SnS Build: OP Comfort in Monster Hunter Wilds

In Monster Hunter Wilds, The Sword and Shield stands out as the weapon type offering the greatest versatility. It’s capable of executing many tasks that other melee weapons can manage, and despite its unassuming appearance, its prowess becomes evident once used with an optimized build, demonstrating its true strength.

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This guide offers players a SnS build that concentrates on ensuring hunts are comfortable while still maintaining high damage potential. It shares some similarities with popular Long Sword builds in Monster Hunter World, but places more emphasis on improving the player’s experience.

Monster Hunter Wilds: All-Rounder SnS Build

This setup effectively harmonizes Defense Power Score (DPS) and comfort by fusing abilities that amplify attack, affinity, and quicken consumption speed, all while offering wound-mending capabilities. Consequently, these features significantly enhance the player’s damage output without necessitating a full transition to a speedrun-focused setup.

Gear Decorations
  • Counterattack Jewel 3
  • Gobbler Jewel 1
  • Counterattack Jewel 3
  • Counter Jewel 2
  • Gobbler Jewel 1
  • Gobbler Jewel 1
  • Medicine Jewel 1
  • Tenderizer Jewel 3
  • Counter Jewel 2
  • Tenderizer Jewel 3
  • Sane Jewel 1
  • Sane Jewel 1
Artian SnS (Blast/Attack)
  • Shield/Handicraft 3
  • Guardian 3
  • Razor Sharp 3
Chain Charm II

Armor Bonuses

In this construction, I’ve incorporated two items from the Gore Magala set and two items from the High Rank G. Arkveld set. The Gore Magala set offers a built-in Affinity boost thanks to the Black Eclipse set bonus, while the High Rank G. Arkveld set allows players to restore their health by breaking afflictions, courtesy of the Decimator set bonus.

To gain extra points in Adrenaline Rush, consider removing your helmet instead (which means taking on more damage). But, keep in mind that this action will disable the Decimator.


The setup above results in the following:

  • Weakness Exploit 5
  • Antivirus 3
  • Speed Eating 3
  • Adrenaline Rush 2
  • Counterstrike 2
  • Constitution 2
  • Burst 1
  • Flayer 1
  • Recovery Up 1
  • Partbreaker 1
  • Flinch Free 1

Enhancing your Affinity is effectively achieved by using Weakness Exploit and Antivirus with the Gore set bonus. These complement each other exceptionally well with Burst, Adrenaline Rush, and Counterstrike. The former three abilities increase your Raw Attack under specific circumstances. Given that you’ll be frequently dodging, blocking, and attacking using the Sword and Shield, utilizing these armor skills is a logical choice.

For this character setup, the go-to relaxation technique is swift food consumption from the Gobbler Jewel. This allows players to utilize consumables simultaneously with their Switchblade Spear, making recovery from attacks remarkably quick.

If you haven’t obtained any of these armor pieces yet, consider using the Guardian Ebony Odogaron and Guardian Fulgur Anjanath armor sets as alternatives. Utilize any decorations you currently possess until you can acquire the suggested sets mentioned previously.

Weapon Choices

As a devoted fan, I’d share this versatile build for battling various monsters – it generally yields positive outcomes! Yet, it’s essential to equip a weapon with an element effective against the specific target you’re facing. For players seeking a well-rounded Raw Sword and Shield that performs admirably against numerous creatures, here are three suitable options:

  • Blast Artian SnS with Attack Infusions

If you’re seeking weapons with high base attack, both the Blast Artian SnS and the Ajara Subinda are excellent choices. Yet, be mindful that they may become less effective against enemies resistant to Blastblight. In such cases, consider opting for the Lala Barina SnS instead, due to its impressive Affinity and Paralysis properties. However, you might need to enhance it with Attack Jewels to offset its comparatively lower raw damage output.

Sword-and-shield combinations excel at dealing elemental damage, making them an excellent choice for character builds centered around elements. For instance, weapons such as the Gore Magala SnS are particularly effective in this role.

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2025-03-13 12:34