Outraged over IT Outage? Switch to Decentralization

As a seasoned researcher who has witnessed numerous technological disruptions and their subsequent aftermaths, I strongly believe that the future lies in decentralization. The recent global outage caused by CrowdStrike’s software malfunction was a stark reminder of how reliant we have become on centralized systems and the potential risks associated with them.

On Fridays, some areas around the globe experienced chaos early in the day. Trains, airlines, and 911 emergency response systems encountered interruptions, while banks and stock markets faced setbacks and IT functions halted across various industries.

The cause of the problem was a worldwide power failure triggered by a software glitch in CrowdStrike’s system, which in turn affected Microsoft and led to disruptions in various services across the U.S., U.K., Australia, Europe, and India. The issue came to light when Microsoft users reported that their Windows computers were displaying the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). Within an hour, the problem escalated dramatically, causing widespread disruption on a global scale.

Despite the ongoing chaos and efforts to assess damages in the traditional world following the outage, the cryptocurrency sector mostly continued unfazed. This resilience can be attributed to its inherent decentralization – a groundbreaking feature designed to shield it from cascading effects of such incidents.

In this piece, we’ll explore the potential benefits of transitioning to decentralization as a means to prevent similar issues in the digital future. The future is defined by digitization, and decentralization serves as our most robust safeguard.

Why Crypto Space Remained Unaffected by Global Outage?

In contrast to conventional systems, like those used by Crowdstrike, which rely on centralized software, the structure of blockchain networks is engineered for robustness and self-sufficiency. It guarantees that essential crypto network functions persist uninterrupted even when other tech infrastructure experiences disruptions.

“Let’s explore how decentralized infrastructures and the decentralization of web services can help reduce risks like this and potentially save millions of dollars by offering a viable replacement.”

Decentralized Servers

As a data analyst, I would explain that in a decentralized server setup, various nodes distribute both data storage and processing tasks. Interconnected nodes exchange information continuously through the network. In case one of these nodes experiences an outage, the overall data transfer process remains uninterrupted. Once the affected node is back online, it can easily synchronize with the latest data from its peers.


Due to the initial uncertainty surrounding Crowdstrike’s technical issue, those affected by the outage found themselves perplexed as they tried to determine the cause. In contrast, decentralized infrastructures provide greater transparency, enabling issues to be identified and addressed swiftly.


Decentralized networks increase system robustness by reducing dependence on single control points and enhancing resilience. Even if some nodes are compromised, security measures continue to function effectively. This structure minimizes the likelihood of extensive collapses that centralized systems may experience.

Security & Integrity

Decentralized systems provide enhanced security and data integrity over conventional web servers. In these systems, data is frequently encrypted and authenticated using cryptography, making it harder for hackers to launch attacks. This robust security feature could have shielded essential systems from the widespread damage caused by the CrowdStrike malfunction.

Decentralized Apps as Alternative

Here are some well-known decentralized platforms and apps that can serve as viable options to conventional web services or applications:

  • Arweave

A decentralized data storage system utilizing a “blockweave” architecture ensures permanent and dependable data retention. The “blockweave” resembles a blockchain in its structure, guaranteeing unalterable data preservation.

  • IPFS

A decentralized file storage system allows users to share files through a peer-to-peer network. Instead of relying on central servers, the data is distributed across multiple computers worldwide. Each file is identified by its unique content rather than its location, ensuring easy access and retrieval.

A platform that permits the execution of smart contracts and decentralized apps (dApps) continuously, without the risk of downtime, fraud, or external manipulation. It employs blockchain technology to maintain reliability and security.

  • Filecoin

Filecoin, which runs on IPFS, is a decentralized storage system that transforms cloud storage into a marketplace governed by algorithms. Users pay to deposit their files, while storage providers are rewarded with Filecoins for providing available space.

  • Holochain

An approach for constructing application structures without relying on blockchain, allowing for scalable, distributive systems where users maintain control through integrated architectures.

  • BitTorrent

A decentralized method for exchanging files over a computer network involves breaking down files into smaller segments and disseminating them among numerous connected devices. This approach promotes swift data transmission by utilizing multiple nodes within the system.


The fundamental distribution of technology powering cryptocurrencies and blockchain means that no single server failure can disrupt the system significantly. For instance, the recent malfunction of Crowdstrike caused extensive service disruptions. However, the use of decentralized applications, which are based on blockchain technology, could potentially mitigate such incidents in the future.

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2024-07-19 15:48