Hero Tale guide – 5 tips to get your story straight

Hero Tale guide - 5 tips to get your story straight

As a seasoned adventurer with countless hours spent traversing the mystical lands of this game, I can confidently say that these tips are golden for any aspiring hero like yourself!

Hero Tale differs from most mobile role-playing games you may be familiar with, and what sets it apart (besides its initially slow pace) is that it offers an incremental idle game experience that appears to provide more, yet requires a certain level of patience on your part.

When it comes to the skill tree, however, it resembles Path of Exile quite a bit! 

Sure thing! If you’re like me and not the most patient gamer, this Hero Tale guide offers a concise approach. It skips over the tedious details and gets right to the exciting parts with all the tips and strategies needed for a smooth start.

I’ve spent more time on this game than I initially anticipated, and during that period, I picked up a few insights about what sets it apart – let’s just say it’s quite enjoyable. Despite having fewer features compared to other RPGs, it adheres closely to the fundamental aspects. This simplicity, however, requires a deep grasp of the game to fully appreciate it.

Hero Tale guide - 5 tips to get your story straight

So, if you want to have the best start possible, this Hero Tale guide should help you quite a bit.

To begin, let’s tackle some fundamental concepts before diving into more complex strategies. If you’re new here, as I once was, every bit of assistance is beneficial. We’ll kick things off by discussing a guide to accelerate your progress, followed by sharing productive locations for farming.

Alright, gamers! Let’s conclude our guide by sharing some handy tips about equipment and abilities that will surely elevate your gameplay. Every build is unique, but fret not! We’re here to assist you in finding the perfect match for your gaming style.

Without further ado, let’s check out the Hero Tale guide and tips below!

1 Tip #1 – Hero Tale leveling guide: everything you need to know!

Hero Tale guide - 5 tips to get your story straight

To progress swiftly in Hero Tale, it’s essential to begin your journey somewhere. Initially, that would be the sewers during the early levels. Your aim should be to defeat as many rats as possible, collecting experience points (EXP) along the way. Although these rats provide only a small amount of EXP, they attack very slowly and deal minimal damage, making them ideal for farming EXP at the start of your adventure.

Since the easiest way to level is to always fight enemies that you can take down as fast as possible, I recommend starting with the easiest one. It will take a while to level up, but it’s still a lot faster than going back and forth to other enemies that could leave you with 1HP, then going back to heal and so on. When fighting lower-level enemies that give slightly less EXP but you can eliminate in an attack or two, it’s a lot faster to level up. You could even leave your game idly farming, and you’ll come back to a levelled-up character.

Tips for leveling up fast

Here are a few tips that can help you level up quickly:

  • You need to find mobs that you can kill in a reasonable time, that give decent EXP, and where you won’t take a lot of damage.
  • If you’re torn between a couple of grinding spots, simply check how long it takes you to kill one enemy, and how much EXP they give. Then, compare the spots, and pick the one with the most EXP gain and benefits.
  • Ideally, you need to find a spot where you can idle without dying. Once you find that (in the early game, it’s the Rats, like I mentioned before), just stay there until you get a few levels under your belt.

2 Tip #2 – Know when to back down

Hero Tale guide - 5 tips to get your story straight

It’s always wise to retreat when a fight appears too challenging. When you’re new or just starting with your initial equipment, it might seem like a good idea to move to more advanced locations for farming. However, sometimes that’s not the best choice. Instead, try to stay in areas where you take less damage and can comfortably kill monsters over extended periods without depleting your resources quickly.

Over time, it will yield greater EXP, and you won’t squander any minutes recovering from being defeated or similar situations. When an enemy’s single strike depletes nearly half of your HP, that’s a sign for you to retreat. Just press the white flag button (which is also known as the “surrender” flag) and return to the area where you were grinding earlier.

It’s advisable to avoid stronger opponents in the beginning, ideally until you acquire good equipment and can lessen some of the damage received. In Hero Tale, it’s better to play for the long term or end game rather than seeking immediate rewards – believe me, I found that out the hard way.

3 Tip #3 – Let’s talk fish

Hero Tale guide - 5 tips to get your story straight

Absolutely! You got it correct – we’re not talking about real fishing here. Instead, prepare yourself for an epic battle against the mighty Leviathan. Defeating this beast won’t just be a feast for its dropped fish and valuable loot, but you might even score a rare and stylish helmet as a trophy!

Multiple gamers frequently farm this boss to obtain the helmet, but keep in mind there are specific conditions for efficient grinding. Ideally, you should have solid defensive abilities. This could involve high defense and armor or an abundance of blocking capabilities. Several character builds can handle these requirements effectively. If possible, prioritize flat defense/armor as it’s versatile across various builds. However, if you already follow a specific build, continue with that.

Typically, to conquer the formidable Leviathan, you’ll need at least 2700 Health Points (HP), 90 Combat strength, 100 Magic power, and 50 Defense. Following a straightforward strategy, I managed to defeat it using this equipment setup:

  • Driada Casque
  • Elder Armor
  • Leafy Pants
  • Cultist Sabatons
  • Elder Shield
  • Flamberg

Additionally, I too had numerous healing concoctions in my stockpile. You might want to consider mastering a healing incantation as well for your assistance.

What about fish?

As you probably know, Fish are an item dropped by the Leviathan – also, this item can heal you, so if you are running low on potions by any chance, you can use this to heal. Fish heals you for 36 HP, so it’s not all that bad!

4 Tip #4 – Invest your points smartly

Hero Tale guide - 5 tips to get your story straight

To ensure your character stands out with depth, it’s best to stick to a specialized build. Avoid distributing points haphazardly across all skills as this might not make strategic sense later on. Instead, focus on the major skill nodes in the tree, as that’s where you’ll find the true power and potential for growth.

As a gamer, I’d highly recommend you prioritize obtaining the Falcon Agility feature right away. Trust me, it significantly enhances your gaming experience because, as is, your attacks move at a snail’s pace – a full three seconds for just one attack! That’s not exactly thrilling. However, with Falcon Agility, you’ll notice a significant decrease in the time needed to charge your attacks. This means you’ll be able to dispatch enemies much more swiftly and enjoy the game a lot more.

Additionally, it’s important to obtain Protective Gear. This gear will significantly enhance your ability to withstand damage, allowing you to fight slightly less formidable foes without suffering any harm. In essence, this gives you a steady stream of Experience Points, enabling you to level up continuously. Since both these aspects contribute to faster progress, always remember to give them priority.

A beneficial node to consider is Unnatural Recovery, which can significantly boost your health recovery. Notably, it’s particularly useful when you respawn, as it rapidly restores your HP to 50%. In summary, explore the key nodes and strategize the most effective way to acquire them. At this stage, focus on acquiring only the major nodes; other surrounding ones can be obtained later once you have additional points available.

5 Tip #5 – Gear up and get to fighting!

Hero Tale guide - 5 tips to get your story straight

Equipment is just as crucial as your abilities. Having quality equipment allows you to engage in battles with tougher opponents and sustain less damage. Unfortunately, you won’t have any exceptional gear at the start, but by defeating rats and earning rewards, you’ll eventually be able to purchase better items.

As a seasoned adventurer with years of battling rats under my belt, I wholeheartedly endorse this advice for beginners. Selling your rat tails can be a good starting point to gather some coins, and Oscar’s Shop is an excellent place to invest in quality gear.

Upgrading your equipment will make farming more efficient in lower-level dungeons, as it allows for quicker harvest and reduced damage intake. Focus on obtaining the gear I previously suggested (for battling Leviathan) in Druid’s Passage, Secret Orchard, and Woodfolk Circle. Additionally, you can acquire the Flamberg sword from the Pirate Captain within Pirate’s Cove.

As a gamer, if the current locations prove too challenging for me, I can gradually improve my character by grinding levels in less demanding areas instead. Or, if I’ve got a unique playstyle with specific gear requirements, I can seek out those optimal farming spots to gather the loot I need!

In summary, it’s essential to ensure that you are always using the most advanced equipment available, as even minor enhancements in protection or damage can significantly impact your performance.

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2024-08-05 15:49