust in your instincts, and let’s make our way forward!

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that this strategic vantage point is indeed a goldmine for quest progression. The expansive view it offers, stretching from the bustling street to other buildings, makes it an ideal spot to spot and take out some of those pesky quest objectives. However, let me caution you – this isn’t a place for the faint-hearted or inexperienced. This spot is a hotbed of activity, particularly at the start of each wipe, making it a prime target for other players. So, tread carefully and don’t linger too long if you want to keep your character intact!

Escape from Tarkov: Shooting Cans quest walkthrough

On the third level of the Capital Insight building, located next to Nakatani and opposite Empire (where you discovered the Utyos machine gun), you’ll come across the AGS grenade launcher.

Escape from Tarkov: Shooting Cans quest walkthrough

As a passionate enthusiast, I’d guide you this way: “Swing by the primary door on your right, ascend the gleaming escalator, and lastly, climb the stairs on the right when you reach the summit.”

Escape from Tarkov: Shooting Cans quest walkthrough

After ascending the stairs, you’ll find a pair of doors up ahead. Go through them, proceed along the hall, and you’ll come to the second door on your left. It’s opposite the food stand.

Escape from Tarkov: Shooting Cans quest walkthrough

Head into that room, and the AGS grenade launcher should be there at the back on a pallet.

Escape from Tarkov: Shooting Cans quest walkthrough

Similar to a machine gun, you just need to approach closely enough for the task to be accomplished, and you can glance out from the window to spot potential targets below, hoping for fortunate shots.

Extracting via Nakatani Basement Stairs

Should your situation provide you with access to the Nakatani Basement escape route, it will allow for a quick departure from the raid. Simply exit the Capital Insight building and take a right, following the path until you reach the end of the street.

Escape from Tarkov: Shooting Cans quest walkthrough

At the far end, you’ll find the Nakatani Building. You can easily spot its name, clearly displayed, on the side of the building itself.

Escape from Tarkov: Shooting Cans quest walkthrough

Step into the area via the wire-reinforced gate, then veer left. At the end of this hall, you’ll find a door. This door leads to some steps that descend below. Keep going down these stairs and an activation point should be tripped. Just a heads up: players often lurk in this spot, particularly at the beginning of a server reset – so always keep your eyes open.

Extracting via Emercom Checkpoint

If you find yourself on the Nakatani part of the map, it’s probable that you should make your way towards the Emercom Checkpoint extraction point. Since Capital Insight and Empire are situated on the opposite side of the map, a wise choice for your safety would be to descend into the underground area through one of the buildings or tunnels.

There are still Scavs and potentially other PMCs down here, but you’re thankfully not left exposed to players peeking from the many windows inside the towering buildings. Head down the underground passage until you reach the other end, and then make your way back up to the street.

Escape from Tarkov: Shooting Cans quest walkthrough

To find the Unity Credit Bank, look for it near a tent and a collection of medical equipment. Once you spot the doors behind the tent, the extraction point will be activated.

Escape from Tarkov: Shooting Cans quest walkthrough

You are quite exposed here too, so try not to stand still to leave yourself a sitting duck.

As a seasoned survivor in this intricate game, I’ve learned that eliminating targets isn’t always easy-peasy, but rather requires a keen sense of strategy and a good grasp of the game mechanics. Newcomers might want to take note that you’ll probably run into at least 5 Scavs (artificial enemies) en route to the mounted weapons and the extraction point. However, dispatching them efficiently can be quite the challenge for beginners. Here are my recommendations:

Be cautious to move slowly, avoid acting hastily, and pay attention to any sounds that might help you locate targets before they become aware of your presence. Scavengers often warn each other with calls when they spot someone, and won’t start firing for several seconds at least, giving you the advantage of surprise in dealing with them first.

Furthermore, many Scavs are not heavily armored, particularly in the helmet area. This means that if you can, focus on hitting their heads since a single bullet from most rounds in the game should be sufficient to eliminate them without needing any additional helmet protection.

Players known as PMCs, or other competitors, present a unique situation because interactions with them can differ greatly. For beginners, it might be wise to steer clear of confrontations and aggressive strategies since chances are high that your adversary will have better resources for handling conflicts.

Even though Ground Zero’s maximum level is 20, it’s not very likely that their equipment will be so powerful as to completely eliminate your chances.

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2024-07-31 17:13