Unleash the Horror: D&D’s Vampires Get a Terrifying Makeover!

In Dungeons & Dragons, battles against fearsome dragons may grab the headlines, but there are other creatures that have become mainstays in this popular game, and none more so than vampires. Whether a player visualizes the eerie domain of Barovia governed by Strahd von Zarovich from Curse of Strahd or the sarcastic bloodthirsty Astarion from Baldur’s Gate 3, vampires have consistently been one of the most memorable monsters in tabletop role-playing games.

To clarify, the upcoming 2025 edition of the “Monster Manual” significantly broadens the variety of vampires that role-players may encounter in their journeys through all regions of Toril. In contrast, the 2014 “Monster Manual” presented rather basic vampires, with the most advanced options being limited to the Vampire Spellcaster, Vampire Warrior, and Strahd von Zarovich at CR 15. However, these higher CR vampires were perceived as underwhelming in numerous aspects, considering their immense power and impact they could have in campaigns. The new “Monster Manual” offers a more extensive array of vampiric horrors for Dungeon Masters to manipulate, thereby enabling a vampire-focused campaign setting to progressively challenge players with escalating threats over time and effectively instill the feeling of being tormented by these iconic nocturnal beings.

From Vampire Familiars To Umbral Lords, the New Monster Manual Has Everything One Needs For a Gothic Nightmare

Previously, the lowest level vampire for Dungeon Masters (DMs) to encounter was the Vampire Spawn, which had a Challenge Rating (CR) of 5 as listed in the 2014 Monster Manual. To provide earlier opposition for lower-level parties in a campaign, the 2025 Monster Manual introduced the Vampire Familiar. These creatures are living, breathing beings who are either voluntarily or involuntarily loyal to their vampiric masters. The manual explains that some of these familiars aspire to become immortal bloodsuckers themselves, while others are compelled by enchantment or unfortunate deals.

These CR 3 villains possess resistance to Necrotic damage and are immune to being charmed by player characters. They employ a multi-attack using their Umbral Dagger, dealing an average of 12 damage per strike and potentially paralyzing their foes with potent poisons.

In the revised version of the Monster Manual published in 2025, the Vampire Spawn has undergone some changes. Although its Challenge Rating remains unchanged from the 2014 edition, the updated versions boast higher average health points and a sturdier armor class of 16. The Vampire Spawn’s vulnerabilities remain consistent with their 2014 counterparts; however, their attacks have been strengthened significantly, making them potentially more dangerous for adventuring parties.

In the previous Monster Manual from 2014, the Vampire Spawn’s claw attack allowed it to either inflict damage or grapple the target without causing harm. In this new version, the Vampire Spawn benefits from both options, dealing damage and automatically grappling its target with an escape difficulty set at 13.

Interestingly, the bite attack of the 2025 Vampire Spawn now requires a Constitution Saving Throw with a DC of 14, and in addition to causing damage, it also inflicts extra Necrotic damage. The target’s maximum hit points are still reduced as well.

Advancing from the Vampire Spawn is the fresh CR 8 vampire, known as the Vampire Nightbringer. Born through necromantic rituals and realms imbued with dark energy, Vampire Nightbringers control shadows and feed on a creature’s vital life essence.

Distinct from their fellow vampires, Vampire Nightbringers experience only Sunlight Sensitivity, avoiding the other disadvantages that plague traditional vampires. Furthermore, they are completely immune to Necrotic and Cold damage, as well as being Charmed, Exhausted, or Frightened. Although their stats are relatively modest, Vampire Nightbringers provide an excellent intermediate challenge for adventuring parties before they encounter genuine vampires.

In the upcoming 2025 edition, the Monster Manual has amplified the traditional Vampire’s statistical profile. The average hit points have been boosted from 144 to 195, and the Legendary Resistance now applies four times a day when the Vampire is in its lair. In terms of the Vampire’s lair settings, the regional effects have been fine-tuned to provide DMs with an abundance of chilling details. Creatures smaller than humans within a mile radius of a Vampire’s lair may find themselves Charmed, and the Looming Shadows effect now forces any creature, excluding the vampire and its allies, to attempt a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw while taking a Short Rest within a mile of their lair; failure results in no benefits from that rest. Similar to other high-level creatures in the 2025 Monster Manual, the revised Vampire stat block includes four legendary actions when it’s in its lair.

In the 2025 edition of the “Monster Manual”, an innovative update was introduced for vampires – the formidable Umbral Lord. This new entity shares the same Challenge Rating (CR) 15 as Strahd von Zarovich, but in actual combat, it appears significantly more powerful than its Barovian counterpart. Despite sharing the traditional vulnerabilities of other vampires, the Umbral Lord can make two attacks during its turn and can choose to use either Grave Strike or Sickening Ray in any sequence. Additionally, it possesses a potent bonus action called Sanguine Drain. When targeted, a creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw with a difficulty of 18, or face the consequences.

When this entity fails, it inflicts 4 dice rolls of Necrotic damage on the target, reducing their maximum hit points by the same amount. However, the target will also regain that number of hit points. This ability is a significant improvement over the bite of a Vampire Spawn, as it doesn’t necessitate the Umbral Lord to have the target restrained. The Umbral Lords possess an ability to utilize 4 Legendary Actions per day within their lair, or 3 if they find themselves in combat outside of it.

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2025-02-21 16:11