The Story Behind Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2’s Big Ending Twist And How It Left Twilight Fans Stunned

The Story Behind Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2's Big Ending Twist And How It Left Twilight Fans Stunned

As a die-hard Twilight fan who vividly remembers those exhilarating days of eagerly waiting for each new installment, I can confidently say that the twist ending in Breaking Dawn Part 2 was nothing short of breathtaking! The moment when Carlisle’s head was dramatically severed had me, along with thousands of other fans, gasping in shock and disbelief. It was such a powerful moment that it still leaves a lasting impression on me to this very day.

SPOILERS are ahead for Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2

One unforgettable moviegoing moments that still resonate within me is the climax of “Breaking Dawn Part 2”. This scene, watched during a vacation over Thanksgiving in the desert, made it onto my list of cherished memories as a devoted fan of the “Twilight” books and films. Eager to share this experience with fellow enthusiasts, we sought out an late-night screening (as those were the only options available back then) for the final installment of the vampire series. To my surprise, I thought I was dreaming when Carlisle was beheaded on screen and an unexpected battle scene unfolded. My mind kept whispering “That wasn’t in the book!” as my jaw remained dropped until the credits rolled.

In a movie, crafting an astonishing plot twist isn’t simple, but ‘Breaking Dawn Part 2’ managed to leave me in awe as a dedicated ‘Twilight’ fan. The creative conclusion was undoubtedly a shock, and yes, Stephenie Meyer played a part in its development. If you’ve ever wondered what led to the movie’s unexpected ending, take a moment to discover the story behind it…

The Story Behind Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2's Big Ending Twist And How It Left Twilight Fans Stunned

What Happens At The End Of Breaking Dawn

Let me take you down memory lane as we delve into the intriguing conclusion of “Breaking Dawn Part 2”. You might recall that my character, Bella, underwent a transformative journey, turning into a vampire. Contrary to expectations, this wasn’t the cue for an immediate happy ending.

The Book’s Ending

In the final chapter of “Breaking Dawn,” titled “The Happily Ever After,” it is revealed that the Volturi chose not to confront the Cullens in a battle due to fear. This fear stemmed from Aro, the leader of the Volturi, being intimidated by Bella’s powerful vampire mind shield abilities and the fact that the Cullens had managed to gather more vampires and werewolves as allies. Alice provided Aro with an excuse to avoid the conflict, according to the book.

1. The book hints at a potential return of the Volturi, but the Cullens are certain they can outwit them again when that time comes. As for Edward and Bella, they embark on an eternal journey of happiness, with Edward whispering “forever and ever and ever” in the final pages.

The Movie’s Ending

In the 2012 installment of the franchise finale, events unfold in an unexpected manner. The Cullens gather a massive group of vampires and werewolves to confront the Volturi, but initially, it seems like a battle is about to ensue, resulting in numerous casualties. Notably, Carlisle’s head is cut off by Aro, Dakota Fanning’s character Jane is destroyed by a werewolf, and Aro meets his end at the hands of Edward and Bella. The scene appears authentic (causing quite a shock), only to later be unveiled as a vision shown by Alice Cullen, who has the ability to see the future, on the battlefield to Aro. Eventually, the Volturi retreat, and Edward and Bella receive their grand farewell in the movie.

The Story Behind Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2's Big Ending Twist And How It Left Twilight Fans Stunned

Stephenie Meyer Apparently Had Doubts About How The Breaking Dawn Ending Could Work For The Movie

As a devoted fan, I must confess that when the unexpected twist at the end of “Breaking Dawn Part 2” unfolded, it left me utterly astonished. Reflecting on the finale and comparing it to the source material, I’ve consistently appreciated the creative approach they took to what could have been an anticlimactic ending for a four-book series (visually speaking, of course). If the “Breaking Dawn” ending had followed the novel beat by beat, we would have endured a 20-minute scene of vampires conversing in a field (originally a 68-page showdown in the book).

It seems that Stephenie Meyer herself was aware of the issues with her ending and contemplated surrendering the film rights to Summit Entertainment because of it, as stated by screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg in an interview with Buzzfeed.

Prior to officially agreeing, and before Stephenie had definitively granted Summit the rights for the fourth novel – she was contemplating whether to hand over the rights, as she understood that the intended ending might not translate well onto the screen. She recognized it wasn’t suitable for cinema. However, she was apprehensive about the possibility of the story being significantly altered to fit cinematic standards, causing her to reconsider the project entirely.

Wondering what it might have been like if the Twilight series concluded after Eclipse? Fans craved resolution, fortunately for them, Rosenberg conferred with Meyer to create a new conclusion instead.

The Story Behind Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2's Big Ending Twist And How It Left Twilight Fans Stunned

Then, Meyer And Twilight’s Screenwriter Thought Of A New Ending To The Saga Together 

During the same conversation, Melissa Rosenberg disclosed that she and Stephenie Meyer collaboratively conceived the surprising conclusion of the story. This is how they did it:

In Vancouver, over a casual dinner (not work-related), we found ourselves discussing an idea for the project’s conclusion. Strangely enough, we can’t recall who initially proposed this unusual yet intriguing notion. It might have been her, she mentioned something like “I have a dreadful idea.” But upon second thought, it wasn’t so bad! In fact, I became quite enthused about it. That’s when we both had an epiphany – that very idea was the key to solving our problem.

Isn’t it fascinating that Stephenie Meyer took such an active role? I find it delightful when book-to-movie adaptations receive author approval, as sometimes they have unique ideas on how to revise the original work. This is especially true for film adaptations. Director Bill Condon expressed this sentiment to Vulture regarding the changes:

As a lifelong fan of Stephenie Meyer’s work, I have always found her ability to weave intricate stories that transport readers into another world truly captivating. In this particular instance, I believe that the author’s creative decision makes perfect sense within the universe she has established, and it aligns seamlessly with the narrative arc of the book.

It’s a great point, because Stephenie Meyer wasn’t really the “writing battles” type, but from a movie standpoint, it was awesome to see vampires and werewolves in action. 

The Story Behind Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2's Big Ending Twist And How It Left Twilight Fans Stunned

The Filmmakers Had A Blast Crafting The Battle… And Deciding Who To Kill First 

After securing the agreement from Meyer, Rosenberg, and Condon regarding the plot twist, it was now time to create the corresponding scene. Here’s a snippet of what the director shared with Vulture about the genesis of the project:

Initially, my participation centered around a simple statement, ‘A battle is imminent.’ However, the process of creating it turned out to be quite enjoyable. In retrospect, that project was arguably the most significant one I worked on for a period of about two years. [What made it exciting was] determining who should meet their end!

Referring to Melissa Rosenberg’s Buzzfeed interview, it was her choice for Carlisle to experience the initial “death” scene in the story. To quote her directly, she made this decision herself.

In my storyline, the character who meets an untimely death in the prophetic vision must be the one who initiates the conflict. The one with the greatest influence to perish is Carlisle. As soon as he’s killed or set ablaze, chaos ensues among the group. I had considered various scenarios involving multiple deaths, methods of demise, and the identities of the avengers. However, this extended sequence became too complex and slowed down the narrative pace. Initially, I had envisioned Carlisle as the one who indiscriminately takes lives, but I eventually simplified it for a smoother flow.

As a seasoned professional with years of experience under my belt, I must say that Rosenberg seems to have landed himself quite the exciting gig. Condon, being someone well-versed in the intricacies of filmmaking, provided some fascinating insights into who was potentially at risk during the planning stages of the shocking sequence. It’s always captivating to delve deeper into the creative process behind such gripping scenes.

It’s clear that it’s gratifying to see the villains eliminated, but among the heroes, it was Seth I had a strong desire to eliminate. His mistreatment of animals is particularly disturbing because Jane has shown such behavior towards other creatures in the past. Moreover, the unexpected characters like Carlisle and Jasper have a significant impact due to their surprise factor.

Even though Meyer originally signed on to the idea, she did have some thoughts about who would die in the vision. Bringing us to this next point. 

The Story Behind Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2's Big Ending Twist And How It Left Twilight Fans Stunned

At First, Meyer Wasn’t Totally Behind All The Decisions For The Battle Scene

Meyer faced some resistance when it came to writing and directing the scene. An interview in the Los Angeles Times during its release revealed that Bill Condon shared some of his discussions with the author of the “Twilight” series.

Initially, I intended to eliminate all significant members of the Volturi, but we eventually carried out that plan. Stephenie was worried that if we eliminated them entirely, the audience might have been disappointed because it was just a vision of Alice’s. She suggested killing far fewer Volturi, including Emmett, Rosalie, and some others from the Cullen group. However, I disagreed with this approach.

Indeed, eventually, they reached a mutual agreement, and as a result, we were treated to an outstanding scene in “Breaking Dawn Part 2” that left me (and countless other fans) in stitches during its opening weekend. Stephenie Meyer shared this sentiment with the same publication, stating that the scene was faithful to the spirit of her concluding novel in the bestselling “Twilight” series.

As a gamer immersed in this virtual world, I can relate to Aro’s perspective. There was a pivotal moment when our eyes met, and he seemed to be weighing me up, assessing my worth. Then, the scene shifted dramatically, but the details of what he saw remained hidden from us. However, from my vantage point, it was clear that this would be a tight battle, with heavy casualties on both sides, including potentially myself. In his mind, the Volturi were destined to emerge victorious. They had the numbers, they were formidable. But I knew that if we clashed, they’d be severely weakened, their power crippled. This realization struck him too – he understood he wouldn’t survive such a confrontation. And it was this insight that changed his course of action… We brought Alice into the fray to visualize it, but the essence of the scene remained untouched.

As a devoted fan, I can affirm that this interpretation stays faithful to the original work, yet infuses an element of Alice’s imagination to vividly portray the consequences if a battle were to ensue.

The Story Behind Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2's Big Ending Twist And How It Left Twilight Fans Stunned

Twilight Fans Went Wild For The Breaking Dawn Twist Ending 

Let’s return our focus to the enthusiastic spectators. The unforeseen and skillfully executed turn of events in the scene left fans utterly content. In an interview with TopMob when the movie reached its tenth anniversary, Taylor Lautner commented on fan reactions, saying:

Wow, you’re bringing back memories! Indeed, it was a mind-blowing experience. It seems we were in a packed theater, possibly the Nokia downtown, correct? And oh boy, the plot twist – it sent shockwaves through the audience! People were gasping, sobbing, utterly bewildered, asking themselves ‘What on earth is happening?!’ Yes, that was quite a spectacle.

Fans still love talking about it, too. Here’s one Twitter reaction: 

Another person said their “favorite audience reaction” in a theater was actually this scene. Check it: 

In my entire life, I’ve never experienced a theater explode with louder cries of disbelief and shock than when Carlisle’s head was torn off in Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part II. The same reaction occurred 15 minutes later, only to discover it was all just a vision in Alice’s mind. [Tweet link] April 3, 2019

And, here’s one more: 

As a hardcore gamer, nothing in the gaming world has left me as stunned and speechless as the plot twist in Twilight did. The moment I witnessed it in the cinema for the first time was absolutely mind-blowing 😂 The entire theater was left reeling with shock and disbelief. August 4, 2024.

As a lifelong fan of the fantasy genre, I can confidently say that the twist ending in Breaking Dawn Part 2 was one for the books. With over two decades spent immersed in countless stories, both written and on screen, I have to admit that this particular plot twist took me completely by surprise. It’s moments like these that make the Twilight saga stand out as a truly iconic series. The way the story unfolded was captivating, leaving me eagerly awaiting each new installment. For those who haven’t yet experienced the magic of Twilight, I highly recommend giving it a try – you won’t be disappointed!

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2024-08-10 16:08