Ryan Selkis steps down as Messari CEO following twitter storm

As a long-term crypto investor and follower of the industry, I have always admired Ryan Selkis for his bold stance and unyielding commitment to the crypto space. His decision to step down as CEO of Messari, however, comes as a surprise and leaves me with mixed feelings.

Ryan Selkis has made it known that he will be relinquishing his operational duties as CEO of Messari.

Selkis will continue to be a crucial part of Messari’s leadership team in an advisory role, focusing on the company’s strategic plans for the long term. Additionally, Selkis expressed his strong disapproval towards the unsuccessful assassination attempt on former President Trump and vowed to dedicate his energies to conducting further investigations.

“Selkis announced on X that he would focus all his efforts on identifying and resolving the root causes of the systemic issues within our institutions.”

A leader’s primary duty is to ensure the well-being of his team. This past week marked the first time in over six and a half years that my political stances and public speaking potentially endangered the team. Consequently, I have chosen to relinquish the position of CEO. In my place, my trusted friend and co-founder @ericturnr will assume leadership responsibilities.

— Ryan Selkis (d/acc) 🇺🇸 (@twobitidiot) July 19, 2024

Eric Turner, Messari’s Chief Revenue Officer, will serve as Messari’s interim CEO. 

Eric has been a valuable member of the Messari team from the very beginning. He played a pivotal part in constructing our research division, creating essential products, and overseeing significant client connections. (Messari’s statement paraphrased)


As a seasoned journalist with years of experience covering politics, I have seen my fair share of controversial statements made by public figures. However, this week, Selkis’ tweets regarding the attempted Trump assassination took things to a new level. His strong political rhetoric, while perhaps intended to stir up debate and engagement, crossed a line for many. The potential consequences of such inflammatory language are far-reaching and can incite fear and violence. It is crucial that we as media professionals exercise caution and responsibility when reporting on sensitive topics like this. Selkis’ actions serve as a reminder of the power of words and the importance of using them wisely.

“In a series of tweets posted during the aftermath of a shooting, he expressed disdain towards those opposing Trump, stating: ‘Those who vote against Trump now can perish in a most unpleasant manner.’ He further declared: ‘The Civil War for our nation has commenced. If you’re against Trump, you’re on the side of those unwilling to fight.'”

Since then, both tweets have been deleted. 

“For the past 6.5 years, my political stances and speaking style have not endangered our team until this week,” Selkis commented.

Selkis vs. the SEC 

Ryan Selkis has been openly criticizing the SEC for what he considers corrupt and incompetent practices, going so far as to announce his refusal to work with the regulatory body any further. According to Selkis, modern government regulators have lost their effectiveness, while private companies harnessing innovative technologies are more capable of meeting public demands.

Selkis contends that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) puts its own concerns above safeguarding citizens and maintaining market balance. He proposes employing advanced technology to disseminate market data and counteract deception.

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2024-07-19 18:44