Laura Dern and Liam Hemsworth’s Lonely Planet Tops Netflix Streaming Chart

Laura Dern and Liam Hemsworth's Lonely Planet Tops Netflix Streaming Chart

As a cinephile with a penchant for discerning quality and a soft spot for the enchanting Laura Dern, I must admit that my initial excitement for “Lonely Planet” was tempered by the less-than-stellar reviews it garnered. The film’s premise, while not entirely original, held promise, especially with two talented actors like Dern and Hemsworth at its helm.

It’s clear that Netflix has shown multiple times that a film doesn’t need to be well-received critically to gain popularity, and the latest release is no exception. Featuring performances by and , this romantic drama quickly soared to the top of Netflix’s global movie chart. However, it also attracted a fair amount of criticism along the way.

In Lonely Planet, Katherine Dern’s character, a novelist, travels to Morocco to combat writer’s block. However, rather than improving her writing abilities, she finds herself drawn into a romantic relationship with a younger man, Chris Hemsworth. This love affair significantly alters the course of her life and, while it may seem predictable or overused, has received mixed reviews from both audiences and critics, making it yet another successful “rotten” film at the box office.

At present, this movie is scoring a 38% on the Tomatometer and 45% on the Popcornmeter on Rotten Tomatoes. Critics’ reviews share common issues that are often found in new Netflix releases: poor scriptwriting, lackluster chemistry between leads, and an overall unmemorable viewing experience. The gist of the movie was succinctly expressed by Angie Han from The Hollywood Reporter as, “It’s neither dull enough to be endurable nor enjoyable enough to keep one engaged. It’s merely too bland to leave a lasting impact.” However, Suzanne S’s reviewer feedback was more straightforward in expressing her disdain for the film, stating, “The script was as if written by a 5th grader! The actors showed no chemistry whatsoever!

What Drew Lonely Planet’s Stars to the Netflix Movie?

Every film garners its fair share of fans, however small their numbers may be. Although the ratings for “Lonely Planet” aren’t impressive, some viewers have admired the chemistry between Dern and Hemsworth. In an interview with Netflix, Dern discussed her attraction to Susannah Grant’s latest venture, explaining that it resonated with her on a personal level. She stated:

The aspect of the story that captivated my interest was its delving into the complexities of identity and self-worth in relationships, particularly within the intellectually stimulating environment of the literary world. I found the relationship between the younger character and the established writer intriguing not only because it’s not strictly romantic, but also because it represents the search for someone who truly perceives and comprehends us, a universal and relatable human experience.

The filmmaker expressed great joy in having Dern and Hemsworth as the leads of the film. In a statement released through the streaming platform, she lavishly commended the duo.

In this film, Laura and Liam displayed an unparalleled dedication to character development and storytelling, as one would expect from their exceptional body of work. Their trust in each other and the material was palpable; it was like watching two masterful actors collaborate seamlessly, constantly pushing and inspiring one another in every scene as they developed the bond between Katherine and Owen.

It appears that not everyone shares the same opinion, but the film is enjoying a significant spell of popularity on Netflix, akin to Andy Warhol’s 15 minutes of fame in the contemporary world, before another brief sensation takes its place on the chart.

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2024-10-14 01:31