Crypto sleuth calls out Floyd Mayweather over another token scam

As an experienced financial analyst, I strongly believe that Floyd Mayweather’s past actions warrant extreme caution when it comes to any future ventures in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. The accumulating evidence of his involvement in multiple token scams, including lawsuits and court settlements, is concerning.

As a diligent researcher in the field of blockchain technology, I’ve come across some intriguing allegations leveled against Floyd Mayweather by ZachXBT, a well-known figure in this space. The accusation? Mayweather is believed to be linked to several token scams based on the available evidence.

Mayweather has been embroiled in various controversies surrounding token schemes throughout his past, including legal disputes and out-of-court agreements. Zackxbt recently accused the retired boxing legend of participating in a new deceptive token project.

“Some things never change with scamming your fans,” Zackxbt said.

Floyd Mayweather unveiled a new digital currency called FLOYD and actively endorsed it on his social media channels. Yet, he unexpectedly took down the promotional tweet following its release, leaving some concerned about potential questionable dealings once more.

As a crypto investor, I’d like to emphasize that Floyd Mayweather has reportedly made substantial profits in the cryptocurrency market. Specifically, he has earned tens of millions of dollars through various projects such as Mayweverse, EthereumMax, Bored Bunny, Real Floyd NFT, and Moonshot.

After amassing vast fortunes through collaborations with Mayweather, Ethereum Max, Bored Ape Yacht Club, Real Floyd NFT, Moonshot, and numerous ICOs in 2018, does Floyd merit another opportunity?

— ZachXBT (@zachxbt) June 2, 2024

In 2022, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) accused Floyd Mayweather of not disclosing compensation he received for endorsing the initial coin offerings (ICOs) of three companies, including Centra Tech. The SEC claimed that Mayweather utilized his Twitter account to persuade his fan base to join Centra’s ICO, emphasizing its imminent start and urging them to purchase tokens before they ran out.

In 2018, Mayweather had to pay fines of over $600,000 for unlawfully touting coin offerings.

Mayweather scams in the past

Investors have experienced substantial monetary setbacks as a result of Mayweather’s involvement in promoting supposedly fraudulent ventures. Among these initiatives were Centra Tech’s ICO, EthereumMax (EMAX) cryptocurrency, Bored Bunny NFTs, Floyd’s World, and FLOYD token. Each of these schemes was unmasked as rug pulls.

As a crypto investor, I’ve experienced the disappointment when creators of certain coins unexpectedly removed liquidity and vanished, leaving behind worthless tokens. Sadly, my investment in those projects turned out to be fruitless due to their absence. And as for Mayweather’s involvement, it unfortunately brought about negative repercussions for many individuals involved in those projects.

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2024-06-03 19:46