How to Deliver Wyvern Eggs in MH Wilds

In Monster Hunter Wilds, there’s more than just monster hunting to keep you busy. One engaging activity is item collection. Each game region is rich with precious resources, and while exploring the Scarlet Forest, you might have come across a few Wyvern Eggs here and there.

In Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (MH Wilds), Wyvern Eggs differ slightly from their counterparts in earlier Monster Hunter games. Due to the absence of delivery quests, these eggs hold less value, but if you’re keen on retrieving one and bringing it back to camp, here’s a guide for you.

Where to Find Wyvern Eggs in MH Wilds

In the Scarlet Forest’s Area 11, you might stumble upon a pair of Wyvern Eggs nestled within a Rathalos/Rathian lair. If you manage to weaken either monster during a hunt, they could guide you there. Alternatively, you can visit this location anytime at your convenience. However, hunting a Rathalos or Rathian is the most secure choice.

Delivering Wyvern Eggs in Monster Hunter Wilds

Grab a Wyvern Egg and transport it to a temporary camp in the Scarlet Forest nearby. But be warned, handling these eggs is no simple task because they are heavy and brittle. They’ll slow you down and could break if you perform a quick roll or experience any sudden drops. To add to your troubles, as soon as you attempt to take a Wyvern Egg back home, the game will send either a Rathalos or Rathian after you.

To ensure a less unpleasant experience while waiting for a Wyvern Egg delivery, here are some essential items you might want to have on hand:

1. A good book or series to read, as the wait can be long.
2. Some engaging puzzles or board games to pass the time.
3. Comfortable seating and a warm blanket for those longer waits.
4. Snacks and drinks to keep your energy levels up throughout the process.
5. Music or podcasts you enjoy, as background noise can make the wait more bearable.

  • Unlock the pop-up camp in Area 7
  • Equip an armor piece or decoration with the Outdoorsman and Intimidator skills (optional)
  • Have your Ghillie Mantle ready for use
  • Bring a ranged weapon and some Dung Pods (just in case)


Put on your Ghillie Mantle, and as you return it to Area 7 camp, remember to walk cautiously near the vines for climbing, avoiding any jumps or rolls while running. The mantle ensures that monsters won’t detect you since they’ll be unable to see you.

Just in case the enchantment fades on your mantle, you’ll always have Dung Pods as a backup to scare off any formidable creatures such as Lala Barina or Congalala. At the same time, the Intimidator ability will keep small monsters from bothering you entirely. Additionally, the Outdoorsman skill will increase your movement speed while transporting the Wyvern Egg.

As of writing, delivering a Wyvern Egg only rewards 50 Guild Points.

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2025-03-10 13:54