The Simpsons’ Pamela Hayden Is Retiring. Here Are The Milhouse Van Houten Quotes I’ll Never Stop Using In Real Life

As a seasoned gamer and longtime Simpsons enthusiast, I can’t help but feel a pang of nostalgia as we bid farewell to Pamela Hayden, the voice behind some of Springfield’s most memorable characters. Her unique delivery and timing have brought countless laughs to our living rooms for decades, and her exit leaves a void that’ll be hard to fill.

It’s incredible how The Simpsons has kept its main cast intact since 1989, even amidst salary disagreements, fluctuating ratings, and the departure of actors like Marcia Wallace and Phil Hartman. Few members of the cast have chosen to retire, but that’s exactly what longtime voice actress Pamela Hayden is doing. She’s been instrumental in bringing to life characters like Milhouse Van Houten, Jimbo Jones, and Rod Flanders, among other beloved characters.

“The Simpsons” have shared that Hayden will be retiring and her last appearance on-screen will take place in the second “Treehouse of Horror” episode scheduled for TV in November 24, 2024. This implies we won’t hear any of her characters for the remainder of this season, as they are now searching for a new vocal performer to replace her.

Reflecting on her remarkable cast, it’s undeniable that we’ll deeply miss each character and their distinctive performances, including the hilarious one-shots like “The Woman Buying Plow Service” and “No Homers Club President.” However, I believe there’s a strong consensus that Milhouse, our spectacled beta-nerd, stands out as the cream of the crop. Let’s reminisce about some of his most memorable lines – quotes that I’ll undoubtedly keep reusing for years to come.

“Everything’s coming up Milhouse!”

The tagline for the ultimate underachiever, and a show featuring the phrase “underachiever” prominently. You don’t necessarily have to boast about making stylish fashion choices that seem wise later on, but it definitely adds to the image.

“So this is what it feels like when doves cry.”

If I were to encounter someone who seemed like my twin, and decided to dislike this person despite myself, only to discover that we had the same name, I can’t say that I would spontaneously rephrase a Prince song. However, I wonder why do we end up arguing with one another?

“I think she’s hot! Sorry, it just slipped out.”

Milhouse was eager to display his fancy new earring, but Bart somehow managed to make him blurt out an awkward Freudian comment about their friendship – something like telling a stranger or your enemy that you think their mother is attractive. Fortunately, the bus arrived just in time!

“I wasn’t scared. I was just peeing.”

It’s generally uncomfortable when someone points out an action that might be humiliating, but there are often strategies to explain it without admitting to a strange or awkward habit, such as enjoying the sensation of wetting yourself for pleasure instead of fear. So, let’s make it clear: Milhouse isn’t scared of Harry Potter; he simply shows apprehension for other reasons.

“Uhh. My shirt fell off.”

As a fan, I must confess that striking a bare-chested pose in a photo booth isn’t necessarily the most disastrous situation one can find themselves in… unless, of course, you’re the one in the hot seat. And when life tosses you such lemons, it seems only natural to squirt their acidic juice into the eyes of curious onlookers while maintaining that your shirt is simply a temperamental piece of clothing refusing to cooperate and stay put.

“But my mom says I’m cool.”

As a gamer, I’d say this line is my ultimate comeback for any gloomy situation, whether it’s Mr. Burns reminding me of his ‘No nerds’ rule, or when my boss lets me go, or even if a fast food worker breaks the news that their ice cream machine is out of order. And hey, if I just so happen to be sporting a mini tuxedo at that moment, it just makes it all the more epic!

“And the winner of the Milhouse 500 is… Milhouse!”

Occasionally, life calls for a well-deserved triumph, regardless of the means or obstacles faced. This could even mean participating in a 500-lap race with no competition, much like each of us is part of the team supporting the driver in the Milhouse 500, aren’t we?

“Then why did I have the bowl, Bart? Why. Did. I. Have. The. Bowl?”

A classic instance of witty Simpsons humor similar to Homer’s “yes, once” response to Hank Scorpio’s shoe question comes when Milhouse recalls an old incident where Bart tricked him about not having a goldfish, despite Santa’s Little Helper eating it. The funny part is that he only mentioned this damning evidence much later on. This is a great comeback to use with a friend who’s caught lying, especially if they happen to be holding a live goldfish!

“We’re through the looking glass here, people.”

“I would never deliver an elaborate conspiracy theory lecture using a chalkboard about the Rand Corporation colluding with reverse vampires to eliminate dinner, but whenever I try to explain something even slightly complex, like XYZ, it always seems to become more dramatic and mysterious when I use a reference to a looking glass.

Perhaps someday we’ll revisit and gather all the most memorable Jimbo Jones quotes that continue to surface regularly, but until then, let us salute and tip our imaginary hats in appreciation of Pamela Hayden’s years of laughter and wit embodied in two-dimensional characters. Dive back into her entire Simpsons career by subscribing to Disney+.

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2024-11-21 01:37