I Saw Twisters And Loved It But This One Aspect Really Impacted Me

I Saw Twisters And Loved It But This One Aspect Really Impacted Me

As someone who grew up in the heart of Tornado Alley, I can say that ‘Twisters‘ holds a special place in my heart and has shaped my perspective on extreme weather. This movie, with its intense storm scenes and nail-biting action, brought home the raw power of nature and instilled in me a healthy respect for Mother Nature that I hadn’t felt before.

As a longtime film enthusiast with a soft spot for unique and thought-provoking stories, I must admit that I initially had no intention of watching “Twister” in theaters. You see, before it became a household name, I was already a dedicated fan of Glen Powell, often referred to as a “Scream Queen” by my close circle. However, my appreciation for him and his work didn’t stop there; after experiencing the captivating storyline of “Minari,” directed by Lee Isaac Chung, I found myself placing an unwavering trust in this talented director.

Although Twisters wasn’t initially on our radar, it caught our interest, and we decided to watch it. To my delight, it became one of my recent favorite cinema experiences. Watching Twisters is now among the most memorable theater visits for me, comparable to Inception. Regrettably, I didn’t get to enjoy it in 4DX, but perhaps I’ll have that chance soon. What made it stand out so much was that it turned out to be a more enjoyable film than I anticipated.

I found myself deeply appreciating its heartfelt touch, particularly the way it tackled the severe issue of tornadoes during the summer season, as a blockbuster movie.

Warning: Twisters spoilers are ahead. Proceed with caution.  

I Saw Twisters And Loved It But This One Aspect Really Impacted Me

Tornadoes Cause Real-Life Devastation And I’m Glad Twisters Shows That For Those Who Don’t Grasp Their Seriousness  

Prior to watching “Twisters”, I encountered a power outage in my neighborhood as a result of a nearby tornado. This significant storm lasted for several days and also affected other blocks, causing quite an upheaval. Interestingly, another summer storm a few years back had left me without power for a week. Despite the minor inconveniences like repairing a door, spoiled food, missing work hours, and some flooding, these issues pale in comparison to the extensive damages that many endure due to tornadoes and extreme weather events.

The movie Twister could have merely been an entertaining flick about pursuing tornadoes and managing them. However, it’s one of the film’s most poignant moments when Kate (played by Daisy Edgar-Jones) and Tyler (Glen Powell) arrive at a devastated town struck by a tornado. In these sequences, the initial sight is a house utterly demolished by the storm.

Experiencing or witnessing phenomena such as tornadoes only serves to solidify their reality for people. This movie, I feel, effectively conveys the fear and danger associated with tornadoes. While the film may not provide a solution to these natural disasters, it certainly increases awareness about their potential peril among those previously unaware.

I Saw Twisters And Loved It But This One Aspect Really Impacted Me

Harsh Weather Conditions Are The Monsters In This Movie 

Enthusiasts are captivated by characters like King Kong, Godzilla, and other creatures from the Monsterverse (and who wouldn’t want more of these behemoths), as well as the chilling villains in horror franchises; it’s the monstrous and villainous elements that grab our attention. _Twisters_, however, focuses on something different – tornadoes.

The movie in question doesn’t explicitly argue that human actions could reduce tornado occurrences, unlike Bong Joon-ho’s acclaimed monster film, “The Host,” which unabashedly assigns responsibility for monster creation. In contrast, the film you mentioned doesn’t suggest that our environmental practices may lead to increased weather hazards such as tornadoes. Instead, it presents tornadoes as natural monsters without the narrative implying this connection.

Instead of directly controlling these monsters, it provides methods to make them less destructive. Kate manages to reduce their influence. Whether her strategy is practical or not is something for more knowledgeable individuals to argue about. Yet, perhaps this popular film could inspire ordinary people (not just scientists) to explore options they can use to combat climate change on a personal, local level.

The potentially destructive effects of tornadoes could warrant their presence and possibly spark interest in standalone follow-ups to ’90s films about them.

I Saw Twisters And Loved It But This One Aspect Really Impacted Me

It Gave Me A Healthy Fear Of Tornadoes  

Living in the Midwest, I’ve faced numerous severe weather events such as intense storms and prolonged heatwaves. Over time, I’ve become accustomed to these conditions, which has led me to perhaps underestimate the risks associated with extreme weather. I may not fear it as much as I ought to.

Watching the beginning of Twisters, particularly scenes where tornadoes effortlessly lifted people, gave me quite a scare. This fear stemmed from my personal encounter with strong winds that left me struggling to stand as I was being tossed about violently. Moreover, I have family members who have driven through such storms and narrowly avoided having their cars carried away by the force of the weather.

As a gamer, I’ve noticed how movies often crank up the tension by pushing situations to the brink, but let me tell you, the raw power of a truly ferocious storm is no joke. It’s not just dramatic flair; it’s a stark reminder of nature’s fury and potential destruction. Ignoring its force would be a mistake we can’t afford to make in reality.

Tornados have made me realize that there are other things in this world besides people and animals that can instill fear. I believe it’s wise to harbor a degree of apprehension, as it will prompt me to exercise extra caution when my phone alerts me about an incoming tornado warning. A healthy dose of fear isn’t necessarily negative since it encourages caution.

I Saw Twisters And Loved It But This One Aspect Really Impacted Me

Twisters Made Me Like The Characters More Because They Had A Purpose 

In Twisters, Tyler initially comes across as a self-absorbed, carefree individual, but it becomes clear to both the audience and Kate that he harbors a kind heart. He genuinely cares for others, and this revelation makes me appreciate him more, as I discovered his compassion is on par with Kate’s. This is a familiar narrative trope, and despite myself, I found myself falling for it.

In addition to liking Kate, I found her even more endearing once I learned about her initial carelessness, ambitious drive, and passion for storm chasing. It turned out she had a noble purpose – to lessen the devastation caused by tornadoes. Her pursuit of knowledge about them was the only means to accomplish this goal.

After understanding the reasons for many of these characters’ insanity, I found myself growing fonder of them. In fact, I grew quite fond of them myself.

I Saw Twisters And Loved It But This One Aspect Really Impacted Me

It Helps Emphasize The Importance Of Weather Readiness  

In the pool scene of Twisters, I found myself questioning its feasibility in real-life situations. Is it plausible to grip onto bars in a swimming pool and effectively safeguard oneself from being carried off by a storm? If a tornado were approaching, what would be the secure areas to seek shelter if you’re outdoors? Could my home withstand the impact of a tornado?

Watching that movie left me eager to delve deeper into learning about how to safeguard myself and others during a tornado situation. While it’s primarily entertainment, I believe its lessons have some practical significance. It sparked my curiosity about understanding more about tornadoes. In my opinion, this places it among the top disaster films of the past ten years (despite an ending that didn’t quite hit the mark).

Twisters is playing in theaters nationwide. Be sure to also check out TopMob’s Twisters review. 

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2024-08-01 03:07