25 years ago, Ameesha Patel and Hrithik Roshan first appeared in Bollywood with the movie Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai. To celebrate this significant anniversary, the film was re-screened in cinemas. Initially, Ameesha wasn’t the original pick for her role; it was Kareena Kapoor who was initially offered it. However, Patel has now shared her thoughts on taking over from Kapoor, stating, “She’s made a lot of progress independently, and I don’t think we should focus too much on comparisons.
In an interview, I was asked if Kareena Kapoor’s absence from Kaho Naa Pyar Hai might have benefited me. However, I expressed that the film’s success was not just about one person but everyone who contributed to it. Moreover, I emphasized that both Kareena and I have experienced significant personal growth from the experience, and there’s no need for comparison when it comes to our individual accomplishments.
In case you didn’t know, during an old interview with Filmfare, Kareena Kapoor stated that the film “Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai” was primarily made for Hrithik Roshan. This is because, as reportedly told by Rakesh Roshan (Hrithik’s father), he spent considerable time meticulously crafting each frame and close-up for Hrithik’s scenes, whereas he allegedly didn’t spend much time on Ameesha Patel’s.
Kareena stated she was satisfied with her choice to decline the movie role. She added that in certain scenes, Ameesha’s skin imperfections and under-eye circles were noticeable, diminishing her beauty, whereas each frame featuring Hrithik was impeccable.
In her own words, the actress from “The Crew” expressed that if she had taken on the part, she thought she might have secured a more favorable arrangement. However, she also expressed concern that the focus would have been split between her and Hrithik, leading to a less intense spotlight. Consequently, she was content with her decision to decline the role.
Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai re-released in theaters on January 10, 2025.
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2025-01-15 17:22