How an Oscar Winner Made a Top-Secret Benjamin Netanyahu Movie Without Anyone Finding Out

How an Oscar Winner Made a Top-Secret Benjamin Netanyahu Movie Without Anyone Finding Out

As a seasoned documentary filmmaker with over three decades of experience under my belt, I’ve seen many a politician dance around the truth like a skilled ballerina. But Alex Gibney, with his unparalleled knack for storytelling and fearless pursuit of the facts, has managed to unravel the tangled web that is the Netanyahu family in his latest film, “The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley.

As a dedicated admirer of insightful documentary filmmaking, I can’t help but marvel at Alex Gibney’s work, from delving into Wikileaks, Scientology, and the Afghanistan conflict, to shedding light on the enigma that is Elizabeth Holmes. It’s only natural that his prolific talent would lead him to produce a documentary about one of the most influential political figures in recent history – Israel’s long-standing Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

In “The Bibi Files,” Gibney and director Alexis Bloom provide a scathing analysis of a controversial right-wing leader. They construct an argument against him using previously unseen leaked interrogation videos from his ongoing corruption trial, which involves accusations of receiving gifts in exchange for political favors.

The recordings, featuring not only Netanyahu but also family members and significant Israeli figures, clearly depict the prime minister’s thought processes and methods – a pertinent representation given that he and his far-right coalition allies are still engaged in a conflict in Gaza, which has been ongoing for nearly a year since Hamas launched an attack on Israel on October 7.

At a local restaurant, Gibney and Bloom recently had a discussion with THR about the mysterious filmmaking process of their upcoming movie, which made headlines during its debut at TIFF 2024. Here’s an excerpt from that conversation, edited for conciseness and clarity.

You have some incredible footage here. How did all this come about?

ALEX GIBNEY  The story begins with a sudden revelation. It was around mid-2023. A confidential source delivered this footage to me unexpectedly. From the start, I sensed its significance. However, I now possessed this material and required funding, yet I couldn’t disclose details to potential funders. All I could do was appeal for financial support by saying, “I have something valuable, though it must remain a secret. Can you still provide funds based on my promise?

Um, how did those conversations go?

Initially, they proved challenging, yet there were some who expressed faith in us, encouraging us to proceed and observe the outcome. Subsequently, more individuals joined our efforts, and eventually, Alexis became part of our team.

BLOOM When Alex contacted me, my initial response was affirmative, even without knowing the details. However, it needed to be kept secret for a considerable period. If we had made it public, it would have been like inviting everyone, “come to the office, Mossad.” I didn’t want to reveal too much to those involved as I didn’t want to put them in danger.

Initially, you planned to create a movie focusing on the judicial reform initiatives by the Netanyahu administration and the significant opposition they faced within Israeli society. However, October 7th marked a turning point.

BLOOM The story of potential judicial reform was significant due to his notorious corruption. In essence, you’re witnessing the unfolding of human actions across countless hours of recordings. However, October 7 stood out – I recall discussing with Alex, “Is this the same movie? It’s so distressing what occurred – can we comprehend it in the same light?” Alex, commendably, suggested taking a moment to observe and wait for developments. He encouraged me to travel to Israel in November to gather insights from people about their perspectives.

What did folks say?

In essence, Half of the crowd considered this matter even more crucial due to the morally questionable individual assuming command over a military conflict. Conversely, many men in security services argued that it’s inappropriate to criticize a wartime leader. Perhaps they can voice their concerns to local media outlets. However, there was apprehension when dealing with foreign news sources. To me, this situation remained the same, but with significantly greater consequences.

Can you briefly summarize the intricate connection or conflict you’re discussing, which seems to involve both court proceedings (the trial) and military engagements (the war)?

Netanyahu will go to great lengths to maintain his position in office, as it allows him to postpone his trial more effortlessly. To keep control, he must comply with the demands of far-right coalition members such as Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir, or risk their departure from the coalition, which would result in him losing power. They appear to advocate for a perpetual conflict.>

As a devoted fan, I’d like to share my understanding from the movie. The coalition membership they hold, as I see it, was directly born out of the trial’s outcomes.

GIBNEY Absolutely. Following the revelation of the corruption accusations, it’s likely that more moderate individuals began distancing themselves from Bibi.

After the tragic deaths of six hostages two weeks ago and the widespread protests that ensued, it seems to me that many Israelis are tired of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s leadership. Can you share any thoughts or observations that give you hope for a change in political regime?

PARAPHRASE Beneath the surface lies unrest, and the nation is severely fractured. To maintain control, he’s deliberately escalating tensions – in the case of Israel, it’s like navigating the ship towards dangerous reefs. It somewhat mirrors George Bush and his strategy against terrorism; when you claim that the fight continues until no more terrorists exist, this essentially sets the stage for an unending conflict.

As a gamer, I’d put it like this: “It seems there’s a lot of disagreement being thrown around, but the polls are clear: the overwhelming majority of Israeli citizens want Bibi (Netanyahu) and his wartime strategies out.

Without a doubt, participating in these protests feels incredibly uplifting. I stand alongside extraordinary individuals who bravely take action.

According to Alexis’ observation shared yesterday, it isn’t that straightforward to assume all issues will resolve when Netanyahu departs. However, as long as he remains in power, no significant changes can be expected. Therefore, it falls upon the Israeli people to strategize ways to exert pressure on him, leading to his removal from office.

Is it somewhat superficial to draw similarities among various political leaders and systems? However, Netanyahu and Trump have frequently been compared. Can you identify any reasonable comparisons between them?

It appears that America’s current political climate bears resemblance to Israel’s, particularly with regard to short-term versus long-term solutions. In the U.S., to garner immediate support, one might argue that immigrants are a threat and action is needed to stop them. Similarly, in Israel, refusing to negotiate with Hamas garners quick backing, but hinders long-term resolutions.

The populist-outrage model.

I’d label it as tribalistic fury. You stir up tribalistic sentiments to gain short-term benefits, but it continues until people understand that such appeasement poses a long-term threat to the nation. The current political climate of many countries, including this [Netanyahu case], aligns with authoritarian patterns.

In Netanyahu’s situation, there’s an additional factor of longevity in power – he’s mastered manipulating the system to extend his tenure. Your movie offers a peek behind the scenes to show us how he manages it…

BLOOM Upon viewing the recordings, what stands out to me is Bibi’s apparent knack for denying any knowledge about events dating back a decade. This degree of delusional agility is almost admirable if it weren’t for its ethical void.

In the movie, there’s a line suggesting that being a skilled liar requires a strong memory. However, Bibi tackles this issue by simply claiming he can’t recall anything.

Is it your opinion that his stated explanations to the police are genuine, considering claims like not noticing multiple cases of champagne bottles arriving or receiving numerous gifts of cigars while on phone calls with those who provided them?

GIBNEY After being deceived numerous times by highly influential individuals, I’d argue that the most convincing liars are those who truly believe in the moment they’re not deceiving. He may be an exceptional performer, but he also needs to create a belief system that allows him to immerse himself fully into the character.

In these interrogations, who else particularly caught your attention? I found Sara Netanyahu’s anger quite striking, as well as the composure of the police officers.

BLOOM Police officers are fascinating subjects for filming, their interactions and glances revealing much. Some have suffered since then, a fact that’s quite evident. Sara, on the other hand, tends to lose control impulsively. She doesn’t view this as problematic herself, but it’s only after observing others’ responses that she might start questioning her behavior.

It’s remarkable to note the extent to which she appears to influence decision-making in that household, including on important policy issues.

One key insight from the movie is this: Many of Bibi’s actions stem from his family influences. As you watch, it becomes clear that beneath his bravado and confrontational demeanor lies a surprisingly vulnerable individual.

In my search for an apt quote, I’m eager to incorporate Ami Ayalon’s words – a seasoned expert in human behavior and former head of the Shin Bet – into the final version of the film. Ayalon stated that Netanyahu is exceptional at identifying dangers because he’s perpetually fearful. This, I believe, is the key to his longevity in power – his uncanny ability to detect threats.

GIBNEY So how did he miss 10/7?

BLOOM Because he’s so consumed with personal threats.

As a fervent admirer, I find myself pondering your distribution methods. While I understand that in Israel, there’s a privacy law that could potentially endanger your source, I can’t help but wonder about your plans elsewhere, considering the global unpopularity of Netanyahu. It seems plausible that deals might be struck easily. However, I also notice that major streaming platforms appear to have become rather risk-averse lately, which makes me curious about how you’ll navigate these waters.

GIBNEY I believe there’s a sense of hesitation: “Any topic concerning Israel and Gaza could stir up controversy, so it’s safer not to touch it.” Yet, despite this, there’s a strong interest in the subject – an audience eager for coverage. We are hopeful that someone with courage will step forward, saying, “Yes, it’s crucial to cater to our viewers by providing them with engaging and informative content.” So, we have a strategy, a contingency plan, and even a backup for the backup plan, all aimed at delivering this content.

It’s understandable that a concern might be, if you’re not among the highest-tier streamers, your audience might be smaller.

Indeed, that’s correct! Throughout history, we’ve seen fresh faces entering the media landscape, and innovative methods for content delivery emerge. It seems that people are craving these changes, as they strive to get their hands on the captivating narratives they desire.

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2024-09-15 17:55