I’m An Extreme Person’: Billie Eilish Reflects On How Going Blonde And Reinventing Her Look For Happier Than Ever Was A Necessary Era For Her

I’m An Extreme Person’: Billie Eilish Reflects On How Going Blonde And Reinventing Her Look For Happier Than Ever Was A Necessary Era For Her

As a gamer who’s spent countless hours immersed in the virtual world of Billie Eilish’s music, it’s fascinating to see the real-life evolution of this pop sensation. Her journey from baggy clothes and dark hair to blonde bombshell and corsets is like leveling up in a game, each stage revealing new layers of her character.

After bagging her second Oscar for the “Barbie” tune in early 2024, Billie Eilish’s year has continued to expand with the debut of her third studio album titled “Hit Me Hard And Soft“. Now on tour promoting this latest chart-topper, the singer has taken time to ponder over her career journey so far. Additionally, she shares some fresh perspectives about the reasons behind her hair color change to blonde and overall transformation for her 2021 album “Happier Than Ever“.

Billie Eilish, despite being only 22 years old, has already spent more than a decade in the music industry and gained valuable insights about herself throughout this journey. The limelight can make growing up feel like it happens under the scrutiny of the world, and as she openly discussed, exploring her identity publicly was essential for self-discovery. In an interview with Vanity Fair, she elaborated on these experiences:

After contemplating, I felt the urge to change my hair color to blonde. Then, I recalled that I am female, and thought, ‘Hold on, I aspire to be more than just what I’ve been perceived as for so long.’ I vividly remember purchasing a skirt online from Amazon, as I didn’t own one at the time, and felt compelled to wear one, expressing my newfound desire for self-expression.

Before the release of “Happier Than Ever”, Billie Eilish had already gained significant recognition for bucking trends in women’s fashion, particularly among pop stars, by often donning loose-fitting and traditionally masculine clothes. Following her monumental success with her debut album “When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?“, which garnered numerous accolades, she felt the urge to delve deeper into understanding her identity beyond the public eye’s view. In her own words:

At eighteen, I found myself in a confusing phase, trying to make sense of who I was. For years, I’d been told and had come to believe a certain identity. However, as I grew older, I started questioning it, feeling compelled to explore this new path. You see, I’m someone who craves intense experiences, and I believe that was my way of expressing myself – by embracing everything at once.

Back in March 2021, I left my fans completely stunned when I unveiled a stunning platinum blonde hairstyle. This new look turned out to be the heart of my creative direction for my second album, Happier Than Ever. Instead of keeping up with the horror vibe from my first album, I opted for a glamorous Old Hollywood feel for this one. In fact, it got so popular that I transformed into a blonde cartoon character for my special concert at the Hollywood Bowl! You can stream it now if you’ve got a Disney+ subscription.

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During her album promotion, Eilish explored a more feminine fashion style and frequently donned mini skirts, causing a stir when she sported corsets for Vogue. Reflecting on that period now, she views it as an “overt” expression of herself that was necessary then. It certainly helped her escape the mold society had cast for her earlier. She also shared this thought:

The music was a completely different process than the reinventing of the look. Coming off of those crazy couple years, I’d won those Grammys that year, and my shit did not stink. I don’t know, I just felt good.

As a die-hard fan of Billie Eilish, I’ve got to say that her latest album was crafted with a tad too much swagger, but here’s the kicker – I still can’t get enough of it! Now, don’t get me wrong; I hold her other two masterpieces in incredibly high esteem. However, if you want to catch a glimpse into Billie’s career journey so far, be sure to check out the Vanity Fair video below!

Billie Eilish has revealed that she never felt sexy for a moment when she dyed her hair blonde, and she feels truer to herself when she adopts a more masculine style. Just like everyone else, the way Billie Eilish identifies with femininity, masculinity, blonde hair, brunette hair, and so on can vary, and we’re excited to see what new phases her career will bring in the future.

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2024-10-04 00:37