Crypto Twitter Reacts to SEC Executive Joining Pump.Fun Rumour

As an experienced financial analyst with a background in securities regulation and cryptocurrencies, I find the situation surrounding David Hirsch’s alleged joining of intriguing. Based on the available information, my initial opinion is that the news of Hirsch joining was likely a miscommunication or a sarcastic statement.

David Hirsch, who previously led the Crypto Asset and Cyber Unit at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), has clarified that he hasn’t accepted any position with Pump.Fun, despite their recent announcement welcoming him to their team.

I analyzed the social media post made by David on Monday. In it, he declared his departure from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) after having spent nearly a decade there. He expressed eagerness and enthusiasm for the upcoming challenges in the first person.

As a crypto investor, I’m excited to share that just hours after the announcement of David leaving the SEC, Pump.Fun made an official welcome statement on X (previously known as Twitter) introducing him as their new “Head of Trading.” This news was also reported by Binance News.

I analyzed the situation and came to the conclusion that David dismissed the rumors directly in a comment on his LinkedIn post, stating, “This claim by pumpdotfun is false.” Subsequently, the news article about him joining on the Binance website was removed.

Some Twitter users speculated that the remark made by might have been a sarcastic jab or a part of an intricate prank, considering the ongoing friction between the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and cryptocurrency trading platforms.

Crypto Twitter Reacts to SEC Executive Joining Pump.Fun Rumour

As a researcher, I came across a Twitter user who made a claim about the statement from the account on X. They mentioned that the statement was meant to be a joke and that people seemed to have missed this aspect. The user specifically pointed out’s tweet which read, “David will oversee the launch of over 1,000 coins per day at’s new internal trading desk.” This suggests that the user believed the excessive number of coins to be an unlikely and humorous prospect.

A cryptocurrency advocate made an accusation towards Pump.Fun, suggesting that they deliberately instigate the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in order to obtain a subpoena. This action could subsequently result in regulatory intervention. With a touch of sarcasm, the same individual added, “Cryptocurrency is a highly professional field with individuals engaged in most grave activities.”

On the other hand, many people are greeting David Hirsch on joining the 

The crypto community is on tenterhooks, anticipating clear-cut information as to whether David Hirsch has indeed affiliated with Pump.Fun.

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2024-06-18 12:52