God of War Ragnarok Skill Mods and Mod Tokens explained

As a seasoned gamer with years of battle-hardened experience under my belt, I must say that the addition of Mod Tokens or Skill Mods in God of War Ragnarok has truly elevated the gameplay to new heights. The ability to customize my character’s skills based on my preferred playstyle is a feature that I’ve always yearned for, and Santa Monica Studio has delivered it with panache.

In the latest release of God of War Ragnarok, there’s a fresh feature called Mod Tokens, also known as Skill Mods. This addition offers an additional level of personalization for your character’s skills, enabling you to tailor your gameplay experience according to your preferred playstyle by choosing various build options. We’ll delve deeper into this system in the following details.

Mod Tokens explained

As a dedicated player, I’ve found that boosting my skills with Mod Tokens is just what I need to take my game to the next level! These tokens let me enhance the Damage, Stun, Protection, or Element attributes of a skill I’ve mastered at the Gold Tier. It’s like having that extra edge in battle!

When your proficiency in a skill reaches the Gold level, you’ll be able to spend 1000 Kratos XP to access the Mod Token slot for that particular skill. Once opened, you may swap between various Mod Tokens through the Skills interface.

Here are the Mod Tokens currently available in the game:

  • Damage: Slightly increases the damage of the Skill. 
  • Stun: Moderately increases Stun property of the Skill. 
  • Protection: Greatly increases resistance to damage and being staggered during the Skill. 
  • Element: Increases the Elemental effect (Frost/Fire) of the Skill. 

How to unlock Skill Mods

Previously noted, attaining the Gold Tier level within a skill will grant you access to Skill Mods, which can be obtained by accumulating 1000 Kratos XP.

After completing a task, I can select a Modifier Token based on my preference, boosting the effectiveness of the skill I used.

How to reach Skills Gold Tier

During battle, activate your ability to ensure it connects with the opponent, thereby boosting your skill level. As long as you fulfill the prerequisites, you’ll progressively advance from the Bronze, Silver, and ultimately the Gold tier.

Some need you to use the Skill 15 times, while others need it 75 times. You can check the condition in the Skills section by hovering over the Skill. 

Which skills can have Mod Tokens?

Almost any skill you activate using the press of a button can be mastered to unlock the Skill Mods feature to use Mod Tokens. You cannot have Mod Tokens for passive skills

How to change Mod Tokens

Occasionally, gamers might choose a Mod Token hurriedly without considering its compatibility with their ongoing game structure, thereby not maximizing the potential benefits it offers.

As a dedicated player like myself, you’re surely aware that effortlessly transitioning between Mod Tokens comes at no cost to you. Here’s an easy guide on how to pull it off:

  • Press the touchpad on the DualSense controller to open the Character menu. 
  • Navigate to the Skill section. 
  • Select the Skill for which you have Skill Mods unlocked and previously equipped a Mod Token. 
  • Press the X button to Inspect
  • Select from the list of available Mod Tokens. 

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2024-08-27 18:42