Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Says He Dumped a Dead Bear in Central Park in Video With Roseanne Barr

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Says He Dumped a Dead Bear in Central Park in Video With Roseanne Barr

As a seasoned observer of political figures and their antics, I must say that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s latest tale leaves me both amused and slightly baffled. The man’s life seems to be an endless stream of unexpected twists and turns, from his claims about parasitic worms eating parts of his brain to the recent revelation about a dead bear prank in Central Park.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is claiming that he once placed a dead bear in Central Park as a prank.

On Sunday, Kennedy Jr. posted a video on his social media where he narrates a tale to Roseanne Barr regarding an occurrence from 2014. He decided to share this story because he was contacted by fact-checkers from The New Yorker who were working on an article about the event.

The title for the three-minute video on social media is, “Excited to watch your take on this, @NewYorker…” or simply, “Can’t wait to see your interpretation, @NewYorker…”

Kennedy started his tale by revealing that on a particular day, he was leading a group for falconry, high up in Goshen, New York, within the Hudson Valley region. As he was driving, a woman ahead of him had an unfortunate encounter with a bear, resulting in its death – it was a young bear.

“He stated that when he stopped, he grabbed the bear and placed it in the back of his vehicle, as he intended to skin it. The bear was in excellent shape, and he planned to store the meat in his refrigerator. It’s legal in New York state to obtain a tag for a roadkill bear, which he intended to do.”

As a seasoned outdoorsman with years of hunting experience under my belt, I can attest to the unexpected twists and turns that such adventures often take. One unforgettable day, I found myself hawking game in the wilderness, with a bear in tow. It was an exhilarating day, filled with excitement as we caught plenty of game, much to the delight of our fellow hunters.

Kennedy expressed, “At that moment, a part of me, which could be considered somewhat rural or unsophisticated, had an idea. New York had recently added bike lanes due to a string of bicycle accidents. Tragically, some individuals had lost their lives, and many others had been severely injured. This was a daily occurrence, making headlines everywhere. So, I contemplated this situation – mind you, I wasn’t under the influence, but those around me were suggesting it could be beneficial.”

He added, “There was an old bicycle in my vehicle which someone had requested me to dispose of. I suggested, ‘Why don’t we take this bike to Central Park and make it seem like a bear got hit by it – it would be entertaining, amusing for people.’ Everyone found the idea appealing, so we decided to carry it out. We thought it would bring a smile to whoever came across it or something.”

The following day, Kennedy found out that it had been extensively covered, appearing on all TV stations and headlining every newspaper.

“I switched on the television, only to find a stretch of yellow crime scene tape, surrounded by approximately twenty police cars. Helicopters hovered overhead, and I was taken aback, wondering what possible misdeed I had committed. There were individuals on TV, dressed in protective suits with gloves, lifting a bicycle. They stated that they would transport this evidence to Albany for fingerprinting.”

As a captivated spectator, I found myself standing there, ear-to-ear grinning as Kennedy unfolded his tale. Just then, a subtle “Uh oh” slipped from my lips, eagerly anticipating what was coming next.

Kennedy expressed concern because his fingerprints were discovered on the bike. Fortunately, the issue seemed to fade away after some time and remained dormant for about a decade. However, The New Yorker somehow uncovered this old incident and plans to publish a detailed article about him. Consequently, they posed fact-checking questions to him, and it appears that the article will not paint a favorable picture.

At the end of the video, Kennedy could be seen laughing with Barr and others in the room.

Looking forward to seeing how you spin this one, @NewYorker…

— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) August 4, 2024

Back in October 2014, there was news about a dead bear cub found in Central Park. As detailed in a New York Times article published on that date, a woman walking her dog stumbled upon the cub hidden under some bushes, partially covered by an abandoned bike. The state’s Department of Environmental Conservation later announced that an autopsy revealed the bear’s cause of death was from blunt force injuries sustained in a car accident. Yet, despite determining how the bear met its unfortunate end, the puzzle remained unsolved as to how it wound up in Central Park initially.

Despite not having specific details about why Kennedy made the video, it aligns with other assertions he’s made as an independent presidential candidate. These include claims such as a parasitic worm consuming a portion of his brain and promoting certain alleged conspiracy theories.

In a July 2010 article for Vanity Fair, a controversial photograph emerged showing Kennedy with an unidentified woman near what seemed to be barbecued dog remains. According to the magazine, Kennedy previously shared this image with a friend who was on their way to Korea, suggesting a restaurant known for canine dishes. Veterinary experts consulted by Vanity Fair confirmed that the carcass in the picture appeared to be a dog. In response to the publication of the story, Kennedy claimed publicly that the photo actually depicted a goat in Patagonia.

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2024-08-05 03:25