Monster Hunter Wilds: How to Mount Effectively

Just a week ago, Monster Hunter Wilds made its debut, and it’s already providing countless hours of fun for gamers as they pursue monsters and fine-tune their optimal playstyles. The game has exploded in popularity on Steam, boasting over 1.3 million players simultaneously. This surge suggests that Monster Hunter Wilds may surpass Capcom’s previous hit, Monster Hunter: World, making it the company’s most successful title since then.

As the weekend progressed, more players delved deeper into understanding the intricacies of the game. One aspect not explicitly detailed in the game is the outcome when you unintentionally climb a monster after attacking from your Seikret. Despite repeatedly targeting the monster’s head to inflict damage, you might discover a more effective approach by exploiting the game’s mounting system for maximum damage.

Here’s how to effectively mount monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds:

1. Brace Yourself and Monitor Your Stamina

Overpowering a colossal beast demands endurance for impactful blows. Players of Monster Hunter: World will recognize this method; when you climb onto a beast, it will strive vigorously to dislodge you. When the screen dims, the creature attempts to toss you off its back. This is your signal to Hang on by pressing R2 (PlayStation 5).

1. Strengthening yourself conserves energy when the beast attempts to toss you aside. After it ceases its struggle, hit the attack key to carry on inflicting damage.

Here’s another one:

2. Fortifying yourself saves energy when the creature shakes you violently. Once it stops resisting, strike the attack button to keep causing harm.

And lastly:

3. Reinforcing yourself saves your energy when the beast attempts to throw you off. When it quits struggling, hit the attack key to carry on hurting it.

If your Stamina Bar drops to Zero, you fall off and be vulnerable to a counterattack.

2. Don’t Use the Mounted Finisher Immediately

1. Understand the Instructions: Read and comprehend the given instructions carefully before proceeding with any action or task.

2. Wait for the Prompt: Avoid acting prematurely. Wait until you see a prompt that indicates it’s time to activate Mounted Finisher.

3. Execute the Action: Once the prompt appears, follow the instructions to activate the Mounted Finisher effectively and strategically.

4. Evaluate the Result: After executing the action, evaluate the outcome of your action to ensure it was executed correctly and successfully.

5. Learn from Mistakes: If the result wasn’t as desired, analyze what went wrong and learn from your mistakes for future reference.

If you’ve got some spare time, it’s not wise to use the Mounted Finisher (R1 on PlayStation 5) when you see an injury because it deals minimal damage. To get the most out of your attacks, consider doing something else in its place instead.

3. Maximize Damage by Staying Mounted Longer

As a passionate user, I’d like to share a useful tip about the game: On the lower-left corner of your screen, you’ll find a small circle during mounting. This isn’t explicitly mentioned in tutorials, but it’s crucial! It serves as your primary gauge for assessing your mounting efficiency and potential damage. Keep an eye on it to enhance your gaming experience!

Continue your assault until the circle reduces and becomes red. This indicates that your accumulated power is almost at its zenith, offering you the optimal moment to inflict the utmost damage once you trigger the Mounted Finish.

That’s how you successfully tackle a beast in Monster Hunter Worlds! It requires some practice, but you’ll find it becomes second nature just as you approach the High Rank level.

To discover a wealth of Monster Hunter Wilds guides, such as Beginner’s Tips, Endemic Life Guides, and much more, feel free to explore Gfinity.

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2025-03-03 15:42