Terror Groups seek Crypto donations using Monero: Alarming UN report

As a seasoned crypto investor with over a decade of experience in this dynamic digital landscape, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power and potential pitfalls of cryptocurrencies. The recent UN Security Council report shedding light on terror organizations using cryptos like Monero to fund their activities is indeed alarming.

The battle against global terrorism is confronting a fresh challenge as terrorist groups evolve to operate more in the digital realm, discovering innovative methods for fundraising and transportation of resources. According to recent studies by the United Nations Security Council’s Monitoring Team, the infamous terror group ISIL has shifted their financial operations from the traditional “hawala” system (informal value transfer without physical money exchange) to cryptocurrencies.

According to the UN Security Council’s report, it is noted that ISIL and similar terrorist groups have started favoring the use of the Monero cryptocurrency and are requesting donations via QR codes found within their propaganda electronic magazines.

The alarming report states that terror organizations like ISIL and Al Qaeda are now discarding their traditional methods of raising funds, such as hawala, kidnapping and extortion, and now prefer the “anonymity enhancing” cryptocurrencies.

The report adds that these organizations have established a “halal standard” (meaning compliant with Islamic law) for accepting cryptocurrencies, aiming to align their beliefs and activities. According to the UN report, two designated crypto channels on the Telegram messaging app were created: CryptoHalal and Umma Crypto. These channels are set up to receive donations in approved cryptocurrencies following an initial sharia evaluation.

As an analyst, I find myself preparing to release a critical report compiled by the UN Security Council’s monitoring team. This report is expected to spark curiosity in numerous nations such as the United States, United Kingdom, Europe, and India. The revelations within this document may ignite discussions regarding the need for tighter regulations within the cryptocurrency sector to effectively monitor transactions linked to terrorist activities.

As a researcher, I’ve been closely following recent advisories from the U.S. Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). They have issued a warning to financial institutions worldwide, encouraging them to scrutinize cryptocurrency transactions that might be associated with the militant group Hamas. This is to ensure the integrity and security of our global financial system.

What the UN Security Council Report States?

The Shift to Cryptocurrencies

The report outlines that ISIL has set up tailored pathways on platforms such as Telegram to instruct followers on obtaining and utilizing certain digital currencies. For example, ISIL-K has initiated fundraising campaigns using QR codes linked to Monero wallets, taking advantage of the anonymity offered by these privacy coins. Although some cryptocurrency exchanges have ceased support for Monero, its adoption among terrorist organizations is increasing, posing difficulties for authorities in tracking financial transactions.

Assessment of crypto as per “sharia”

Established channels such as CryptoHalal and Umma Crypto on Telegram serve dual purposes: they offer spiritual advice in a religious context, while also assisting individuals in obtaining cryptocurrencies. These platforms not only lend credibility from a religious perspective but also ensure privacy, complicating efforts by authorities to track financial transactions.

Preference of Crypto

The rising adoption of digital tools by ISIL poses a mounting worry for member nations. These digital platforms include various cryptocurrency exchanges, gaming sites, e-wallets, and stablecoins that are employed for fundraising and transfers. One member state mentioned that despite the preference for cash couriers and hawala systems for transferring funds into conflict zones, ISIL deliberately shifted to digital currencies and online payment systems. The extensive use of digital means such as electronic wallets, selling prepaid mobile cards, and cryptocurrencies is anticipated to become increasingly prevalent and significant in the future.

Terror Groups seek Crypto donations using Monero: Alarming UN report

Financial Connectivity and the Role of Privacy Coins like ‘Monero’

Privacy coins such as Monero are frequently chosen for illicit activities like terrorist financing because they can conceal transaction details. The UN report highlights the challenge of tracking these transactions since they provide a high degree of anonymity compared to conventional banking systems. Groups like ISIL and its affiliates have taken advantage of these characteristics to carry out fundraising initiatives, keeping their financial activities hidden from law enforcement.

The report also emphasizes the intricate structure of funding networks for terrorist groups like ISIL, with their African affiliates playing a substantial role in strengthening the organization financially. These affiliates often operate through unofficial channels, making them harder to disrupt. For instance, ISIL-K received around $2.5 million in 2023, some of which may have been connected to specific attacks, emphasizing the ongoing danger these organizations represent.


In many countries targeted by these terror groups, the UN Security Council report is expected to sound alarm bells. Its effects could extend to the cryptocurrency sphere, where aggressive security agencies may ramp up surveillance of significant asset transfers associated with questionable activities.

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2024-08-04 12:04