Hidden Road Halts ByBit Access Over KYC and AML Concerns

As a researcher with a background in financial regulation and compliance, I find the ongoing dispute between Hidden Road and ByBit over KYC policies and AML requirements to be of great interest. Having studied the effectiveness of AML regulations in reducing illicit financial flows, I can’t help but feel a sense of déjà vu.

Clients of Hidden Road, a brokerage firm with backing from Citadel, have been barred from utilizing the cryptocurrency exchange platform ByBit. This restriction stems from disputes over Know Your Customer (KYC) policies and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations. The affected clients were notified of this decision several weeks prior.

It appears that disagreements over regulatory matters have caused the discord between Hidden Road and ByBit. In response, ByBit has announced its plan to scrutinize its business practices as a brokerage platform to adhere to established regulations.

According to a report published in the Policy Design and Practice journal, the current Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations fail to significantly curb illicit financial flows, accounting for only a tiny fraction, roughly 0.1%, of the criminal profits.

From my perspective as a researcher, the implementation of stringent regulations has driven the emergence of platforms like Samurai Wallet and Monero. These entities offer crypto mixing and tumbling services to users as a means of bypassing regulatory measures. Yet, these solutions have attracted significant scrutiny from legal authorities in the past.

This past April, Keonne Rodriguez and William Lonergan Hill, the architects behind Samurai Wallet, were apprehended by American law enforcement for allegedly breaching money laundering regulations.

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2024-05-31 01:40