One Avengers: Doomsday Casting Could Divide Marvel Fans More Than RDJ’s Doctor Doom

One Avengers: Doomsday Casting Could Divide Marvel Fans More Than RDJ's Doctor Doom

As a gamer who’s spent countless hours immersed in the Marvel universe, I must admit, the news about Robert Downey Jr.’s return as Doctor Doom has me divided. On one hand, it’s Iron Man coming back to the MCU, yippee-ki-yay! But on the other, well, Doctor Doom is a character best left untouched by anyone but a Slavic actor with a thick accent and a penchant for villainous roles.

bringing back Chris Evans as Captain America and unveiling him as a HYDRA agent.

It might sound preposterous that America’s ass would turn heel, but there was a point in Marvel Comics history where that occurred, and fans expressed their immense disappointment about the event. What’s concerning is that due to some major developments in the franchise of late, there’s actually even more crucial ingredients available to make this happen. In fact, there’s an argument to be made that an event that was so bonkers in the comics might actually be more successful in live-action. The only issues are the backlash it’d receive from fans and, more importantly, the struggle that Marvel Studios would have on their hands to keep it a secret.

Secret Empire would actually help Deadpool’s integration into the MCU – but in the worst way possible

One Avengers: Doomsday Casting Could Divide Marvel Fans More Than RDJ's Doctor Doom

In case you weren’t around when Captain America turned out to be a HYDRA agent in the comics, let me fill you in on the twist. It wasn’t our beloved Cap who switched sides, but an evil doppelganger from another realm (you know how they love to cause chaos). In this alternate timeline, HYDRA managed to recruit the young Steve Rogers and brainwash him into working for them.

As someone who has been following the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) since its inception, I believe that introducing Wade Wilson, aka Deadpool, into the MCU could be a game-changer. The character, played brilliantly by Ryan Reynolds, already had an unsuccessful audition to join the Avengers, so if given the opportunity by Captain America, he would likely seize it with both hands.

Time and past MCU tales aren’t on the side of Secret Empire

One Avengers: Doomsday Casting Could Divide Marvel Fans More Than RDJ's Doctor Doom

It’s evident that there’s still plenty of work left before one of the franchise’s most recognized stars, previously a hero, transitions into a villain who could potentially surpass Thanos (Josh Brolin). Since Robert Downey Jr.’s involvement has been confirmed, it seems like we’ll need at least two movies to bring this to life. However, a storyline like Secret Empire would require even more effort to execute successfully.

Marvel Studios would face a challenge in not only convincingly explaining Steve’s return after his disappearance following “Avengers: Endgame,” but also in crafting a coherent storyline and securing Chris Evans’ involvement across various projects. Ensuring the twist is executed flawlessly requires significant time, something the franchise may not have. Moreover, the MCU has previously attempted similar complex plotlines with “Secret Invasion,” which resulted in lasting repercussions that it hasn’t yet fully recovered from.

In this popular spy series, there were significant issues in the final seasons. Not only did it unexpectedly eliminate crucial characters such as Maria Hill, portrayed by Cobie Smulders, but also introduced some baffling twists, like suggesting James Rhodes might be a Skrull since “Avengers: Endgame.” While unmasking a secondary character like Rhodey as an alien infiltrator could be acceptable, revealing Captain America to be akin to Super Hitler? Absolutely not!

The MCU needs to avoid more trips back to the old toybox

One Avengers: Doomsday Casting Could Divide Marvel Fans More Than RDJ's Doctor Doom

In a shift from the usual, having Robert Downey Jr. portray Doctor Doom promises an exciting change. However, it’s the return of the original MCU figurehead that truly attracts viewers. This approach has been seen in “Spider-Man: No Way Home” and “Deadpool & Wolverine,” and if “Avengers: Secret Wars” rumors are correct, characters from both films could join the fray. With this in mind, introducing Captain America back into the storyline, only to have him turn corrupt, is just another wink to the past that the Marvel universe shouldn’t solely rely on.

It’s possible that Steve may reappear in a new series called “Nomad,” which is rumored to be under development and will focus on his mission to restore the Infinity Stones to their original locations. However, it’s important for Marvel to explore fresh stories featuring characters like the X-Men and Fantastic Four rather than constantly bringing back original members. While a return of Captain America would undoubtedly excite fans, a dark turn for the character is not something we’re eager to see.

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2024-08-07 15:00