As AI rewrites history, blockchain technology is a line of defense | Opinion

Stop the Presses: AI is Rewriting History, and Blockchain is Our Only Hope! 📜🤖

Hello there, Earthlings and digital denizens! So, Artificial Intelligence has taken a leap into the future and is growing faster than your aunt’s Christmas cat videos on YouTube. Some people are amazed, while others are just frantically Googling “How to build a bunker.” No matter where you stand, one thing is for sure: this technological wonder is not slowing down. What began as a toddler’s plaything of basic commands has now evolved into a oh-my-gosh-could-it-really-be-a-trillion-dollar-industry? 🚀💰

a certain deepfake video featuring Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that sent ripples through the internet faster than we can say “You should really fact-check that!”

AI-generated history 🎭

As if deepfakes weren’t already giving us nightmares, enter AI’s not-so-happy little role in history preservation. You think AI is unbiased? Well, punch that thought in the face because biases inherited from their human creators run rampant in these systems! Meet DeekSeek: an AI tool that, let’s just say, has a “creative” way of ignoring the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre. Yeah, you can see it with your own eyes—it’s like history Houdini-ing right before us! 🎩✨

We’ve been rewriting history for eons, like when school forgot about your prom date, but this digital age takes it to a whole new level. AI is lighting a match to historical truth like it’s firewood, making it travel at the speed of a thousand memes while we sit here refreshing our feeds for the next big thing. Just your average Tuesday on the internet, right?

Meanwhile, tech giants like Microsoft and Amazon Web Services have taken the AI express train to integration land. And guess what? Most of us are on that train whether we like it or not! How is it fair that these tools get to shape our information only because they’re programmed that way? 🤔

Blockchain-based solutions 🌐

So, what gives? With a future where us mere mortals and AI are having tea parties, we really need a way to preserve our beloved truths, images, and oh-so-precious historical facts. Enter: Blockchain! The superhero of information preservation that can’t be tampered with or canceled on a whim, bringing all the data never-to-return-same back from the digital graveyard! 👻

A blockchain is like an eternal diary that can’t be deleted or rewritten. Once it’s recorded, it stays put—forever! I mean, who wouldn’t want that kind of commitment in this Tinder-era of data storage? The very ultimate resistance to censorship! Not to escape—just to preserve. 🙌

Several brave souls are already crafting blockchain-based solutions that each make fascinating reading, like Story, the blockchain flipping intellectual property into tokenized gold! 💎

A permanent cloud ☁️🔒

Let’s talk about Arweave, the champion of long-term data storage. It promises to keep your stuff safe and sound for at least 200 years—guaranteed! Call it a “forever home” for data, as opposed to Google or Amazon, which might just “unfriend” you on a bad day. I mean, imagine losing your Word document just because a cloud decided to send a bolt of lightning at it. Yikes! ⚡

In the great existential crisis of ‘What happens if the government decides it no longer likes certain facts?’—decentralized solutions come to the rescue. Once uploaded, your data is safe from being deleted or altered—it’s the bouncer of the data club, throwing out the troublemakers like deepfake videos before they can cause havoc. No more confusion about whether the president is actually telling his troops to, you know, not surrender.

Lastly, this data fortress even keeps track of “he said, she said,” brushing aside those messy debates that keep us awake at night. In a time where technology is shaping the truth like it’s Play-Doh, it’s high time we explore the fortress that blockchain builds for our history! 🏰

Phil Mataras

Phil Mataras is the founder and CEO of AR.IO, the first permanent cloud network that encompasses a suite of revolutionary decentralized web services. Unlike traditional cloud infrastructure, AR.IO utilizes the Arweave permaweb, which provides an immutable, provenance-driven, and economically sustainable model. AR.IO’s innovative solutions include decentralized storage access, domains, and hosting.

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2025-03-06 15:24