Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Beginners Class Guide

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Beginners Class Guide

As a battle-hardened veteran of countless skirmishes, I can confidently say that this squad composition is a formidable force to be reckoned with. Each class brings its unique strengths and abilities to the table, ensuring we’ve got all bases covered.

In Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2, it’s essential for a novice player to choose the right class at the start of the game.

Regardless if you’re opting for single player, cooperative missions, or player versus player encounters, every class comes with exclusive skills that provide specific strengths and weaknesses.

Your choice of class allows you to adapt to the challenges of the battlefield and optimize your gameplay based on your preferred playstyle.

Based on whether you prefer hand-to-hand fighting, long-range shooting, or assisting your comrades, there’s a role to suit everyone available.

This manual introduces you to the six primary categories found in Space Marine 2. Here, we’ll explore the distinctive traits of each class, recommend suitable weaponry for them, and highlight special abilities tailored to aid you in discovering the character that aligns most with your gaming approach.

All Classes in Space Marine 2

Tactical Class: The All-Rounder

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Beginners Class Guide

For newcomers, strategic lessons are highly recommended as they blend elements from both Close-Quarters (Assault) and Backup (Support) roles. This versatile setup allows you to adapt your tools based on the context, be it engaging in melee with a Chainsword or ranged engagements using any variety of firearms.

The strategic class offers versatility, excelling in both offensive and defensive playstyles. Ideal for either single players or those who enjoy collaborative gameplay.

As a seasoned strategist, my exceptional ability – Auspex Scan – unveils nearby adversaries, amplifying the harm we and our squad deal to them significantly. In the heat of cooperative battles, it proves invaluable as it exposes stealthy foes like Lictors, ensuring our team remains vigilant against hidden threats.

Best Weapons:

  • Bolt Rifle: Good for mid-range combat and has a fair amount of damage output.
  • Heavy Bolt Rifle: Ideal for clearing a lot of opponents from the playing field.
  • Chainsword: Most effective in close-quarters combat when the enemies get close to your character.

Assault Class: Master of Melee

The Assault class is constructed to provide you with both adaptability and potent close-quarters combat techniques. This class enables you to participate in battles, equipped with jump packs to charge towards foes and unleash powerful area-of-effect attacks. Furthermore, it grants the ability to swiftly retreat from confrontations. The Assault class caters best to those who crave excitement and enjoy engaging enemies up close.

Unique Ability: Aerial Impact – Grants you the power to jump high into the sky, followed by a powerful slam onto the ground, causing damage to all surrounding foes.

Best Weapons:

  • Chainsword: A classic choice for situations where you need to clear the field of enemies at close range.
  • Thunder Hammer: Hit a large area of the path, which makes it useful when fighting many enemies at once.
  • Bolt Pistol: A good backup weapon for when you are in mid-air or jumping off the ground.

Bulwark Class: The Tank

The Bulwark type is exceptionally robust in defense and team support. Its perpetual shield on its left arm allows it to endure incoming assaults without interruption, even as it keeps attacking, thereby establishing it as a crucial figure in the front line. This class appeals to players who enjoy taking the lead, facing formidable enemy attacks while shielding their comrades.

Exclusive Ability: During tough battles, Chapter Banner provides a protective barrier that restores the armor of surrounding allies, proving to be a valuable asset for your team.

Best Weapons:

  • Power Sword: Able to perform both melee attacks and AoE simultaneously.
  • Plasma Pistol: It is useful for stunning elite enemies with charged shots.
  • Bolt Pistol: Efficient in the mid-range.

Vanguard Class: The Aggressor

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Beginners Class Guide

The Vanguard class is designed for aggressive play and swiftly approaching opponents. Equipped with a Grapnel Launcher, this class offers rapid mobility across the battlefield, enabling you to deliver a powerful kick to enemies. It’s ideal for players who enjoy being active and swiftly eliminating targets.

Unique Ability: Grapnel Launcher enables you to swiftly propel towards adversaries, delivering a powerful kick upon impact, making it ideal for taking down tough opponents or navigating battles at high speed.

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Best Weapons:

  • Instigator Bolt Carbine: A burst-fire rifle that’s accurate and ideal for medium-range fights.
  • Combat Knife: Fast and deadly, perfect for quick, close-range attacks.
  • Melta Rifle: Best for taking down heavily armored enemies.

Sniper Class: The Long-Range Specialist

The Sniper character excels in eliminating foes from afar. Equipped with stealth capabilities that make it vanish into invisibility and the power to fire potent shots from great distances, this character suits those who prefer to maintain a covert position and inflict substantial damage from a secure vantage point.

Exceptional Ability: The “Stealthy Mantle” allows for invisibility, enabling you to strategically relocate or launch an initial, potent strike from concealed locations.

Best Weapons:

  • Stalker Bolt Rifle: A semi-automatic rifle with great range and accuracy, perfect for long-range combat.
  • Bolt Sniper Rifle: Deals high damage with headshots, great for taking down elite enemies.
  • Combat Knife: Useful for quick kills when enemies get too close.

Heavy Class: The Ranged Powerhouse

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Beginners Class Guide

The Heavy class is built for dispensing potent long-range assaults, all while boasting robust defensive capabilities. Its formidable weaponry and Iron Halo skill render it an ideal choice for gamers who enjoy laying down a withering hail of bullets and safeguarding their team from incoming harm.

Special Ability: The Iron Halo grants a protective barrier to the Heavy class, safeguarding it from long-range assaults, thereby making it an effective frontliner in combat involving ranged attacks.

Best Weapons:

  • Heavy Bolter: Fires continuously without overheating, perfect for wiping out large groups of enemies.
  • Multi-Melta: Deals heavy damage and can pierce through enemies; great for taking down big targets.
  • Plasma Pistol: Best for mid-range fights and dealing with heavily armored enemies.

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2024-09-09 23:12