Binance Executive Collapses in Court Amid Money Laundering

As a seasoned financial analyst with extensive experience in following high-profile money laundering and tax evasion cases, I find the recent incident involving Tigran Gambaryan, the detained executive of Binance, deeply concerning. The occurrence of his sudden collapse during a trial for alleged money laundering charges adds an unexpected layer to this complex case.

At the Abuja Federal High Court hearing for money laundering charges against Tigran Gambaryan, an executive of Binance, an unexpected incident occurred. As he was being led towards the dock, Gambaryan suddenly fainted. Upon noticing this, his legal representative promptly brought up his client’s health concerns to the court and requested a postponement.

According to reports, Gambaryan, who is under investigation for money laundering charges, suddenly took ill just as the trial was about to resume. His legal representative, Mark Mordi, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), communicated this to the court and submitted a written request on his client’s behalf. As a result, Gambaryan was helped to take a seat and remained unable to stand throughout the proceedings.

As a researcher, I’ve come across a legal case involving Gambaryan and Binance Holdings Limited, where the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) has brought up allegations of tax evasion. Initially, the proceedings were hindered due to Gambaryan’s absence from court, which was overseen by the Nigeria Correctional Service. In response, the FIRS petitioned for an adjournment to delve deeper into the circumstances surrounding his non-attendance. The judge has set June 14 as the date for continued progress on this case. However, Gambaryan’s health condition led to additional postponement of the proceedings during this period. The denial of his bail application by the court was due to concerns about him absconding before the trial concluded.

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2024-05-24 03:33