Julie Chen Moonves to Miss ‘Big Brother’ Eviction Episode Due to COVID; Jerry O’Connell Will Replace

As a devoted fan of Julie Chen Moonves, it’s always enlightening to witness the human side of our beloved TV personalities. Despite her high-profile career hosting shows like Big Brother and The Talk, she’s not immune to the unpredictable twists life can throw at us – in this case, a bout with COVID-19.

On a regrettable note, I find myself unable to attend the live eviction episode of Big Brother due to a recent diagnosis of COVID-19. As a dedicated fan and host on CBS, I share this news with a heavy heart.

Last Friday, Moonves awoke with a painful throat. Later that day, she visited a friend who specializes in ear, nose, and throat issues. The diagnosis for her that very evening turned out to be COVID-19.

I’m glad to say that I’ve only experienced this situation twice, and both times it’s been quite manageable,” Moonves penned. “I don’t have a fever and I just have a scratchy throat.

Regrettably, Moonves added, she’s still testing positive for the week, even though she feels well, robust, and her cough has disappeared.

“I must sit tonight’s Big Brother live eviction show out,” she wrote.

Jerry O’Connell is stepping into Moonves’ role for Thursday evening’s episode. Moonves jokingly commented, “I wonder if Jerry can pull off my dress,” and also expressed hope that O’Connell enjoys himself and informs the houseguests that she’ll be watching from home while missing them.

“See? Chenbot is human after all! Love one another and enjoy tonight’s show,” she concluded.

O’Connell later confirmed on Instagram, which is the official platform for Big Brother, that he would be fulfilling his substitute role on Thursday.

Jerry O’Connell here! Normally, I co-host The Talk, but tonight I step in as the temporary teacher for Big Brother. Julie Chen Moonves isn’t feeling well today, and we miss her dearly.

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2024-09-13 01:54