How to Beat Gypceros In Monster Hunter Wilds

In Monster Hunter Wilds, there’s an extensive roster of both familiar and brand-new creatures you’ll be eager to engage in battle. Afterward, you can hunt these monsters again to gather their components. The former group includes old pals from the series, while the latter consists of fresh faces debuting exclusively in Monster Hunter Wilds.

One of the recurring creatures is known as Gypceros, a peculiar-looking beast that made its debut in the initial Monster Hunter game for PlayStation 2. Although its moves are similar to those in the original game, newcomers might want to brush up on its tactics or gather some information about it if they’ve never encountered it in battle before.

Gypceros Moveset

In the realm of Monster Hunter, I’ve encountered the ancient beast known as Gypceros before. Compared to some of the game’s more complex creatures, this one seems relatively tame, with straightforward movesets. However, don’t let its simplicity fool you! There are a couple of key aspects that require your vigilance – primarily, its whip-like tail and its venomous spit. Keep a keen eye, fellow hunter, and be prepared for these potential hazards.

Poison Charges

  • When the Gypceros monster from Monster Hunter Wilds extends its wings and rushes towards you, that’s known as a charge. As it runs, turns, charges again, and turns repeatedly, it sprays poison in all directions. If it gets close enough to attack, it might bite. You can halt this behavior by using an item, or you can dodge to the side and move a good distance away from it as it passes.

Poison Spit

  • To stay safe around a Gypceros, it’s essential to maintain a state of continuous movement, as it can expel poison from its mouth without much warning, and you might notice it preparing when it raises its head. This swift-acting poison could potentially land on your face if you don’t move quickly enough. After spitting a few times, the Gypceros typically moves to do something else.

Light Stun

  • If you notice a few brief bursts of light around the Gypceros’ head, prepare to evade its flash bang attack. Its head will emit a bright flash similar to a camera’s, potentially disorienting both the Gypceros and any nearby hunters. After several minor flashes, it will straighten up, spread its wings, and release a powerful flash that can stun you. To avoid this move, make sure to roll out of the attack’s area of effect (AOE).

Tail Slam

  • When the Gypceros raises its tail high and starts spinning it, prepare for a swift attack. It will slam its tail into the ground, potentially causing harm. To avoid getting hit, quickly move either to the left or right, adjusting your movement based on where the tail is swinging. Keep in mind that when the Gypceros attempts to strike you, its tail extends significantly beyond what may initially appear, so be cautious and anticipate a longer reach than expected.

Face Slam

  • In some instances, Gyceros may charge towards you and slam its face onto the ground after landing. Since it lacks any tracking during this move, avoiding it is relatively simple if you are prepared. When it jumps into the air, your best bet would be to dodge to the left or right to evade its body.

Death Fakeout

  • Gypceros can feign death and deceive you into approaching within striking distance. When it begins to quiver or shudder while lying on the ground, that’s a sign it’s preparing to rise again. If your intention is to butcher it before it stands up, remember to swiftly step aside once it starts twitching. To dodge this attack, make sure you are beyond its reach when it revives.

Gypceros Weaknesses and How to Fight

Before embarking on defeating this formidable foe, remember to pay heed to a few crucial details. Top priority should be severing its tail swiftly using the detachable parts mechanic in Monster Hunter World. Here are some key aspects of this battle that will make your initial encounter less challenging:

1. Be aware of the monster’s attack patterns, as knowing when to dodge or block can save you from taking unnecessary damage.
2. Utilize your environment by using terrain features such as ledges and obstacles to avoid attacks or gain advantageous positions for strikes.
3. Keep an eye on the monster’s health gauge and focus your attacks on its weak points to deal maximum damage.
4. If possible, bring allies along to help distract the monster and make it easier to target its vulnerable areas.
5. Remember to heal yourself when necessary, either by using potions or items that restore health over time.
6. Don’t be afraid to retreat if you find yourself in a difficult situation, as taking on the monster again with a full health bar and well-prepared strategies can make all the difference.

  • Gypceros can both poison and flash pod you, so bring materials with you for these status ailments.
  • It takes the most damage from fire attacks and no damage from lightning.
  • Aim for Gypceros’ tail to deal the most damage to it, especially with a sharp weapon or arrows.
  • It can be carved when it is faking its death, but it is a pretty dangerous move to attempt if you aren’t ready for its surprise attack.
  • Pitfall traps are a great choice when battling Gypceros.

Gypceros Drops

In Monster Hunter Wilds, Gypceros is a creature that becomes available when you’ve progressed to higher ranks. This means it won’t yield any materials associated with lower ranks. However, an armor set can be crafted from this monster. To gather all the necessary materials for completion, you’ll need to hunt and farm Gypceros repeatedly. Additionally, it may also drop valuable components such as Wyvern Gems and Toxin Sacs.

Hight-Rank Mats Item Drop Rates
Target Gypceros Certificate S 3%
Wyvern Gem 3%
Gypceros Head 10%
Gypceros Tail 15%
Toxin Sac 20%
Gypceros Wing 22%
Rubbery Hide + 22%
Wound Destroy Novacrystal 12%
Dash Extract 43%
Rubbery Hide + 45%
Break (Head) Novacrystal 30%
Gypceros Head 70%
Carve (Body) Wyvern Gem 5%
Gypceros Head 15%
Gypceros Tail 20%
Gypceros Wing 27%
Rubbery Hide + 33%

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2025-03-15 11:05