Normie Memecoin Project Fires Intern Over Offensive Video

As a crypto investor with experience in the memecoin space, I’ve seen my fair share of controversies and missteps. The recent incident involving Normie and their intern-led video debacle is a prime example of how one misstep can lead to significant backlash.

A notable meme coin named Normie, which runs on Coinbase’s homegrown blockchain, called Base, recently let go of an intern after they shared an inappropriate video using the team’s official X social media account.

The animated advertisement featuring a chubby-lipped, blue-skinned chef character caused significant backlash and dissatisfaction among cryptocurrency enthusiasts. In response, the Normie group issued an apology for the provocative video.

Normie Fires Intern After Backlash

Normie made it clear in a recent post that the video aimed to convey the idea that no matter how overwhelming the circumstances may seem, there is always a path forward, and personal transformation starts with self-action. However, we recognize that this message unintentionally touched on a deeply sensitive issue for some viewers. In response, we posted an apology on Normie’s official X account.

After giving the situation deep thought and introspection, we have made the decision to take down our previous video. Our goal was to convey that no matter how challenging life may seem, there is always a path forward towards improvement. However, we recognize now that our approach fell short and unintentionally trivialized a sensitive issue. We deeply regret any offense caused by the content. Moving forward, we are dedicated to preventing similar occurrences and ensuring greater sensitivity in our future communications. The individual responsible for posting the video has been let go from our team. Stay strong and compassionate.

Users Question Decision

As an analyst, I’ve come across some feedback from users expressing dissatisfaction with the decision. They believe that the intern, who merely posted the video, is being unfairly blamed while the real culprit, the individual responsible for helping the intern, remains unidentified and potentially unpunished. One user specifically suggested that Normie should hold this person accountable instead of focusing solely on the intern.

“Who is responsible for the intern’s role in creating and sharing this video? Did he produce and publish it independently, or was it endorsed by the team? If the latter, who failed to provide adequate oversight and allow this to occur?”

As a responsible crypto investor, I’d like to clarify my intentions behind my previous statement. I never meant to cause harm or make light of a serious issue.

As a crypto investor, I understand that the market can be unpredictable and challenging at times. It may seem like there’s no way out when things are stacked against us, but I believe in the power of taking control and initiating change from within. Let me clarify that our previous statement was not intended to downplay the significance of a sensitive topic.

Normie’s Recent Hack

Last month, the Normie memecoin project experienced a devastating smart contract breach, resulting in hackers making off with 225 ETH, equivalent to approximately $881,686 at that moment, from user funds. This exploit caused a significant drop of around $47 million in the NORMIE token’s market capitalization in mere hours. Following discussions with the hacker, the Normie team agreed to their proposal and accepted the return of 90% of the stolen NORMIE tokens. However, the hacker imposed a condition that Normie utilize both the pilfered funds and the $2.3 million within its development wallet to introduce a new token aimed at compensating NORMIE token holders.

“We agree to give back 90% of the taken Ethereum, Exploiter. Keep 10% as a token of good faith with no retaliation.”

On June 7th, Normie revealed that the stolen Ethereum amounting to 192 coins, which had been taken during the hack, had been successfully retrieved. Subsequently, the token launch concluded at its new designated address.

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2024-06-11 23:12