Donald Trump Hosts Dinner for NFT Buyers Amid New York Trial

As a seasoned crypto investor with a keen interest in NFTs, I find this latest development involving Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago dinner for NFT buyers both intriguing and concerning. The fact that the former president is using his name and likeness to sell NFTs, even during legal proceedings, speaks volumes about the commercial potential of this burgeoning market.

During a break in his New York court proceedings, Donald Trump, the American presidential hopeful, welcomed backers to a gala dinner at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida instead.

On this coming Wednesday evening, the event is specifically designed for individuals who have purchased a significant number of the “Mugshot Edition” NFTs. These NFTs represent digital figures depicting his 2023 arrest, which was allegedly related to attempts to influence the outcomes of the 2020 elections.

Based on Axios’ report, to receive an invitation to the dinner, individuals needed to obtain over 47 NFTs, each valued at $99. For access to a VIP cocktail party preceding the dinner, one had to purchase a minimum of 100 NFTs, which amounted to approximately $10,000 in total. The significant investors will further receive tangible memorabilia in the form of cards, bearing parts of the suit and tie Donald Trump wore during his arrest.

Trump referred to the trial as a “sham” and expressed preference for being on the campaign trail in crucial states instead. He is currently facing charges that involve allegedly falsifying business records concerning payments made to Stormy Daniels, an adult film actress.

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2024-05-08 17:40