Women Of Wrestling’s David McLane Explains How They’ll Compete With WWE And AEW As The Brand Grows

As a lifelong pro-wrestling fan who has witnessed the evolution of women wrestlers from mere decorative elements to fierce competitors and compelling characters, I am beyond excited about the imminent expansion of Women Of Wrestling (WOW). The fact that this all-female roster is dedicated entirely to women’s storytelling sets it apart in a male-dominated industry where bandwidth for female narratives has been traditionally limited.

Currently, professional wrestling is experiencing a significant surge in popularity within popular culture. The media is abuzz with updates on upcoming WWE events and the ventures of AEW. However, numerous other platforms are also striving to make their mark in this industry. One such company, Women Of Wrestling, has been working towards its goal since 2000. Starting from September, it will be accessible nationwide. Given these expansion plans, TopMob interviewed the creator, David McLane, to understand how they aim to thrive amidst such fierce competition.

I spoke to Mr. McLane at San Diego Comic-Con and posed the question of how WOW will stand out in the market when consumers only need a Premium Peacock subscription to view WWE PLEs. To his credit, the exec — who co-created the brand, didn’t hesitate to provide an answer. The company takes pride in its all-women’s roster of performers and intends on using it to cater to an audience who wishes to see female wrestlers get more shine:

While many wrestling leagues incorporate women’s wrestling, ours stands out as a 24/7 dedicated platform. Consequently, no other professional wrestling organization can match our ability to weave captivating stories or breathe life into characters like we do. This is because they are divided in sharing resources between male and female performers.

Although the WWE has significantly improved its approach towards women’s wrestling, a glance at our SummerSlam 2024 predictions suggests there’s still room for growth. Only two out of seven matches on one of the largest annual events indicates progress, but it could be argued that an equal split between male and female divisions would be more appropriate. Contrastingly, WOW, a completely women-centric platform, offers more screen time to its wrestlers compared to their counterparts in the WWE.

Can We Talk About How Much Better The WWE Women’s Division Has Gotten Over The Last Decade?

There’s a lot to love these days about women’s wrestling.

Women of Wrestling (WOW) offers more scope for women’s narratives compared to many of its counterparts who don’t fully invest in this area. Additionally, one of the pioneers of the women’s wrestling revolution is part of WOW. AJ Menendez, formerly known as AJ Lee in the WWE and married to CM Punk, played a significant role in transforming the Divas into superstars. Her title was passed on to Paige, which marked a significant turning point. Although fans have hoped for AJ’s return to WWE alongside her husband, she is currently offering color commentary for WOW.

If you haven’t watched Women Of Wrestling yet, here’s your chance! You can easily access it with a complimentary account on Pluto TV, a platform known for offering fantastic movies. Soon, they will launch a dedicated 24/7 channel for WOW, similar to the recently unveiled Big Brother channel. Essentially, the opportunity to watch it for free is coming up soon, so why not seize it and enjoy an additional hour of wrestling that you won’t find anywhere else! Plus, your viewership could significantly boost WOW’s presence against its competitors.

Starting from September 17th, Women of Wrestling will likely be available in your local markets (if not streaming already). You can stream the first two seasons right now on Pluto TV! As a dedicated pro-wrestling enthusiast, I am excited about this and hoping that the brand’s talented performers continue to thrive within the industry.

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2024-07-31 23:37